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Status Updates posted by Kris

  1. Oooh, apparently we are still on the Jehovah's witnesses do not disturb list. 

  2. Spent all day taking photos of track ready for selling. 

    1. Mikkel


      Ah yes, the enchanted lives of railway modellers :)

  3. I found nearly 40 railway books I had forgotten I owned this afternoon. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hroth


      Well done!


      I keep lending people books, but they always return them, there's no way to reduce the heap....

    3. mike morley

      mike morley

      I've got the opposite problems - I can't find books I know I've got (Wild Swan on the Wantage Tramway) and have lent books to people who don't give them back (One of Iain Rice's Wild Swan books about layout design)

    4. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      I too sometimes can't find the ones I know I own - spent ages looking for the Euston - Watford DC lines signal Instructions and couldn't find them but I know they're there somewhere!!  And don't tell me about buying duplicates although fortunately that only applies to a few less expensive copies.

  4. Found an O gauge Mallard Model K18 kit today. I had totally forgotten I had it. One day I might get round to making it. 

    1. Kylestrome


      You've just had a senior moment in the senior scale.

    2. Kris


      Today I found an N gauge loco I had forgotten about. I must keep hunting through cupboards to see what else I can find. 

  5. Well I enjoy the virtual exhibition.

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Thanks Kris!

    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Very enjoyable - lots of very interesting content - far too much amazing stuff to list everything individually.


      Since I used to work in a university - and was involved in outreach to local schools - I'm particularly pleased to see Jamie Warne's roadworks demo. He's clearly a very talented modelmaker - and I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of his work in due course. I certainly hope so - and not just because I learnt a lot from his video.


      To be honest, when I visit shows, I usually gravitate towards the demonstrators. Yes - I also spend time looking at layouts - and time and money on certain trade stands. However, I really see shows as a chance to pick up ideas - what works - what doesn't.


      (There's also a little matter of meeting people - yes, I know I'm generally a very quiet person - but I still like to meet people ... .)


      Anyway, I'm glad to see some new people showing us their ideas - not just people younger than me, although they are already the future of this hobby. (I should add that I've got nothing against people who've done this stuff for years.)


      What I can say about the demos in the weekend's show is that I know I have learnt a lot - and quite a bit of this stuff is likely to come in useful with future projects.


      Now all I need to find is time to put some of the ideas into practice.


      Whilst I think of it, I might also try and think of some ideas, in case any of them might be of use in future events. If I get anywhere I'd probably send a PM to one of the people who run this site.


      (I'm wary about starting a "virtual show comments / suggestions" thread, in case a noisome minority see it as "open season" for an unwarranted "dig for victory" campaign.)



    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Yes, a lot of interesting stuff. Thanks

  6. I have so far managed to not spend the years modelling budget on a painting, only just however.

    1. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      Intriguing,speaking as one who has been known to have his head turned by “something to hang on a wall “.So do tell what is/was it that almost seduced you ?

    2. Kris


      It's a local seascape (of my favourite location) by a well known painter. Nothing railway related at all. 

  7. Life's gone wrong. I got excited by a food mixer earlier. I need to get out a lot more.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sharris


      What you do with a food mixer in the privacy of your own home is entirely your business.

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      What food was he/she mixing?

    4. ian


      Egg whisk, flying helemet and wet celery?

  8. Forgive me for I have sinned, I have purchased a Hornby point.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Compound2632


      The second radius of hell...

    3. adb968008


      Mistakes can be forgiven

    4. Regularity


      It will turn out for the best.

  9. Just stripped someone else's layout and found that they had put track pins through the switch mechanism.

    1. Hroth


      Extreme point locking?

    2. Kris


      They were never going to be used apparently!


    3. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      You mean you're not meant to do that?

  10. Just got asked by my 2 year old "why do railway lines have rails?"

    1. Kylestrome


      Did you also explain the difference between 2FS and N gauge?

    2. Hroth


      Or the various gauges for 4mm scale and why only one of them "works"?

  11. What's happening to me? I just bought an O gauge engine shed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 3 link

      3 link

      Welcome to the slippery slope of the best gauge of the lot

    3. Hroth


      So, an MPD diorama?

    4. Kris


      That just will not be happening. I know that some people like MPD's but I'm not one of them.

  12. First bit of 7mm modelling in sometime done. Not much, just re-attaching a small section to the Manor I'm restoring, very slowly.

  13. Visited the most Southerly used station in. the UK this morning.

    1. Miss Prism

      Miss Prism

      Jersey Bus Station - I remember it well!

  14. Task Master is back on Dave, a good start.

    1. big jim

      big jim

      Missed it tonight, catch up it is then, quite simply the best program on the box in the last few years by a long shot

    2. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Saw a repeat of the first episode of the series with Hugh Dennis in it recently. Utterly brilliant, bizarre and compelling.

  15. Making marrow ginger jam

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Bone marrow?

    3. 2mmMark


      Tomarrow never dies.

    4. Blackthorn


      Never had it,sounds good though...next stop, Google.


  16. Boiler just went bang. All casing blown off and guts look very iffy - scary.

    1. Kris


      Very annoying given it looks likely to have been caused by the manufacturers own engineer.

    2. admiles


      At least you're here to bitch about it. Not everyone gets that chance!

  17. Caught a few waves this afternoon.

    1. bgman


      That's what happens when you travel in the Royal Carriage

    2. Psiborg


      Didn't know they'd escaped again!

    3. devondynosoar118


      Sweet! Scored a sneaky North Sands session last weekend at 2-3ft and clean, just me and the kids out! Good to see you have found an upside to being the wrong side of the Tamar :)

  18. New series of Poldark starts tonight, I sense some modelling time coming up.

    1. Liam


      Nah, I think Victoria was better. But the last series of Poldark was hardly a year ago.

    2. 46444


      The good Captain is back.....

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I never went away.

  19. That's 3 loco's hardwired for DCC so far this week. That's the most modelling I've done for a few months.

  20. For the first time in 2 years, I ran a train on the layout today, it was Thomas, but it's still a train.

  21. Christmas hols are here, so let's see if I can get some modelling done whilst I have some peace and quiet before the family finish.

    1. tractionman


      the calm before the storm!

  22. Small children who say "Roar" to a lion should not be upset when it say "ROAR" back.

  23. One day I might get back to Warley again, but that won't be for a few years yet.

  24. New laptop ordered, no money for trains for a little while then.

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