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Peter Kazmierczak

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Status Updates posted by Peter Kazmierczak

  1. Was in Salisbury yesterday, but I didn't visit the cathedral.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. adb968008


      I spent £2000 + visa to visit Stalingrad, but when I got there it was closed, so I came home without taking any photographs,

    3. Liam


      You didn't have lunch at Zizzis, did you?

    4. Northroader


      Missed the connection to world famous Seaton Junction, so went back to Moscow.

  2. Only one-and-a-half-days left to work before being made redundant.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Adams442T


      Yes, best of luck for the future.

    3. skipepsi


      Good luck for the future

    4. Bangor Lad

      Bangor Lad

      Best of luck Peter

  3. Just back from walking to our local shop. The chap there said they'd been busy with men buying flowers, cards and chocolates.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. truffy


      It obviously isn't a PROPER model shop if it's selling flowers, cards, and chocolates.

    3. Hroth


      Isn't it a new range of Noch figures (available in Ho/N )

      called "Last Minute Valentines"?

    4. 2mmMark


      I'm taking advice from Swiss Toni.


  4. Tesco had a display of Easter mini-eggs today.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. adb968008


      Father Christmas needs a day job after New Years, so Easter Bunny until April, then tothe May pole, Holiday Rep in the summer, Guy Fawkes till November...

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Tesco normally deliver shop stocks of Easter Eggs on Christmas Eve - they are out on shelves as soon as the Christmas stuff is out of the way.

    4. RJL



  5. School is out until September. One of the little dears gave me the latest Railway Magazine - I have them well trained.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PhilEakins


      Not at all - once they have left!

    3. Hroth


      School holidays are heaven - no idiotic mumsrun blocking the roads.

    4. Horsetan


      Altogether now:


      Schoooool's out - for - summer

  6. Who likes the coconut eclairs in Quality Street?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Horsetan


      *breaks into a bar of peppermint RitterSport*

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Me - do you need my postal address?

    4. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      I'm afraid I threw them in the bin.

      Hangs head in shame.....


      There's still the Celebrations to open though.

  7. Becoming an expert on letterboxes.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bgman


      Similar to gynaecology?

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      If it's anything to do with the election, I'd imagine that you're also learning to guess if fierce dogs are lying in wait behind doors.


      I can also imagine comments from people stood on their doorsteps:


      "Are you (whatever party)? ... Well we're NOT!!!" - then the door slams.

    4. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      It helps to be an Independent, even if there's no chance I'll be elected.....

  8. Spent the first part ot the morning changing 5-year olds into their Nativity costumes, then the second part back into their school uniforms. So many sheep, stars, angels.... it did my head in.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BoD


      Long time ago I was chuffed to be Joseph. One of the sheep was given more lines than me. bah humbug.

    3. DonB


      Way back.. Stage curtains moved suspiciously, A clang sound and bump.... Angel Gabriel's voice.. "you've trod on me bl@@dy Trumpet"


    4. Liam


      I was one of the Three Kings, and I must have done something bad as the teacher said, 'We can make do with two kings!'

  9. For some reason, can't get the Proclaimers song "Sunshine in Leith" out of my head.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      I actually taught at a St Winifred's School, but not that one.....

    3. MarkC


      Could be worse - I offer Right Said Fred's "Deeply Dippy"...

    4. 60027Merlin


      Glory, glory to the Hibees

  10. 309 to 300; finally beaten my wife at Scrabble.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Horsetan


      Such hollow victory....

    3. big jim

      big jim

      how many points for your surname?

    4. Horsetan


      You can't use names in Scrabble.

  11. Just can't get rid of this cold.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John Tomlinson

      John Tomlinson

      If it goes on longer than three weeks you may well have a secondary chest infection, which needs a GP visit and antibiotics to sort. Discovered yesterday this is what's happened to me, a real pain and waste of time.

    3. Mallard60022


      All the best John. Take care and thanks for the advice.

    4. Market65


      Oh dear! That's me out for the next two weeks!

      I suppose it gives me an excuse to do very little! Three weeks though!

  12. No school children for six weeks..........Yippee!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DonB


      I thought that teachers did their job for the joy of instilling knowledge into our little darlings... sadly disillusioned by comments above!

      Heading for the door ..tin hat on!

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      More noise out in the road all day ... But much less parking on the streets round here and no mad women dashing about in 4x4s

    4. Mallard60022


      No staff moaning either......or head of Dept appearing at the door and saying "Hi Peter, I just wanted a word....blah, blah, blah......

