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Everything posted by paulbb

  1. paulbb

    Dapol Class 21/29

    they may yet do one with the recess with/without the tablet catcher itself ...Heljan managed their tooling to do it for the classes 26/27
  2. The loco in question has suddenly stopped working. I use a Gaugemaster Prodigy and no address would register when I tried to read it; it was fitted with a 21 pin Bachmann decoder. This decoder was replaced with a new decoder, same manufacturer and again no movement, and no address shown on reading from the Prodigy. Removing the decoder and replacing it with its original blanking plate and trying it on an analog layout produced no movement either. Now I have checked the wiring harness that goes from the loco to the tender and all the connections seem good; likewise in the engine itself all soldered connections look fine. There was no smell or signs of burning from the motor, and the model has only done 1-2 hours of layout running tops. So, has anyone come across this problem before? I really like this loco and dont want it to go for 'spares or repair' on a web site!
  3. Nothing to do with the forthcoming class 59 of course....
  4. paulbb

    Hornby Clan

    looks absolutely clantastic....
  5. Yes I agree and they will only do the 24/1's that they have catalogued on their web site. I did email them (in January) asking about an option G without the warning panels and headlights, in original as-delivered condition but they did not get back to me, so I take that as a big 'No'.
  6. paulbb

    Dapol Class 21/29

    Agree with the above, and yet on the Dapol CAD images (on Hattons) that lower bodyside bevel is present...what went wrong??
  7. Also the survey only let me pick ONE option for the 16xx tank...would buy 2 or 3 really!
  8. I did an on-line questionnaire yesterday that featured this 'break' amongst other things. Although happy to do the survey, it seemed over long to put it mildly. There is also an inherent bias in such surveys too, as there are a number in our hobby -nobody knows how many lets face it- that do not or will not use email in any shape or form. This reflects the age distribution in the hobby possibly.
  9. there is an R3464 BR late black 7224 as well....
  10. would that be Key Largo..don't remember a class 50 in that movie..
  11. This new book by Rob Hampton has appeared on Ebay, though the publisher is not clear. It is priced at 19.95 plus postage. Does anyone have a copy? Is it a good read/price, or just a handy reference?
  12. paulbb

    EBay madness

    Preferred the Hornby one for £20....
  13. Nice backdrop, is it proprietary or made up special to look like Snowdonia?
  14. Did Hornby do the mark 1 Green Second Open when they came out a couple of years ago? Cant find any images or refs to one.
  15. in the review of the Heljan Lynton & Barnstaple Manning Wardle 2-6-2T (OO9), there was the assertion that Heljan liked a challenge referring to the class 17 as their first diesel in 4mm. Surely the Hymek was their first (and possibly best) loco?
  16. I think that there is a distinction between the branch lines-some of which were no hopers- and duplicate routes. It was the latter that people (with hindsight of course) regret the most, in terms of capacity and markets. The obvious ones being the Waverley, the Midland route through the Peak , and possibly all of the GC main line, the last one saving the taxpayer billions by providing HS2 of course...
  17. Visited the show today, and it seems that many people took the organisers advice and did not come in vast droves for the Sat morning. This was great as up to about 1100 it was much easier to move around and talk to the exhibitors than last year, who were all very friendly and helpful. The catering was fine and sensibly spread between the 'hot meals' and 'drinks and snacks', which meant less queueing. A well balanced show for me with plenty of trade stands too. On the 10 Commandments stall there was also a costumed 'lady santa' who seemed to put a smile on many faces. Thanks to MMRS for their efforts. Paul
  18. Most prolific MODEL? surely the good old Triang Princess (in Black) roughly 600,000 over the 1950's and early 1960's, when many youngsters had a board with track pinned to it and kept stored under the bed .... I certainly did.
  19. Best bit for me was Matt Strictlands excellent looking Cuban railway on page 16. Claims he is a beginner, so I shudder to think what he could do when he becomes an expert. The model really conveys the slightly seedy backwater aspect of this republic, but in a different way from Lance Mindheims Florida type layouts
  20. paulbb

    Falcon in 7mm

    I think that many people who are in O gauge (or who are moving into it now) tend to have smaller layouts-no surprise there-but the class 60 and a Falcon are very long, space-eating machines. My layout can just hold a Hymek (and a class 22 hopefully) without looking like a shark in a fishtank; both the models are great but not really appropriate for my needs.
  21. Thanks for that. Do you have a contact number or details for Country Scenes Model Railways? There seems to be only a Facebook page on the net and I dont have an account with FB. regards Paul
  22. given the above, I will have to mullett over....
  23. This was a good exhibition with some nice varied layouts. There was plenty of trade support too, which given the dearth of model shops now, was useful for all those bits and pieces that keep the hobby alive. My only gripe was that the catering was very limited.
  24. " A new line between Liverpool and the HS2 Manchester spur via Warrington; ... - A new Trans Pennine rail line that connects Manchester and Leeds via Bradford" Really this is dreamware, anyone starting to build new routes between Liverpool and Leeds will attract every NIMBY,tree hugger, and professional objector in the UK and will take , well several years, of enquiries, meetings etc. Why not simply electrify what is there with some tilty trains so we can get to places 10-15 minutes quicker without using gas guzzling diesels all over the shop
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