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Everything posted by HeeleyBridge

  1. John, I hope for one that you don't disappear. I've seen that happen to lots of online friends over the years. [mod hat] Andy, free speech does not exist on the interweb I'm afraid. As I've had to tell many contributors to many forums over the years, if you want free speech start your own forum, where you can say what you want. This one is ours and we reserve the right to remove anybody that doesn't agree with us. I have to say that most people were not banned for their views, just their general behaviour, usually name calling and general @ss-hattery. [/mod hat] We now return you to our normal programming and hope your morning has not been disturbed too much.
  2. And he never said a word. I liked his experiments with the propulsion of water and it's effect on Harry Corbett. Bye bye everybody, bye bye ....
  3. Sooty? hat,coat etc edit Jeff posted as I was cogitating and looking up gurgle imges for Faraday's house, but I couldn't find anything that matched the stye. Maybe he lived in a cage?
  4. Ooh! My head!

    1. Trainshed Terry
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Have you both had the misfortune to bump into something at the same time?

    3. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      You should know.

  5. I had a photograph of a very young man in army uniform. I'd found it amongst my Grandad's things after he died. The only information I had was 'Jack' written on the back. I traced his regiment from the cap badge and buttons, which turned out to be the Duke Of Wellington's West Yorkshire Regiment. It took me ages trawling through lists on Ancestry but I eventually found him. Unfortunately a lot of his records had been destroyed during WWII, but I found that he had been transferred to the 2nd Manchesters and sadly died about a week before the armistice. I'm hoping to get out to the cemetery where he is actually buried in two years time to mark 100 years since he died. I should add that until I fund the photograph I had no idea that he or another of my Granddad's cousins who also died in WWI, even existed.
  6. We swapped Mum's 24" flat screen for a 37"(?) a few months ago, she'd go to the point where she couldn't read the subtitles. From John Lewis of course, because she worked there for many years and still has her partner's discount. Mention of Keith Skues (Cardboard Shoes) takes me back to 1974(ish) when he came to talk to our karate club about what we would like to hear on Radio Hallam which was just starting up. We didn't ask for what we got. I seem to remember the we used to listen to Sam Costa on Radio 2. Hope that Jock has better luck with his meds and those ailing feel better today. Grandson has arrived and so I am off to build a loco now, from wooden version of junior meccano, he has the screwdriver, spanner and instructions in hand. I may need Tony Wright's help.
  7. Thanks for your ideas, I'll see what turns up, it's surprising how often information suddenly appears in the places you have looked many times before.
  8. Happy Anniversary Jock and Joanna. Hope you have a good day. Still sounds very windy here, but I shall be venturing out in about an hour. A visit to Mum's to make sure all is well and then, if the legs are up to it, a little way past my bus stop to get back is a little shop called 'Rails' - I wonder what they might sell? And remember, do unto others as they would do unto you, but do it first
  9. Yeah I've searched through everything available online over the last five years or so using Ancestry and FMP. I no longer have subscriptions to either, Ancestry have effectively killed their site now, I can't find a browser it will work in. Just came across it again today and thought I'd give it a shot with a few more pairs of eyes. The enumerators back then just wrote down what they thought they heard (in almost illegible scrawl sometimes) and modern transcribers write what they think they see. It doesn't help
  10. Tripe & Cows Heel Emporium. Offal I know but very popular affordable amongst the starving working classes.
  11. Granddad! You're a poo-poo head!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HeeleyBridge


      is what my 4 year old grandson shouted when I told him that Captain Kernow ate all the sausages

    3. bgman


      Hahahaha .... Quite right give the boy a bag of sweets ! Or a train set !!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      You may inform the young gentleman that the Captain hasn't consumed any sausages for a little while, now.

  12. Thanks Sp1, but Leasingham, Ewerby and Heckington are all well known to me, the family has connections to all three places. It's the East India location that's the problem. I'm pretty sure that it begins Mor, from other bits of handwriting n the census form and seems to end with ota. Also I am told that the 'British Subject' tag precludes the possibility of an Indian mother, but not always. My great grandmother claimed that he was Indian. Advice for anybody attempting to track down their ancestors - do it while as many as possible are still living, ask questions and write it down.
  13. It's been very quiet on here lately. I hope you're feeling a bit better now Jock. I'm currently studying a problem concerning my Great great great Grandfather, Nathaniel Gill. His family came from Leasingham. He was born in India in 1818. I assume his father was in the army there, unfortunately I'm not sure about his father's name though I think it was John. We think that his mother may have been a local Indian woman (a lot of that went on). Nathaniel came to Leasingham and married his cousin Mary Gill (her Father was also Nathaniel) in 1837. His census entries all state born East India (British Subject) except one which I can't quite read. This seems to give an actual place of birth. Can anyone make out what is says? Edited to amend image
  14. Family Tree Maker has encountered a problem and has to close.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      Do you have relatives in Norfolk as well, Tim?

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      ... quite possibly, they'd need to be able to count their toes though

    4. HeeleyBridge


      Life was hard in Leasingham 200 years ago. Long wait for the next train to Peterborough...

  15. Ee by gum! Black Pudding Bertha!

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      She's the queen of northern soul !!!

