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The Mill

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I've not posted much on your threads since Backup slowed, But as it is coming around to that time of year and it will be your first together.....

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and Sophia.


Shall be watching the build as usually, 

And for Stubbys cheek I think he should make you a little something to go on the layout ;p

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  • RMweb Premium

When it comes t' mills "t' bigger t' better I say". :drag: Is it textile or something less lucrative?

Well done and good luck with all those windows mate.
Seasons greeting to you both.

Edited by Sasquatch
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Chris came round last night with the boards, turnout motors, electromagnets, etc. and after chatting and dicking around for a while, we got on with fitting them to the underside of the boards and drilling the holes for wires, etc. tonight, we might just get some of them wired up.


Aside from that, I'm working from home today and it's really quiet so I thought I'd use the opportunity to progress with the buildings a bit. The stone part of the mill was actually done a week ago (it's the only ready painted sheet of Plastikard I have, although three more are in progress) and is currently having the window recesses bent round.


I also got on with the basic shell for the loading shed and as can be seen, to properly block the fiddle yard, the Mill is going to need to be even bigger. Just as well that I didn't attach the short end piece to the main building yet really.








The hopper (blurred as it is) has now been weathered.

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Some more progress, not all of it visible. The mill itself has more stonework added, with the folding in of the window recesses in progress - I have run out of painted stonework again (three sheets so far....). You may notice that it has been extended slightly, mainly because you could see too easily into the fiddle yard. You can also see the start of the tower on the end (with a bit on top that I forgot to cut off fully).


Not visible is the formers for the interior; 8 of them so far, for support and for the roof to sit on.


So, in no particular order:











Merry Christmas everyone :)

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I shouldn't have looked at this just after knocking up a quick mockup of the new Scalescenes low-relief factory, to see how it fits my new layout! It's so weedy and insignificant in comparison :scratchhead:.

I feel like that some mornings. :nono:  :nono: :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  

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Chris and I had another session on the layout last night, progressing with the wiring to the point where the turnouts are now wired (via a Switch-8) and the track is powered. We still need to add the Frog Juicers to the diamond and lay the two remaining sidings (coal drops and loading shed), as well as the sector plate for the FY but we giggled like school kids as Chris's Neilson jumped into life and traversed the track (including the diamond, powered via holding a bit of wire to the relevant frog).


I have been getting on with the mill building, firstly adding the final section of dressed stone (pre-painted / weathered - by me, I hasten to add) and bending in the window recesses, and am now progressing with adding the lintels and sills. Sills have all been done, and I am making headway with the lintels, as can be seen below. Once all have been done, I can paint the lintels and sills stone colour and weather then, and then move on to the windows.


Sofia said that we were laughing and giggling so much last night that if she didn't know better, she'd have sworn we were drunk :)







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I tried to upload a video of my C12 traversing the turnouts (and the turnouts working) but it was awful quality and didn't upload correctly so you will have to take my word for it.

Note to Chris, I altered the CV's and it runs like a beauty now. It's bogie and trailing pony truck went through the turnouts without a glitch :)

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I should add, the gaps and mis-aligned stonework between sheets (I tried all kinds of combinations but failed) will be where downpipes, etc., are placed to disguise them :)

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A few more shots. Excuse the lighting in most; I had to uae the flash and because of limited space, couldn't get the tripod out.


The length of the mill to date (tower still to be built to the Left) with most of my stock on it. The C12 won't be used at exhibitions.





The loading shed hasn't progressed as I have been concentrating on the main building. The two will eventually be linked by a walkway/bridge, hence the plain section of wall on the mill.





Two 21 ton hoppers; an LNER built one and a BR one, in a much healthier state.





Very blurry but this gives an impression of what we are hoping for; small locos shuffling a handful of wagons around, dwarfed by their surroundings.



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It's looking the part already nice work in all aspects


That's going to be one hell of a mill lol


Great work look forward to more



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Yep, although they do need a bit of trimming to make them more ornate; a handful have been done - look above and behind the C12, second floor up. Will hopefully get the rest done tomorrow at some point so I can apply the first coat of paint to them all, then weather and touch up all the white bits where the stone has been bent into the recesses, and then I can start on the windows themselves, followed by tackling the lucams (it looks odd without them).


I have to admit to playing trains quite a bit today, using the C12 and a couple of wagons (propelling them as there are no AJ's yet of course). I bet you wish you'd taken the board home with you so you could have had a play :D


Edit: I didn't intentionally take the shot to include the under-board instructions; I was just trying to show a Tortoise and the Switch-8 :)

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I tried to upload a video of my C12 traversing the turnouts (and the turnouts working) but it was awful quality and didn't upload correctly so you will have to take my word for it.

Note to Chris, I altered the CV's and it runs like a beauty now. It's bogie and trailing pony truck went through the turnouts without a glitch :)


Well it is EM afterall.


All the best to you and yours Jason.


Dave Franks.

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