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Everything posted by paulbb

  1. paulbb

    12 Volt planet

    Ordered 4 simple on/off switches from this site for my new (analogue) layout. The items were keenly priced and very swiftly dispatched. No connection to them, just a happy customer. Anyone else tried them?
  2. Its a looker as well as a keeper- do you have a track plan? cheers paul
  3. A good issue. Using the mag to show how the hobby can be done cheaply is a good idea which may give hope and help to the many people feeling left behind. This is partly by technology changes -the so called digital divide - (some people boast that they have never used a computer and never will!) and partly due to the big income divide. I know of many people for whom a £100 loco -never mind a 200 one with sound- is a forlorn hope. I was a bit confused by the Hornby 14xx product review, which apparently described the loco as having prodigous feats of haulage due to traction tyres- and the product description, which said no traction tyres, so does it have them or not?
  4. Was there an embedded video of a white cat watching a US HO steam loco on this thread or was it on youtube? Aplogies for the off topic-ness
  5. On the Engine Shed the photos seem to show the smokebox shedplate for the sample 65311 as 72A......62A possibly would be more accurate....early days I guess.
  6. The Airfix Cattle Wagon is still the most dimensionally correct version of its type, albeit a little crude around the edges by today's standards. With all the Airfix 00 wagons,changing wheels ,adding weights and using a robust coupling of choice means that you will have a long lasting and good looking wagon. My dozen or so have been running since the mid seventies. A great little product for its time.
  7. Hi Clive Yes I realise that they are not 'full size books' but no images of classes 16,21,26, or class 24's in two tone green seems lacking somehow. In one of the LMR issues , they unearthed a great image of Heaton Mersey diesel depot-images of which are very rare indeed-managing to get D200 and D5200 in shot. Love the sand towers/hoppers by the way. I believe the Ipswich shed is covered in 'Diesel depots- the early years' (Irwell press) -tho not the LNER sand tower/hopper...elusive beast Paul
  8. After the 2 excellent volumes on the LMR , I found this one a bit of a let down. There was no shots of the early pilot scheme diesels on places such as Hornsey, Finsbury Park, and at Ipswich one image of an empty depot. Disappointing, as these places were where 'mass dieselisation' was first introduced. There were no captions of Colwick shed itself either. There seems to be an emphasis on mainly corporate blue period shots as well. No images of Boston either, just a diagram.
  9. Will this model operate in analogue mode, and if not will a blanking plug be provided to replace the 'basic' chip?
  10. I agree with the above, but another significant factor was the move towards smokeless fuels, both in the home and in industry. Much local traffic by 1960 in our side of town was local coal deliveries, and our local goods yard was empty soon after legislative changes.. This was after the various Clean Air Acts, which transformed the air in places like Manchester. Also the move to North sea gas meant the end of Town gas and all the 'coke' trains/movements that went with it
  11. HEY! Lets go the whole hog... crew with cigarettes actually smoking! Whilst holding a shovel with scale bagon and eggs on it of course...
  12. Well the 16XX get my vote ...good for Forest of Dean Model fans like me, and a good small layout engine generally. You can also squeeze one in on a far North layout - 2 were based at Helmsdale, one of which I saw on Inverness back in 1961. Wonder if Model Rail will do the Scottish numbers (1646/9)? Good news!
  13. It could be far worse..LMR castoffs ...class 25's
  14. Any pictures of these 'elves' perchance.....
  15. Are the Replica coaches similar in profile to the Bachmann ones? The early Mainline ones had a 'shallow' bodyside with mold pips too if I recall. I would like the Replica green to be a match for the last Hornby batch, which I prefer to Bachmann's SR mk1 green-both light and dark shades used by them.
  16. Because Network Rail are sponsoring a new one that actually completes electrification projects.
  17. Think you missed 'I cannot believe that Hornby/Bachmann/Heljan (delete where applicable) have done/missed this'
  18. paulbb

    EBay madness

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRAND-NEW-Heljan-CLASS-200-14-RARE/112910882672?hash=item1a4a035770:g:R0YAAOSwpcxZypva mystery time....? says Bachmann at one point...
  19. How about a Beyer Garrat in Z gauge-with rotating coal bunker of course....
  20. does anyone know if these 2 types of coaches are coming out in SR green? They brought out 4 mark 1 types a few years back in green and thats been it...
  21. An excellent issue loaded with practical tips,advice and projects, all of which helps to get people to have a go and do some modelling. My only reservation concerns the Heljan class 20 'O' gauge loco up for a review with revised front end from the original models of 2010. Looking at the back of the 20 on page 93 it seems a little flat. Should there be more of a 'tumblehome' between the roof and the bottom of the rear windows? Can any 20 fans enlighten us?
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