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Model rail 138 December


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  • RMweb Gold

And not just one 'interesting announcement' ( I wish 'Model Rail' every success with their interesting venture, shame the venue is a bit of a way away from here :( ), but also another 'announcement' carefully hidden away in an article.


As far as the second is concerned - was I right in something I suggested on RMWeb 3 a while back about what might appear from a certain national museum or is somebody else making it? Whoever, and whatever the scale, I look forward to double-framed delight in the coming year B) :icon_cool: :icon_thumbsup2: :icon_drool:

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I wouldn't trust model rail with my secrets (quote)


You have no idea how long we've sat on this and had the 'OK' to publish, then been told not to! It has been on and off since the spring, at least. I understand this month's feature article was agreed with the people concerned.


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I wouldn't trust model rail with my secrets (quote)


You have no idea how long we've sat on this and had the 'OK' to publish, then been told not to! It has been on and off since the spring, at least. I understand this month's feature article was agreed with the people concerned.




I guess I have to buy the magzine to see what the fuss is all about.




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  • RMweb Gold

I wouldn't trust model rail with my secrets (quote)


You have no idea how long we've sat on this and had the 'OK' to publish, then been told not to! It has been on and off since the spring, at least. I understand this month's feature article was agreed with the people concerned.



Its amazing that just a few words has made my day Chris.Lets hope its a beauty ! ;)

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Indeed, having seen Truro myself I think that the broad hint was matched by a broad grin here. I have to say I do like some other region engines but Im guessing my preserved line up north will be having this NRM visitor to make an appearance!


Now who will make it, Hornby or Bachmann... Im thinking the latter...

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Having just seen the DVD I think its quite good and certainly could be a feature that the odd DVD is released covering some things that feature within the magazine. This would be good if it came with those that renew their subscriptions as there isnt much point in doing so when you consider that gifts are offered to those that take out the subscription. I particularly liked the airbursh part of the DVD and the parts featuring the layouts on Tetley Mills and the North West modern one. Will have to consider getting the airbrush DVD I think you do.



This months mag was quite informative too. I dont know what to make of the model live idea. While I think its a novel aproach to get people to see model railways, Im just unsure whether some areas of Barrow Hill, like the roundhouse would be wonderful for showing layouts. However, the idea of moving engines with the smaller counterparts is an attractive idea. Centrally located as well, im sure it will be popular.

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but the commentary isn't. ".(quote)


Oops - I don't remember writing that but it must just be a slip of the pen. However - hardly means the whole script isn't, surely?

I've told you a million times not to exaggerate......


This would be good if it came with those that renew their subscriptions as there isnt much point in doing so when you consider that gifts are offered to those that take out the subscription (quote)


The gifts are INTRODUCTORY. If we gave them every time a subscriber renewed, there would be no profit in producing the magazine! We DO give discounts to subscribers on our reader offers, limited editions etc, to reward their loyalty, and will be doing some special things for subscribers at Model Rail Live.


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I've just finished reading MR 136 and started 137. I'd better get a move on. DVD sounds good though - at least I can watch that with my 2 year old daughter rather than having her say "pictures trains... next page" which is why it takes me so long to read!

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Indeed, having seen Truro myself I think that the broad hint was matched by a broad grin here. I have to say I do like some other region engines but Im guessing my preserved line up north will be having this NRM visitor to make an appearance!


Now who will make it, Hornby or Bachmann... Im thinking the latter...

I agree, Truro is a nice choice and I am sure it will be popular. As to which manufacturer, I would probably plump for Bachmann purely on the basis that there would then be a chance it might appear in N gauge at some future date.


How about it Chris, any chance of an N gauge version? :)

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Delighted to win third prize in the competition, no idea what I'll do with ??50 worth of drill though!


Over the moon to feature in the magazine that I've followed since I was 10 (with a bit of a break for guitars and girls ;) ). Thanks guys for a great magazine.



Well done!

I have been told by a friend who has received his copy that my layout Pen Y Bont was second! Although I have not got my copy of the magazine yet.

(I get mine from the local newsagent and the stage coach only calls at Telford once a fortnight!)

I will be interesting to see which of the pictures I sent in have been used and it would be more interesting to see what prize if any I have got!

No doubt I'll get to hear or see in a day or two.

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  • RMweb Gold

The 1st prize winner in the Dremel competition is also a forum member, so it would appear the whole thing was sewn up by the RMweb mafia.


Anyway, I think this was another good issue overall. The DVD made a nice extra, especially the feature on Boldon Junction, which was Railway of the Month in the first ever copy of Railway Modeller I bought, when I was about eight, and remains one of my favourite layouts. This, getting the Truro scoop, and the announcement of Model Rail Live contribute to the very strong run that Model Rail is having at the moment.


Though I don't like to comment on the quality of the layouts, I noticed that both of the last two issues have featured layouts which use foam underlay as ballast. In my opinion that's moving towards crossing the line from model railway to train set, and not quite in keeping with the usual very high standard of modelling in Model Rail.



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Though I don't like to comment on the quality of the layouts, I noticed that both of the last two issues have featured layouts which use foam underlay as ballast. In my opinion that's moving towards crossing the line from model railway to train set, and not quite in keeping with the usual very high standard of modelling in Model Rail.


Yep, possibly, but to mitigate; the layout in question, while not being the pinnical of finescale modelling, is interesting for two reasons. Firstly it's obviously a fun running layout for enjoying the operational side of the hobby, and secondly for the unusual storage system deployed in being suspeneded from the ceiling and lowered for use. It reminds me of what I found a very amusing comment in a Model Railways Special edited by the late great Cyril Freezer; "Few houses have sufficient headroom for a layout to be suspended in this fashion, but, even more to the point, it is not a good idea to have a large suspended weight over an area in which people foregather. The Sword of Damocles has nothing on this, that would just get one man, a suspended layout in a dining room could put the entire dinner party in hospital." :D



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Worth buying for the DVD alone. I liked it for the videos of sectorisation era, real life rail served industry and the verbal ideas for conversion into model form. As someone who is still in his infancy of model railways it was an inspiration. Well done Model Rail.



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Foam ballast underlay?


When selecting layouts for publication we look at a great deal more than just the ballast. If other aspects of the layout stand up well in the pictures then we wouldn't refuse a layout just because the builder used foam underlay. We are in the business of encouraging people through from the 'train set' to the 'model railway' and part of that transition may well be changing ones choice of ballast/underlay. Yes, we look for superb layouts to feature but we have two or three layouts in every issue and they will cover a range of skill and 'scale authenticity' levels. Some people will find a Pendon-quality layout inspirational, others will look at it and say 'I could never build it that good, therefore I won't even try'. We have to cater for both levels of reader, and everyone in between.


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