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Hi Kev,


That's a cracking video, the saloon looks great and the loco sounds very good. Look forward to seeing it live in October!


Charlie mentioned Bifs new 37 recorded at Bo'ness I think its got more thrash from working up the gradient on the line.


Hope all is well with you



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  • 2 weeks later...

Fine thanks Mark, apart from a lack of work! A late reply I'm afraid due to sampling the delights of Blackpool with the family.


A reminder, Loch Dour will be appearing at Millom show next weekend, and this is posed especially for the show manager-




Details are on the RMweb exhibitions page - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/87747-millom-model-railex-september-6th-7th/

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just when I thought there would be nothing new to report before Loch Dour's imminent appearance at our show these have arrived -




I have toned down the under frames with some dry brushing with black and rust shades and added coal loads with dilute PVA, which is of course the white in the pictures. I only had enough no18 Kaydee's to fit the outer ends of the three, so the tension locks have been tweaked between them to give the same buffer gap until more can be procured! This is the finished rake -




Pictured on Parrot Hall as Loch Dour is all boxed up!


I'm also hoping to collect Legomanbiffo's 'West Highland 37' decoder from the D&E stand this weekend for installation in 37 178 after the show. And MRDblue wants me to install my 37 423 program on his model of 37 423 for some reason?


Our show details are here if you wish to see and hear the layout 'in the flesh' - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/86135-furness-model-railway-show-october-11th12th-2014/



Edited by kevpeo
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Loch Dour is all set up in 70's mode at Barrow show. Just needs a 'hoover' and a test run now. It is nice to see it again, as it has been stored at the clubrooms since Millom show. Mind, the three new 16t's are still a little damp! Kev.

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Thanks Ian. It is always nice to put a face to the avatar! Shame you never got to see OzzyO, but he never managed to put in an appearance, and by the time I was contacted by him yesterday he had lost his voice. That could be seen as a blessing by some! Kev.

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Thanks Ian. It is always nice to put a face to the avatar! Shame you never got to see OzzyO, but he never managed to put in an appearance, and by the time I was contacted by him yesterday he had lost his voice. That could be seen as a blessing by some! Kev.


Route cause analysis - You did say he never made it to the pub on Saturday night + tales of wow about this on Sunday = No voice on Monday


On a  more serious note, I hope he is OK



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Loch Dour is now safely erected back in the loft after it's local 'outings' so it was back to decoder fitting. I did my tamper first as it was a hard wire job, so the most difficult! Next came a full strip down for 37 178 for its upgrade to Bif's new 37/0 project on a v4. 


'My Lords' what a beast!


I've paired it with DC Kits new 3 watt bass-reflex speaker, so whether it is this, or it is just as loud with the older 1.5 watt one I know not, but it makes a right racket. Its first working was to pilot 37 422 (fitted with the original Bif project) to Inverbeg. I think this is a pair that will be used a lot together from now on. 178 then worked a freight back on its own.


The layout has stood up well to its travels, except the Loch, which is showing signs of 'delaminating'. The 'water' was produced using layers of PVA wood glue, but it looks like I may have to redo it in gloss varnish. Which will at least make it look 'wetter'! Kev.

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  • 1 month later...

I had a fantastic day at the Lakeside & Haverthwaite railway today in the company of 'unitned' driving 20 214! Even better I have six hours(!) of recordings to work with. Including cold and warm starts and some good horns. I may even post up some pictures of the day tomorrow! Kev.


edit - Oh, just noticed, post number 1000!!!!!!!

Edited by kevpeo
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As threatened, some (poor phone) photo's from yesterday. First of all many thanks once again to the staff at the Lakeside & Haverthwaite railway for a fantastic day on the driver experience course.


We arrived just before 9.30 for a briefing (with coffee and bacon sarnies included!)before they let me clamber all over 20 214 to set up my recoding gear. As the 20 is a 'heavy smoker' when cold, we were then shunted out of the shed with an 03 before I got my 'cold start'. When I booked the day it was on the understanding that we would be 'light engine' with the diesel. The steam course includes a train! Therefore it came as a nice surprise to find they had made up a PW train for us to pull!




Seen here on arrival at Lakeside. The train consisted of two 'dogfish', a 'lowmac', a four wheel tank wagon and a 'shark' ballast brake van.


While 'unitned' (hence to be referred to as Rick!) ran round, I jumped off to get a photo of the 'dead cat on a stick' very securely fastened to the handrail and door handle of 214 with pipe insulation and 'wrap ties'!




And here is the man himself looking very comfortable indeed -




A better(!) shot of the dead cat on arrival back at Haverthwaite -




Each time the 03 shunted the train off us to allow a change of ends, as Haverthwaites run round was full of MK1's!




Not the best photo (an understatement!) but it was taken through a damp 20's windscreen. We had two round trips in the morning, followed by lunch in the station restaurant, and a further two trips in the afternoon. By which point it was raining! But I took the decision it wasn't too heavy and left the mic out in the damp! Here is the last run ready to leave Lakeside in failing light -




On arrival back we were treated to an afternoon tea of scones! I'd thoroughly recommend it as a fantastic day out. Not cheap, but we had basically hired the railway for the day, inc driver, secondman and guard.


And if there are no kids or animals looking,




Be warned,




The official souvenir picture -





Sorry!!! As you can see, we didn't dress up for the day! Kev.

Edited by kevpeo
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