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Everything posted by ThaneofFife

  1. What....just for this? Well anyway, enjoy your day and hopefully you wont be reporting back to say "nothing in it for me".... lol.
  2. To be honest if your out of work or retired or such like then no doubt youll be sat there at 7, 8 or 10am or whatever time its meant to all kick off but I suspect many of us have jobs we have to do tomorrow so in a way its good. Leave the big AM excitement to those who will be glued to the website for the launch and by the time me and my employed brothers have done their days work can drop in and thumb through everything over a leisurely nightcap without the slow drip feed or potential of a constantly crashing website......
  3. I dont like Oxfords Mk3. The fauts are well documented in the OR thread. I have always felt Lima then latterly Hornbys model was the better looking and over the yrars its turned into a very nice version better couplings tinted glazing better wheels etc......now they have the SD version I wonder if they tooled that up to allow for a non HST slam door version ? Be good to see these in a run of blue n grey and executive. Plus some versions had the silver window frames unlike the horrible bodge Oxford did on theirs to print it on the actual glazing as a poor looking after thought.
  4. Intercity executive 125 and matching stock as a relivery. The Mk3s could double up for loco hauled too.
  5. Wonder if Hornby will go down the deluxe route with some models same as Bachmann.....
  6. Good call on the 303 emu but only if it was top draw and good value none of your £400 + malarky for 3 cars. Whilst i cam Bachmann sniffing them over i rather favour it to be an accurascale project.
  7. yes i thought the same about TTS class 87s but they arent gunna happen with so little space inside to fit em. they did a minim retool of the HST power cars recently so cant see why the chassis block cannt have a chunk milled out of it to give a bit more room for decoders and a speaker........externall their 87 is a stunner just let down by one or two hard to fix by the purchaser niggles.
  8. cheers flood. so basically Bachmann are correct 99.99%.
  9. I doubt it will happen but youd like to think the 87s will get a tuck and a tweak to allow easier decoder and or sound installation and those lights are reconfigured for better more realistic operation. Corridor lighting would be nice these 87s are heading to the £200 mark as they are...... I think we might not see any new versions announced for 2022 but if one was I would like to see a BR blue version early 80s with BW pan. Last year saw the release of the attractive looking white roof INTERCITY charter Mk1 BCK coach so it would seem strange if they left it at that without now adding some First Opens and the Restaurant car to match.
  10. i bet some people will have one cab almost facing the other if the roundy roundy isnt long enough.........thats some lemgth of train........in 00 gauge im not sure the look scales down to well for 14 cars. even 7 will look great in most settings 10 at most needed to fool the eye.......
  11. Bachmann have replied and they reckon there wasnt any scotrail liveried Mk2fs working the aberdeens........are they wrong as im sure imve seen phots of them with a DBSO on the end. they werent the sole presvere of Mk3s were they?
  12. wondering how many people would welcome a rerun of some TSOs in blue and grey or executive livery? all i see on ebay are 1st class and brake vehicles in these liveries.....
  13. nothing in it for me - should keep Blandford 1969 content. His predictability I can report was unsurprisingly spot on.
  14. bit out of touch with where Accura are with these in particular the scottish 37s with headlights as i ordered one. are these imminent as im not sure if ive overlooked some request for paying the balance !
  15. ThaneofFife

    New hst

    i was surprised when SK referred to a new HST from another manu. IMHO the Hornby model is absolutely pukka for 4mm but i still think theres scopes for some better Mk3s over the Oxford Rail version. Still think the old Lima range of mk3s was pretty good TBH bar the lack of tinted glazing over sized d couplings and crude gangways. To see a good loco hauled Mk3a from Accura would be great as you know if would be the bees knees at a decent price with lighting too and no doubt easily convertable to EM/P4 gauge. on the power car front i dont see theres much of a market for another entrant unless you want to move away from the ancient 8 pin dcc.
  16. Not sure if theres a thread already cobering this but I was wondering if anybody knew the story behind what led Hornby to release a model coach in the 70s that was so short of scale in its length.....was it a design error or did they just not notice at the time by which point it was too late as tooling had been finished.....im sure the Jouef Mk3 was out before the Hornby version and whilst it had its own flaws it was the better scale model.
  17. good also to see that the buffer internal shanks are silver to mimic the real ones where they remains shiny through compression. dont think the early versions of the 86 had this they were black and painting them silver risked them being stuck.
  18. he might do. it took my eyes a while to see what you was talking about........from normal viewing distances thats just not going to be noticeable.
  19. that executive one looks good. my initial concern from earlier photos ive seen seemed to make the corridor side windows look very small, smaller in size than the grilles either side but here they look okay. maybe a trick of the camera..... i like the look of the pan too (sits nice and low down in the lowered position (if that makes sense-those that know just will know what i mean) but would like to see it in its raised position. glad i ordered mine now. seems all we really need next are some lovely class 81s......
  20. on the subject of the paint for the lower sections did i hear right from Simon that the final shade would be their new excutive grey colour? so now Im wondering if the forthcoming 87 009 in executive livery will see this new colour......on the show i do think it looks better than previous executive/swallow coaches and going which seemed a bit yellowy to my eye....early photos of the new 87 model look to be photoshopped in the existing shade of beige (or grey whatever you want to call it-think its been called "stone" before too) so it would be good if the new shade makes it way to the 87.
  21. what was the upshot of those early floppy bogies and dislodged driveshafts etc.....was that all sorted??? hope the new run is bob on now........i like the mainline 90 but cant afford it. simples.
  22. Just seen on the website preorder for 87006 and 87009 for Winter 2022. Dang i thought thesezwere penned to be here this winter......plus the price is up by £30!
  23. so liking the look of the bullhead track. think i need to order some lengths to take a better look. do they do a long bh turnout?
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