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Fair Oak Junction

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Everything posted by Fair Oak Junction

  1. Ahh well, thanks for the help anyway everyone. It was just a passing bit of interest so I won't bother delving deeper 👍
  2. Nope, definitely "tenterhooks" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenterhook 😉
  3. Both were used, RN FAA Buccies from Lossiemouth and RAF Hunters. Edit: I'm pretty sure some Sea Vixens were used in the later stages as well.
  4. Lovely little selection of toads 👌
  5. Thank you very much, that would be great. And I'm certainly not in a hurry 🙂
  6. Ooooh, proper early GWR stuff! Excellent!! Best of luck with this, I'll most likely be ordering some of this range in the future.
  7. Does anyone have info on Bromsgrove shed allocations around 1920? Shed Bash only goes back as far as 1935. It mainly seems to be 3F tanks, 3F tender, a 4F and obviously Bertha. I don't know how different or similar that would have been to the situation in 1920.
  8. Great collection there, always love a bit of LT.
  9. I notice the 1903-08 version has sold out. Probably for the best, saves my wallet from a shock.
  10. This is excellent! I love early railway stations, they seemed to combine simplicity with still looking quite grand.
  11. Utterly fantastic! I've enjoyed following your various MTK builds so far, but this one has been especially enjoyable as I have a great love for the Nelsons (both the EMUs and steam locos😉) Amazing work creating such a marvellous looking model from a rather unpromising kit 👌
  12. I guess it's their way of encouraging direct sales without actually butting heads with retailers like they were before?
  13. According to Wiki the 322 had a larger first class area in the DTCO which led to different window arrangement. Other than that they sound the same as the 321.
  14. Great announcement, I can see those being really popular! I don't want to speak too soon, but it does feel like maybe MUs are being seen as possibly more viable in OO than they have been? Who knows, but we can hope as there are a wealth of ones yet to be touched 🤞
  15. Doesn't mean it didn't, after all a lot of 50s were used on such trains. Can anyone prove conclusively that it never did? 😉
  16. I've been following the Crook Street YT channel for a good while now. It's always a pleasure to see a new video posted. Content like that is why I love model railways on Youtube.
  17. Excellent! Good luck with the move, and I hope you enjoy your new place. Looking forward to seeing what you do with CR Mk.II 👍
  18. I'm glad we are finally getting a 57xx without a top feed. I never liked the thought of doing surgery to such a visible part of the loco.
  19. On the flip side, I've had nothing but good running experiences with locos from Accurascale and Rapido on DC. Even my two DJ 14xxs run like dreams. I feel like consistency is an issue across the whole hobby, and the old guard are far from immune. Also don't forget that we tend to hear about problems far more than the positives, simply because most people who get locos that run well wont bother taking to the internet to talk about it. But I agree, I don't see the AS Panniers leading to a glut of Bachmann ones being sold off. I see them as complementing the Bachmann ones, not necessarily replacing them.
  20. For the full 50 experience, will the DCC sound fitted version have a cold start feature that takes 5 minutes and belches out enough smoke to hide an advancing army? 😉
  21. Oh yes!! I was already really looking forward to the NSE one, and this has only strengthened that feeling. Superb! 👌
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