  13. Just broken up today and a "back to school" ad is on the TV

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      School holidays mean less traffic on the daily commute :-)

    3. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      I saw my first Back to School poster four weeks ago...

    4. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Means we HAVEN'T GOT inconsiderate Parents parking outside our place for half an hour with their engines running, summer / air con, winter / heater. An then getting all shirty when we ask to get our cars in and out of the Drive.

      Have a good break mate.

  14. Eating chips at 1.10am.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. devonseasider


      That's just decadent. Sorry, no other word for it . . . .


      PS it's at times like this that I wish I lived somewhere that chippies or whatever (or anything, come to think of it!) opened at unsociable, or even sociable!, hours.


      It's all very well living in the 1950s, but making as far as the 1960s or '70s would be nice every now & then!


    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Good to know that someone's daughter shares her chips with dad.

    4. Mikkel


      Daredevil adventures of the midlife male :-)

  15. Spent the afternoon doing PE with three classes of 5 - 6 year olds. Shattered.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      At least it's not RE....

    3. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Jumpers for goalposts

    4. rembrow


      British Bulldog 123 as we used to do in cubs (1960s) - whoops pass the splints and bandages around.

  16. Syaying up until 4am to watch the referendum results was probably not one of my better decisions.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mallard60022


      I went to the boudoir (oh sorry, that's French) with the radio on, so kept waking up to various announcements. Thought it was a nightmare but no, it was real.

    3. DonB


      Chickens voting for Xmas according to my newsagent!

    4. skipepsi
  17. Our cat has just come in and told us it's raining. Must be the first proper rain for 8 weeks; though I can see blue skies overhead, so more like a shower.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hroth


      Thing is, the BBC don't use the Met Office anymore, they use a bunch of cheapskates with a piece of seaweed and a Fitzroy Weather Glass. Its instructive to compare and contrast the BBC forecast with the Met Office one on their webpage.

    3. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      And still they both get it wrong...

    4. cromptonnut


      Our cat sleeps with her paws over her head when it's going to rain, and is almost always right

  18. The panto came to school this afternoon.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Regularity


      Fisted visit?

      I wrote “Ofsted”, but autocorrect changed it. I imagine that can be how it feels to have a visit.

    3. Mallard60022


      Such fun.......................

    4. PhilEakins


      Panto sounds much the better option.

  19. Had the day off from scool - still feel rubbish with this cold. Been in my pj's all day.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Did you have a letter for the Teacher, hahha.


      Get better soon mate.

    3. enginelane


      Had a rubbish day and I was at school, 2 fights in the dinner queue and physical intervention paperwork to complete, not in the TV adverts for becoming a teacher

    4. skipepsi


      If they told the truth now there would be no applicants> Now in my day we could etc etc....

  20. Please, no jumping girls in the news on A-level results day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Northroader
    3. DCB


      Would you prefer the look of utter devastation when they realise they failed?

    4. Jinty3f


      Boys have done better than girls this year apparently.

  21. Looks like the education system of this country requires my services. I'm starting work at an academy in the middle of next month when my enhanced DBS checks come through. I was getting used to semi-retirement.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      At this very minute they'll be checking out the organisation calling itself RM WEB and trying to understand its purpose

    3. skipepsi


      Vetting and barring it is called these days


    4. Rowsley17D


      I'd steer clear of the vets if I was you. I like bars though.

  22. Memory stick decided to die on me - the light's on but no-one's at home.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Re6/6


      My lights are always on but I'm not always at home.

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      a 4lb lump hammer can work wonders

    4. DavidLong


      Come 11th January nobody's lights are going to be on . . .

  23. Was on the Chocolate Tombola stall at our school's Christmas Fayre.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      That's the way to do it.

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Did anybody win you?

    4. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      One of the kiddies asked for a refund when they didn't win...

  24. Bunged-up with a sore throat and head like it's full of cotton wool.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. Horsetan


      There's got to be a hit song in that status update somewhere.

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      On reflection, I suspect that those of us with colds might be more likely to opt for the single malt remedy.

  25. Approaching a big "0" birthday.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      That would be telling. However my mental age remains obstinately at about 15. Got a nice railway picture from colleagues at work though.

    3. Horsetan
    4. kevpeo


      I'm heading for the earlier one!

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