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Everything posted by Enterprisingwestern

  1. Listened. Acted. Resolved. Thanked. Doesn't get any better than that IMHO. Mike.
  2. There have been quite a few wagons by Jeremy Dennis for sale on bay of thieves lately, seems to have been a prolific builder, who I personally have never heard of, and used a combination of scratch and cross kitting for some of his models, so this could be from multiple sources. Maybe others may know of him and fill in some of the blanks? This was a rather interesting one of his; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311874807406?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Mike.
  3. 5112. 2L57. Doncaster. 12.4.71. Not sure if this is the same portion of the same train, but it's the end bit of a KX - WY train which split at Doncaster. Mike.
  4. J2953. You've got at least 2 of the Brush 2's wrongly numbered Dave. Mike.
  5. ALL???? If I could see, measure and drill that accurately I'd be working in aerospace or brain surgery! Mike.
  6. 146 masquerading as Falcon at Reading on 1A02 31.7.71. Back in the day, before internet, mobile phones etc, it was quite an exercise to get any diagram information, but with a considerable amount of effort, I managed via my contacts in Sheffield to get the gen that part of Falcon's diagram was on the 1A02. So, being in Southsea for the family holiday, I duly purchased a Southern region Railrover, and circuitously worked my way round to Reading General. I had, (in comparison to my previous tosh), a half decent camera and was looking forward to getting a few photo's of D0280, so Imagine my chagrin when at the booked time, me with camera at the ready, in rolls a bloody peak! I went and sat back down somewhat disconsolately and begrudgingly took this going away shot. Never did get a picture of it. Mike.
  7. Pedantically, Lewis Wilson was the original Batman. Fully agree with your sentiments though, the Adam West era portrayal was never a childrens programme IMHO, far too subtle and adult. I remember queueing at the Sheffield Gaumont for the movie and being the oldest there! RIP Adam, another one of my youthful heros gone, Mike.
  8. If it's a brass gear wheel on a steel axle a few minutes in the oven should expand it enough to come off a little easier. Mike.
  9. A tenner delivery for 3 cans to Spain, I'll see if I can find a stockist somewhere out here hopefully. Stock up well Pete and bring them over with you is the best idea, I'll have a few off you!! Mike.
  10. To use a golf analogy, (not that I'm a golfer), but it's playing the game that is the enjoyable part, not the achieving the hole in one every time, the whole point of model railways is to have it as a hobby to be enjoyed, unless you're investing in the layout and stock as a future nest egg for your benificiaries when you've gone, then what does it matter how much they fetch? As there won't be much of a market for my stuff out in Spain the whole lot will be going on a bonfire, probably with me on top of it. Mike.
  11. Ok then, in future if I don't think I know what they might be I'll not bother looking at any pictures. Mike.
  12. Broomhouse tunnel was opened out in 1969. I'm not aware of of any diversions other than via the old road, with Sheffield terminating services turning left at Beighton junction and coming in via Nunnery curve. NE/SW through trains continued on the old road to Rotherham Masborough with a DMU shuttle from there to Sheffield for intending passengers. There was a Gresley buffet sited at Rotherham as the facilities had closed a while previously. Do you have references for the convoluted routes? Mike.
  13. Has Mike done these as a resin casting or a fold up etch? MIke.
  14. I think the input and improvement from Alistair also helped considerably, not to detract from the skilful build of course. Mike.
  15. Could have been worse, you could have won second prize and got two! Mike.
  16. Hope you don't domestic food mixer to grind the chinchilla down, must give an interesting taste to tea time if you do? Mike.
  17. Indeed, but we'll not go there (yet) again!! Mike.
  18. Talking of which, I'm still awaiting my signed copy of said magazine! Mike.
  19. Optimistic bordering on interesting with a dash of suicidal. Don't even start me on about rotundas!! Mike.
  20. Glad you said it Kit, I agree. Shame really, I bet there is some interesting modelling going on in there. Mike.
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