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Everything posted by ThaneofFife

  1. for LEDs that were on the white side and yellow not ideal either i have found a dab or two of dark varnish dulls them nicely. try one coat first let it dry then light it up and see if another coat is needed. the alternative if you can change the LEDs is perhaps try warm white but the above can still apply.
  2. Any other Class 87 lovers out there that might have a view on the livery for 87006? I have looked at over a dozen images now in ex works and lightly weathered condition and cannot quite decide whether Hornby have the doors correctly picked out in black. One image I have seen almost looks like the door itself is black (along with the cab window surrounds) but the door surround looks like its in the bodyside dark grey. Would anybody else like to comment ? I was convinced the doors were dark grey until I saw the loco in another image. Its not such an easy call to make. The Hornby image doesnt look right and its not yet known whether the model is subject to a final check off and correction yet anyway but worth nipping in the bud if not. I was planning to email SK later this week as I have noticed too that the orange cant rail stripe wraps around the cab ends when it stopped short of the cabs plus the nameplate looks a touch too low down. I have yet to spot anything else that should be addressed.
  3. so great news today for fans of the 7. i reckon its an easy win for Hornby releasing this pair as they go so well together i envisage many modellers will snap up both together.......i was hoping for 87006 for a while now and glad it on the way......hopefully the front has the correct equipment represented and that the roof area is grey not white. release date is Nov 2021 so I hope the minor flaws are addressed. will drop Hornby a line on my thoughts. if Bachmann release a class 81 I think thats me well and truly catered for iro of AC locos......never thought I would see the day.
  4. like 87006 its got my money for sure but the nameplate looks slightly on the low on the bodyside. hopefully somebody will check its positioned correctly before the run starts....... agree about the black doors looking at images online.
  5. look up a few videos on you tube to hear the 4 x tractions motors of an 87 scream. you are dead behind the ears if you still think they only go "hum". I would concede that kettles dont just go chuff chuff chuff........
  6. i "wish" they revisited the space provided inside for decoders and speakers.
  7. no imagination. its just a bit of fun so i say you only get one life, why not soak up a few seconds of mins having a guess with so many things in life that are out of our control-so what?. 87 006 in experimental grey livery please.
  8. I agree on mk3 sleepers. you could have the white roof charter stock too but certainly blue and grey or inter-city sleeper in executive livery or later swallow guise. whether the glazing could be improved or not..... i think the Hornby mk3 slam door ex Lima is still a good coach just needs the better eds off the plug door versions and closer couplings imho.
  9. does anybody know the correct number of IC executive liveried coach out of the two available versions IC1667 and IC 1653 that would have been run on the WCML or were both coaches found only on that route ? I see one version has R4974A has sold out on pre order fast at one particular retailer so wondering why the popularity of one and not tuther?
  10. i had this trouble with Bachmann Mk1s especially on that lower light grey section you find on the executive ones. the sides almost glow. Yours might be improved if you can dim the lights a bit more.
  11. Be good to see some new liveried Class 87s. Granted a pair is unlikely but still a pair of inter-city executive liveried 87s, one with cross arm pan and one with BW pan for those long double headed steel trains we used to see from Ravenscraig. Doubt H would release 2 when there are plenty of other eras to cover. A BR blue one with BW pan would be nice. But before all that I would hope they make fitting decoders a littlel easier. Perhaps we could see Hornby fitting their increasing better coaches with dcc lighting not just the cheapo 3 x bulb/LED lghts but full internal lighting that looks on a par with Bachmann especially their new Mk1 RBR coaches.
  12. I see on the newly released Farish BSO Mk2f that the Inter-City branding is now in the correct place so hopwfully the 00 gauge version in blue and grey will be reissued at some point to correct the error.
  13. If anybody has experience or knowledge of getting started in this business (and what better place to ask than on RMWeb!) could you reply or maybe drop me a DM (see below for details). The business will specialise initially in the small accessory market for 2mm, 4mm and 7mm scales (with potential for all era's) as I feel I have nailed a few novel original ideas but just need to make that move now and give it a go. Specific areas that I need pointers on are;- 1. Where to find manufacturers that will take on small batch work injection moulded. Initially I am talking about the manufacture of small plastic parts. 2. Where to source packaging, fitting instruction sheets etc. Any help is going to be invaluable and will be much appreciated.
  14. also pre yankification with the compensation culture and people becoming more litigious. pre - "had an accident in the last 3 years that want your fault?"
  15. good to reference from photos - ideally you want one showing the sample model in the same profile aspect. I hope Ben is on the case unless what we are seeing is not yet the actual base of the pan that will go ahead on the production run. I would rather shorter insulators all undersized than oversized and too tall and have the pan sitting up so high. it really looks toy like, like this.
  16. working or non working robust or non robust there should be no reason whatsoever why that pan is mounted so high off the roof..........it cannot be that big a deal to correct? shorter insulators that it sits on. there. easy. My invoice is in the post.
  17. hope the early version photos are just for mock up. i see one with a lower single arm pan not the stone faiveley or cross arm.
  18. i take it the Hornby rest mk1s coming out arent a match?
  19. pity the sleepers dont have some lighting (toilets, pantries, vestibules and corridors at least as they arent open coaches likely to be very easy to fit your own lighting cheaply). be good to see dcc versions of them. the older pullmans and nightcap bar dont have a particularly good lighting set up just with a few table lamps. the mk1 range should be considered for dcc on board but many with current Mk1s that would like full lighting might baulk at the cost. The Mk2f with dcc now retails at nearly £85 a pop so its not cheap to build a rake.
  20. so potentially this was the new news last year and the Rails announcement was old news!
  21. for gawds sake...........come on Bachmann.
  22. very good. but looking forward to executive livery 86/4.
  23. I bet the RES red and black would go down a storm.....but id want to know the QC issues have been addressed.
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