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Great British Locomotives


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Once again you get your facts wrong - on several past occasions I have stated that my information is based on telephone conversations held each weekend with someone at the 'production' side of things and is not speculation but also that often I have been asked not to reveal too much too early in case plans have to change - as has happened at least twice.


As for the 'comment' by horsetan - I have no wish at all to have a monopoly of any such information but I would like to see correct information posted not supposition or incorrect information apparently 'gleened' from those who are not 'in the know' or in posession of the correct facts.


Like others I know I have no wish to take part in pointless debate based on rumour.

As an attempt on my part to put the position clearly has been interpreted by this poster as a 'slanging match' I will therefor as of now offer no further information or review postings to this thread in case should it be desireable to correct something is again taken to be a 'slanging match' rather than information intended to help keep the record straight or to help someone.

I’ll refer to my earlier post.


The information was given in good faith, and I thought it interesting.

The staff that provided it was confident with its content when I gleaned the information from them. I have no reason to believe they would want to mislead me.


It really was that simple.


I think it is an interesting list, posterity will judge its accuracy, if it is incorrect, I can live with that. I won't cry about it. But it is far from idle speculation. It WAS provided by the publisher.


The posters here have certainly found it interesting, and are more than capable of delivering their own judgements and beliefs on its accuracy, and I can live with that also.

We all know nothing is guaranteed. No one can be 100% certain about anything.


I was not attacking any individual, and certainly making no outrageous claims.


ANYONE is entitled to procure information, and they are also entitled, as I have, to post it in these threads.

Members and casual visitors of this site can then make their own mind up.


This is a democracy, not a monarchical feudatory administered by a ruling monarch.

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I have no doubt kingpin posted the link in good faith having got it from the publishers. On the other hand weathering man has a reliable source and has shown that in the past. Time will tell how many on kingpins list come to fruition. Whether or not they appear in the same order we will need to wait and see.

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Dear all on a lighter note the war in the Ukraine might yet spark ww3...Ebola is far from defeated....and Isis are murdering all and sundry....but all not in the same league of despair as when my chassis with its beautiful motion developed yet another bind.......suddenly the hobby of beer mat collecting seemed to appeal....

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My first entry for 2015!!


Just had time to catch up on this thread on the on going saga of GBL Magazine! All as usual very interesting and has given me more taste for the future on these products.(That's if you can still get them!!??).


I have been very lucky with obtaining these items on a fortnightly basis. Although think my luck may be running out down here in the South. It appears that the magazine is getting fewer by the issue. Also getting incredibly difficult to get hold of??As  I have mentioned in my previous threads that the quality of some of models has been a lot to be desired!!


Latest issue the superb Std4 Model was an example at Smiffs in Weybridge Surrey was terrible, great big hole in side of tender due to very bad moulding and it appeared that somebody had lost control of printing process as there was red lining paint scribbled in a very strange pattern on tender and boiler bands!!


Not at all sure what had gone wrong with their quality control (that's of course if they had any)!!


So of course I didn't buy that one.!!


However, several hundreds of miles later and several shops telling me that "we don't sell that anymore" I went to my final port of call and managed to get two. I was very impressed as both of the models were 100% better than the first I looked at. The main reason for buying two was to change one of my old Mainline models to the larger tender type and to repaint the other as 76017 based at Mid Hants Railway.


Why I have done this? I had done work with this locomotive in the 1980s and early 1990s and also fired this locomotive. To wet your appetites I have enclosed photograph taken at Ropley in 1989. You will see the difference to this area now as there is a platform where water crane is in this photograph.


As for what now appears now to be a diminishing supply of GBL Magazines and Models, I have however found in one shop a box of GBL products. Some had been returned to newsagents as customer just didn't like the item or had gone straight to Amercom and ordered them  at Ringwood.


So if people are lacking some models from their collections? I can get at present the following models, although not to sure about some of the magazines but I can only but try??


The models are:-


A3, V2,T9, C CLASS, and 2 X Peaks, think there may have been a Caley/King also hidden in box??


Anybody interested, I maybe able to get these over next couple of weeks. Please feel free to PM me. On subject of Stephenson's Rocket model, I may not require this model so I feel there maybe a swop coming up??


Before ending this thread today , my workbench has another GBL conversion coming on, its the Class 45 Peak model which I will be converting back to class 44 using Craftsman parts.


Lets see what can be achieved here??



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Here's my take on the C class. It's on an Airfix chassis from a 4F. Nedrahn posted about his work on this above, so  I expect this one  is pretty much the same. So far, this is to see if it will all fit together.




Tender: Coal moulding cut away to clear motor housing, will require new "domed"  coal load (plus real coal added, of course).  Loco: Centre of loco footplate cut away for chassis and wiring to sit properly.  As Nedrahn said, it was necessary to cut off the end of the Airfix loco chassis for the slightly shorter C class.  I've got a screw mounting lined up for the front of the footplate/chassis, but still need a fixing at the cab end.  I used a dremel drill with circular saw type cutter on the footplate/tender bits and a junior hacksaw to cut the end off the Airfix chassis.  Actually, the dremel drill is a B & Q clone (well this is a GBL model). The GBL plastic seems a bit "soapy", more difficult to score and snap but the dremel cutter worked very well.




So far looks like this, the tender chassis is still the 4F one, the C class will be ok but I cut too large a space underneath it so need to add some cross members in the right places to attach it, also fit the drawbar.  Need to try it running next to check clearances  between loco wheels/body. The drive mech was ok before I put it under the C, so should run ok.


As Sarahagain pointed out, the 4F chassis has sand boxes between the wheels and these will have to be cut off but I'll try it running first. 


As Nedrahn said the loco needs weighting, a 4F is 160 gm. so I need to add some weight [but I won't be melting lead on the kitchen stove :-) ]

In my experience Airfix tender drive locos seem sensitive to pickups, and need enough weight to keep loco driving wheels turning. As part of this exercise I got out 2 4Fs one of which ran for several hours slowly round on an unfitted freight, no problems at all, but the other remains a problem and will sometimes stall  in places no matter how pickups are adjusted. Another one that had been boxed for years and never detailed/modified ran perfectly when I put it on the track.  So can be good locos.



ps no bottles of klear were harmed in the making of this post :sungum:



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