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Great British Locomotives


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Guest Centurion

Hmmm......as is often said of MTK these look like an aid to scratchbuilding would be the kindest words I could offer! Why are the bogies made of red plastic??? It looks like some of you have made a decent job of some of these with a huge amount of work, and one could argue its no less work than using a 3D printed body (but without having to sand of all those peculiar striations you get with that material!)


On the flip side - these are cheap collectables and are not meant to be high models as they stand or the mag would be much more expensive, as they say you get what you pay for.

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I have just managed to get the Butler Henderson Model after putting some miles on the clock of my car after work today. My usual calling places on the way back from London had none left, but by chance a WHSMITH's in next town up from us had them in abundance!!. I was amazed about the Locomotive Model its not that bad, and was pleasantly surprised to have been given a folder too. As mentioned in other threads to this topic not bad for £ 8.99.


Haven' t added comments as of late mainly because I haven't had time due to work commitments but was slightly taken aback about a comment in my last thread. I had mentioned what work I was doing to the awful 'Coronation' model I was working on back in August.       For the record she is looking blooming good, a lot better than the original model as produced by 'Great Bulbous Lumps' And yes I did use Chloroxylenol(Dettol) for an over night soak before going to work the next morning.


On this subject there was no 'gloom and doom' a superb cleaned up body and tender. No damage at all and no warping. Just for the record over the past years have used all different kinds of products including Acetone Free nail varnish remover but never white spirit. Think it's a case of 'better the devil you know' on this subject, also agree with a thread from another member a while back, that if you've made a mistake then so be it!! Everybody's approach to modelling is different.


If I get the time this week after work I will continue my thread on this subject and try to upload photographs of the Coronation as she now looks and is progressing, she isn't finished yet but I also have ideas for tidying up some of the other GBL models. See what time I have.??

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In this year in which we are remembering the Great War it could be noted that some of the D11s carried names commemorating battles of that war, and Modelmaster list suitable name plates and cabside numbers (on coloured panels for BR, though I'll get Disagrees for stating that fact again, I expect) for several, including Somme, Marne, Jutland, Mons, Ypres and Zeebrugge.



Sadly no plates are available for the wonderfully named Baillie MacWheeble or Luckie Mucklebackit.





>No Connection<

Edited by Smiffy2
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Thanks Smiffy2 for your review in post #2761.


 Yes, once out of the carton the imperfections start to become noticable, particularly the self coloured red/brown plastic predominant on the tender, then the brake or heating hose attached upside down to the rear of the tender and the vertical fix of the fall plate. The 2 latter items are thankfully easily fixed, as was the slanted front buffer beam on the loco. It seems that the wiggly brake hose mounted on the front running plate can exert a springing tension when fixed in its locating hole on the buffer beam and force this out of alignment during assembly.


Nonetheless, I think the lining and crests on my example are quite neat and this model is certainly worth the asking price.


Possibly then not 'The Best Yet', but certainly among the better offerings of this series






Edit for spelling

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Got mine on my way home from work.I have 3 ordered from my local newsagents, however the shop only had been sent one the distributors say they have not received enough of them yet. So It may be they will be hard to get hold of so act quickly.

I was surprised to see the binder along with it, I thought they were only sent to you if you had taken out a subscription. While I'm glad to have one this means I will end up with 4 binders. Like buses you wait ages then 4 turn up at the same time.

Anyway the model is very nice. I agree with smiffy about the red colour, any suggestions which colour of Humbrol is closest?. Other than that the decoration is very good, I will be keeping one in this livery, however it almost seems a shame to repaint the others BR Black. Only other small jobs I can see are to fit better coal in the tender, and paint the cab interior.

Mention was made about making it one of the Scottish Directors however I think there are a lot of dimensional differences. Wish our friend weatheringman, was around to advise, get well soon mate.

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In this year in which we are remembering the Great War it could be noted that some of the D11s carried names commemorating battles of that war, and Modelmaster list suitable name plates and cabside numbers (on coloured panels for BR, though I'll get Disagrees for stating that fact again, I expect) for several, including Somme, Marne, Jutland, Mons, Ypres and Zeebrugge.



Sadly no plates are available for the wonderfully named Baillie MacWheeble or Luckie Mucklebackit.





>No Connection<




Oh really!  I disagree on that fact, I will not be disagreeing!



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WHS in Chester this afternoon had only 3 binders in the display box, and no GBL anywhere else that I could see...


Plenty of bits of Mallard, Bugs, U Boat bits , etc.


Enquiring, I was told they were running late, and that 8 were expected, possibly tomorrow, Thursday.


Binders are meant to be supplied with the "mag", so make sure you get yours!


(I got one from another outlet in Chester, that had 3 on display, 2 when I had left...)

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As I'm going to Ypres in December on the school battle fields trip I think one of these representing the one so named is what I need, I may even take it with me.

It'll be cheaper than the 43xx I was going to do.

I'm never without something no matter how small.

Edit: some modelling :)


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Mention was made about making it one of the Scottish Directors however I think there are a lot of dimensional differences. Wish our friend weatheringman, was around to advise, get well soon mate.

A shorter chimney and dome, according to the LNER Encyclopaedia, and a lower cab. The first two would probably be easy, the third not so much.

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Modelmaster don't make etched nameplates for the Scottish D11/2s because the locomotives didn't carry nameplates. The name was painted on the elongated splashers, which was common in Scotland. These are available from Modelmaster in the transfer section under BR 1948-1968 Loco Numbers in both white and cream. Reference Nos. G251 - G254 with a W for white. These also include transfers for cabside and smokebox numbers.


And no, they don't have coloured backing. :)




If you want etched smokebox numberplates, then 247 Developments make some of these.





Hope this is of use to somebody.



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Just allowing my thoughts to meander...I with others have used alternative chassis to motorise..improve the looks below decks....just taken the chassis off butler Henderson. It has one ingredient often missing in alternative chassis....inherent weight...therefore better traction. My dremel has been very busy with the upper halves..most notably the black 5....caprotti cylinders on work bench. If I can file off cast wheels..glue/ solder frames and wheel bearings. Will report back in due course...that is if I can work out how to untie this rear fastening jacket........

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Well, the GBL series has officially arrived in Southern Sydney.


Although I didn't pick one up this morning, I did see that there were two in the local newsagents. If there's any left there on the weekend, it might become 1, as a supplement to the three (down from 5) that I had shipped out via visiting relative in March

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What a chuffing shambles! I've just phoned the GBL "customer service centre" with a view to ordering two copies of the latest mag, with Butler-Henderson. They say it isn't released yet, and that issue 16 is "Locomotion and the early pioneers" with Butler Henderson not due until issue 18 which won't be released for distribution until the very end of this month. I have of course pointed out to the poor pleb on the phone that his info is total shoemenders, 16 Butler-Henderson actually being in the shops as we spoke.

I haven't ordered anything at this stage and he is going to try to get an updated list!

Is there any wonder that some people seem to get VERY long delays on orders. It's not so much a case of right hand not knowing what left hand is doing - they don't even seem to be attached to the same body.



Hi Mike,


How good is the cab roof detail please?

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