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Everything posted by Coldgunner

  1. Die Hard on BBC1, sure makes a change from being on ITV2 every other day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Debs.


      It`s been ages since I saw some real make you smile 'classics' like Titfield or Pimlico?......I get so sick of 'Hollyworld'.

    3. Horsetan


      Go and see "War Horse".

    4. keefer


      i believe 'die hard' now shows on polls of favourite xmas movies, as it is set then.....


  2. Even with Greslington in full development, I'm still thinking what to do next!

  3. You think you've got your track sorted, only to find that during ballasting some electrical connections have gone :|

    1. Danemouth


      Same as just happened to me. Bl**dy Murphy's Law!

    2. Coldgunner


      Some of my turnouts have gummed up during painting it seems.

  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G-FARISH-372-378-A3-FLYING-SCOTSMAN-BR-GREEN-VGC-/320698355457?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item4aab1c8f01 Local shop has A3's at half that price...
  5. Yay, Deltic is back! Thank you Bachmann!

  6. First scenery has gone onto Greslington! I have personally watched some gravel and road drink a 1/4 of a pint of water/pva!

  7. has been accepted into the Microsoft Flight Beta. Been looking forward to this!

  8. Wow... You are a very brave man to take a premium model and change it so drastically, and it paid off!
  9. Another day, another refused application.

    1. beast66606
    2. Coldgunner


      Its made all the more difficult when employers hardly bother to even look at applications.

    3. skipepsi


      Try your cv out on anyone you or your family and friends know who hires people and get an outsiders view of it.

  10. is his own worst critic.

    1. skipepsi


      perfectionism is pointless as it is impossible to acheive!

    2. halfwit


      But we shoudn't stop trying!

  11. Crash at Greslington! Fortunately no reported casualties as there is in fact nobody on the train, not even a crew. Hand of God (me) has been called in to clear the wreckage! Loco reportedly still in great condition as will resume service immediately.

    1. Debs.


      Do we need to call HMRI? :-)

    2. Coldgunner


      Wouldn't really want to trouble them with all that paperwork.

  12. New TV show idea... Changing layouts. Wife takes modeller for a trip to the local model shop. While away a team of modellers go into the house and fix up their layout.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. halfwit


      'And, you'll love this, we got rid of all those dirty old grey coal wagons (kit built and painstakingly weathered) and replaced them with shiny new PO Hornmann ones!'

    3. Debs.


      "3-2-1....and open your eyes: do you like it?" :-)

    4. Mikkel


      I think the reaction of most modellers to that situation would be good material for a crime show. I'd certainly contemplate murder if someone filled up my layout with Blue Pullmans :-)

  13. Great British Railway Journeys on BBC2 in a minute, great series!

    1. Mallard60022


      Even better is Ms Bradbury doing the Monsall Trail (again)

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      just watched them, watching the indian one now :)

  14. Is the roof going to be removable at the end? would be a shame for that platform detail to be hidden. Like you say, its a shame such small trains don't really exist any more, unless you can drive its such a pain to get out to some of the villages. Would also ease congestion on the roads.
  15. Today, I'm going to clear up my work area and solve some of my track running issues.

  16. Gonna sit back and crack into P.Coster's Book of the A4 Pacifics.

    1. bluex5


      If it's as good as his A3 book you're in for a treat!


    2. Coldgunner


      Also got the A3 book too, the A4 book is a lot thicker.

    3. bluex5


      I'll have to treat myself to it at some point then :)


  17. regretting the Chicken Phall I had last night. Best have a good book handy for the inevitable lengthy visit to the lav.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Welly


      One of those times when an outside privy is highly desirable ;-)

    3. Coldgunner


      about 6 pints...

    4. BlackRat


      is the book to beat out the flames?

  18. Todays plans 1. Sit around for a few hours doing nothing 2. get ready. 3 beer 4. Curry 5. More beer 6. More beer. 7 More beer

  19. After a conversion of peco wagon kits to new farish wheelsets I can deduce one thing, I've probably naused them up, wheelsets are too tight.

    1. Kris


      New farish wheelsets are a different length to Peco ones. Peco = 14.8mm New farish = 15.2

    2. Coldgunner


      I think with a bit of work I can get them just right.

    3. richbrummitt


      It is much easier to make them loose than tighten them up!

  20. Yay, well done lads! Now to prepare some layout updates!

  21. has never carried a mobile, yet I feel I need to now :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Debs.


      I`ll provide the wall and the ammunition!...Pugsley: you`bring the list!

    3. halfwit


      Can I do the shooting? (Assuming I'm not on anyone's list..)

    4. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      Can you shoot barefoot, Paul ;-)

  22. Wow... just wow! Out of interest, being a local I'd like to know where you found your picture references? I'd like to take a look at the pics as I've only ever seen photo's of the externals, mostly at a distance too.
  23. Went to see Harold and Kumar last night, was really good!

  24. I have OO and N gauge trains, yet I still look longingly at O gauge, even though I don't have the money or space for such a venture.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Matloughe


      Perhaps do what I did buy a wagon kit and give it a go. If you like it you can go on further and if not then its not much outlay and I am sure you could sell the kit onwards.

    3. Coldgunner


      I'll definitely take a look at some, as I struggle with small models due to shakey hands.

    4. scots region

      scots region

      Don't worry mate, I drool over SM32 stock.

  25. fantastic, Steam is having its christmas sales. 50% off all train simulator stuff. Excellent!

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