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N Gauge Class 390 Pendolino (post Kickstarter) with Rapido

Revolution Ben

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  • RMweb Gold



Thanks.  For such a GWR man I can only imagine how much that must have hurt!  But thanks for getting us to 90%!  Next milestone will be £190K... then just 20K short.


So as Mike says, if anyone has a spare 5K they don't need until next Spring... and I seriously think it will do better than in a building society right now...!




Ben A.

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Just added a 9 car to mine.


A fair few leaflets went this weekend but if any one is after a souvenir one,  then  we have some to go with your Pendolino when it arrives!!


35 minutes to go....

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


15 minutes to go.  90% pledged. 482 backers.  Will there be some waiting to the last minute to get us over 500 backers?


Whether or not we reach the target I just want to say an enormous thank you to everyone who has supported us - with pledges, or website banners, or handing out leaflets at shows, on social media or just telling pals at the club.

It's been - especially in these last moments - a rollercoaster ride.

And let's not forget, whether the Kickstarter target is reached or not, thanks to Rapido we all win!


Ben A.

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An achievement of outstanding importance.


To have raised that amount of money in pledges is quite remarkable, and this will have a significant impact on the hobby. Not least through me having to build a new railway to run the 390 on next year ;-)


Plenty of analysis to come I am sure, but for now huge well done to Ben and Mike.



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Turned out to be really close in the end. A fantastic effort from all involved I must say.

I pledged for a Poppylino a few days ago but added another 11-car towards the end of today. 

If anything Plan B allows me to go for the extra one with a 50% deposit on both being much more manageable.


I look forward to the next 14+ months.

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  • RMweb Gold

*Slowly exhales*


Wow!  But, ultimately, a glorious fail....




So now... we move to Plan B...


Thank you to all our backers and supporters for your pledges and help with the Kickstarter campaign. It has been a great experience with everyone pulling together and while we didn't quite make the target the journey does not stop there.

As we mentioned earlier this week we are delighted that Rapido have agreed to press ahead with the project, however we still need to gather funds to allow the design and tooling to go ahead as planned.


We have created a secure website for the purpose of taking deposits and pre-orders for the project - a link to this is being sent to all our backers whose contact details we had.

Backers have until 31 January to place their orders; then the prices will go up then and the pre-order process will be open to everyone.

Thank you once again for all your support,

Ben and Mike

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  • RMweb Premium

Plan B it is then! 


Thank you for pushing this project forward, its been very exciting to watch today well done to Ben and Mike for all their hard work over the last few months :)


Best get soldering some catenary...



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  • RMweb Gold

Massive congratulations to Ben & Mike. Whilst the Kickstarter target wasn't reached, to be less than £20,000 away considering the relatively short time the appeal was running is a huge achievement in itself!


The main thing is that we are now getting a Pendolino in N Gauge, so in that respect this venture has succeeded in its aim.


I've placed my order and transferred the deposit, now looking forward to the 1st official project update!


Well done chaps!



Edited by TomE
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Well done everyone!  That was an AMAZING achievement!




Now we're going to see lots of Kickstarter attempts, but I doubt any will be as successful. OK - who is with me in supporting a new fleet of APT-P train sets in 1:1 scale? We'll put it on Kickstarter and we only need to raise £210,000,000!   :jester:


Seriously well done.




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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, this was a fantastic effort...well done to both Ben and Mike, as well as all those who pledged and who have spread the word though exhibitions, forums and word of mouth to get this so close to the target. It is a shame the Kickstarter target was missed, but we are now looking forward to seeing how this will develop...as well as seeing if any future developments.


Exciting times ahead! 

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  • RMweb Gold

So close, yet so frustrating!


On to plan B - all our Kickstarter backers (who had agreed to receive Updates) should have had notification of how to access Plan B for the Kickstarter prices. I'll email the same details to backers either later tonight or tomorrow just in case anyone has missed it.


Cheers, Mike

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


Thanks again for all the kind words and support.  Much appreciated, and what is wonderful is the sense of community engendered.  I really want to keep this going as we move the project forward, both with our pledgers and of course our new backers come Feb 1st.


TBH I am still coming down after that last countdown.  The totals were moving so quickly at the end I do wonder whether, if we'd been at £194K this lunchtime, we'd have made it....


And I thought live TV was tense!  It's a walk in the park by comparison!!




Ben A.

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Hi Jason,


First of all many thanks for deciding to take this forward.


Ben and Mike are now taking 50% deposits under plan B. What's the state of play for international orders directly through Rapido? Will you also be taking 50% deposits?




John P

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All I can say is a massive well done to Ben and Mike!


Ben you say a massive fail, well don't bad mouth yourself young sir! A fail would mean the target was missed by miles and the Pendolino concept would be going back on the shelves for another (insert double figures here) amount of years!


For the guys at Rapido to be open to running with Plan B with yourselves you may have unwittingly opened the books for more orders straight away at a 50% deposit I know I can now get the Poppy Pendo and a 9 Car so that almost doubles my pledge!


To be so close means you have proven that with the willing a model we really want to see can come to fruition, and although not hitting the target this proves that the kickstart concept does work as an amazing idea if not only to get the funds but also to prove the idea and to manufactures!


Just look at the original polls that were done about what 150 people voted yes on the polls and at the final count 451 backers!

Not only have you proven a concept, but in my eyes proven doubters wrong that with the right people and the right project it does work!

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Hi Jason,


First of all many thanks for deciding to take this forward.


Ben and Mike are now taking 50% deposits under plan B. What's the state of play for international orders directly through Rapido? Will you also be taking 50% deposits?




John P


We haven't finalized that yet, but I think to be fair we will probably have to.


We'll update our web site in the coming days.  Right now Bill is swamped with preparation for the Springfield show - the North American Warley.



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Well done everyone!


Now we're going to see lots of Kickstarter attempts, but I doubt any will be as successful. OK - who is with me in supporting a new fleet of APT-P train sets in 1:1 scale? We'll put it on Kickstarter and we only need to raise £210,000,000!


Hi Jason 12 inch : 1 foot scale APT-P I'll sponsor you a pound for that!




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi thanks Ben and Mike i have paid my deposit cannot wait to get my hands on my first rapido model

mine will be a rule one model as i have no OHEL mine will be run as a Bi mode conversion :-)

all i need now is for the APT-e to go through the shrink ray

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I'm so sorry you came so close without nailing it, guys. I have just rushed here with a terrible sinking feeling having realised the deadline was yesterday, having been wrapped up in family crises for the last week or so, which might have put paid to my chances of affording to join in anyway.


Delighted that your efforts have nevertheless yielded a result. You deserve tremendous credit for all your hard work and tenacity. We need do-ers in our movement, Brian!

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  • RMweb Premium

Desposit paid for an 11 car non sound. Assume the model is DCC ready and only uses one decoder ?


Great Western

One decoder in each powered coach - which is the two end vehicles, so two needed.

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