  16. Jock certainly has got us all thinking about important things hasn't he? My Dad's funeral was interesting. First of all it had to be moved from the small chapel to the larger one because of the sheer numbers that turned up. Secondly, the vicar was late, my brother in law found him sitting in his car as "I was expecting a small funeral and thought I'd got the wrong time". Dad was a member of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes and a good friend of his for over 30 years read their funeral service for him. He was also a member of the Fellowship, so they did their bit too. He went out, as I know he would have wanted, to the last in the book and standing room only in the chapel. By contrast, my father in law went out to Marty Robbins' White Sports Coat. A friend who had a bikers funeral had Hawkwind's Silver Machine played as he arrived. His hearse was a BSA 650 with a custom built sidecar. All moving funerals, real celebrations of life, sad occasions as they may be. I'm sure that thinking about how we go out of this world is more practical than morbid. I've told mine to get my friend the undertaker to take me away and do the necessaries and to get on with their lives. No service, no fuss. Whether they will do as I ask will of course be beyond my control. Moving along ... A glass was raised last night in memory of Buddy Holly, RItchie Valens, J.P. RIchardson and Roger Peterson. Today I will mainly be going to Adsa, at least the weather is fine and the wind has dropped. Have a good day all.
  17. 57 years ago tonight a young man may have said "Thank you Clearlake, we'll see you next year"

    1. M.I.B
    2. Metr0Land


      Not to mention Richie Vallens, The Big Bopper, and the pilot. Also it's very close to Mason City Iowa and its electric locos.

  18. Jock you have to sort these things out even if some find it distasteful. You put your wishes forward and your nearest and dearest either follow them or they don't (from personal experience). As Barry says above, the humanist approach works well, my Aunt's funeral last summer was pretty good, as these things go. Following my aunt's death, Mum started to get her things in order, making a will that reflects how things are now, sorting out bits and pieces for me, my sister, our kids, their kids etc. Then we discussed her funeral. I'm ok with whatever Mum wants, my sister however has different ideas, which is why Mum has made it clear that I have the final say (though I'm sure my sister will be sure to have the last word). Still windy here, after last night's liquid relaxation I think today will be cancelled due to lack of interest. I fell into bed at 9pm and only woke once in the small hours, my knee was not happy at all. I was up at about 5am, but incoherent until several cups of tea and bacon sandwiches had been consumed. Illegitimis non carborundum
  19. My friend the witchdoctor, he told me what to do, he said that ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SHMD


      HB - What tune is that to?


      ^hpm - ..and is that the chorus?


    3. DonB


      I'm just content with sticking pins in....

    4. highpeakman


      Don Lang and the Frantic Five (1958 - when steam was still King)

  20. Thanks for all your 'supportive's. First words out of Miss DooWoP's mouth "Are you any better? ". I think I managed to convince her that my attitude was not hostility but utter frustration at their inability to understand that I am in severe pain and can do without their carp. I almost laughed when she suggested that I may need to attend a IT course as all ESA will soon be done online. I refrained from telling her that I have shoes older than her or that I was programming computers before she was born. So I'm left having to fill in more forms and waiting to see how long they can lose them for. I've decided that for tonight I shall give up abstinence and get p*ssed. Pass the Guinness padre....
  21. Blowing a hoolie here again, between that and the head cold I've been awake most of the night. Off to Mum's in a bit after collecting her pension, hope not to get blown away and that our re-routed bus is running on time. Back for food, thence to a pointless (but very important) meeting with the people from the DooWoP. Their inability to understand that progressive degenerative arthritis does not get better annoys me incredibly. I'm going outside, I may be some time.
  22. When cameras and film were expensive and model railway magazines used helicopter views, trackwork was hardly ever seen. You only ever saw other peoples layouts at exhibitions and getting close wasn't easy. With digital photography and almost everybody taking endless close up track level photographs of wonderfully detailed locomotives, rolling stock and buildings, poor trackwork started to stand out more. Anyone remember the P4 advert with the 8F? Can you tell Stork from butter?
  23. My Dad's Austin A40 Somerset was(brush) painted that colour. The paint was mixed from all the dregs thrown in a barrel and mixed up, free to a good home from his work. Now that the photos aren't washing out the fell looks even bigger. Was that a huge black cat I saw in the distance? Nope I think it may have been a spider...
  24. Mording all, anudder code in the head ober heed.. oh enough of that it makes my head hurt. Hoping for a nice quiet day, following a certain amount of craziness yesterday with my granddaughter, fun but tiring. Good to see Jock getting back to 'normal' and thanks for the flurry of ratings I made my post in the above thread quite early on, and then watched as it went the usual way of these things. As has been said here before, some people think railway modelling is life or death but it's much more important than that (usual apologies). Some should get a life or maybe a wife, that'd learn 'em And so to the rest of Glumday, take care all. Edit to add: Haven't turned the radio on (not time for the Archers yet) so hadn't heard that news, sad indeed.
  25. Inspector Barnaby has been called in to the Midsomer Model Railway Club to investigate the suspiscious death of the club chairman. Last time anyone saw him alive, he proposed that the club builds it's new layout to 00-SF 16.2mm gauge. There are several suspects on either side, for and against.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Horsetan


      I bet he was stabbed with a hot soldering iron.

    3. locoholic


      I think I've seen this one! As I recall, it wasn't murder, after all - he just died of shock when he finally saw a Dapol Class 29.

    4. Andrew F

      Andrew F

      Easy to determine to perp. It's never a coloured person and always one that smokes.

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