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Status Updates posted by ews60002

  1. Ever realise that no matter what you do, it's never good enough and sometimes you just have to be a little $#@€ to get your point over before they understand that they screwed up!

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Are we talking work or RMweb:D

    2. ews60002


      Whichever takes your fancy, but it's mostly work

  2. 3 70's on the Crewe - Southampton Intermodal...... Nice

  3. I saw Big Jim drive by my local station tonight with a pair of grids and snowploughs, Hope you were wrapped up warm Jim.

    1. big jim

      big jim

      I saw you too!

  4. Heavy smoker at Crewe station today, Virgin staff not happy at all.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ews60002


      It was Network Rail 97302 ex 37170


    3. Hroth


      There you go!

    4. Lu4472ke


      I thought you meant that LMS thing that was in the area


  5. Thanks ukmail, 28 days to deliver a parcel and it's broken.

  6. I added 500 people to my flickr account this week, so far 3 have returned the favour. What's the point....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. blueeighties


      Who cares who wants to follow you? I use Flickr for my enjoyment, adding other people to 'like' my page certainly doesn't enhance that enjoyment.

    3. Phil Parker

      Phil Parker

      What blueeighties said. If you are only adding these people to gain followers, and 500 in a day would suggest that, calm down and just enjoy it. Tag photos and let people find you naturally. Then any follows are because they like your work.


    4. CovDriver


      I agree with Phil and blueeighties I have about 90 followers Phil and Blueeighties included I use Flickr for mostly reference and of course for looking through rose tinted glasses.

  7. Where's the Railway? Shetland hasn't got one.

    1. Liam


      No but at the far north of the archipelago there's a plane restoration project.

    2. cal.n


      There used the be,


      And Orkney had quite an extensive narrow gauge railway system during the construction of the churchhill barrier

    3. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      The railway has been blown off Shetland due to the storm!

  8. 2 x 37 WCR and 2 X 37 Colas Rail at Crewe today, Tractor fest.....

  9. Decision decision decision!, DEMU or trip on Sleeper train to Inverness Friday Night.

    1. 46444


      Inverness or bust!

    2. Caledonian


      Absolutely - Inverness!

    3. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Sleeper to Inverness

  10. It's 350am and I cannot sleep, should I (a) have a shot of whisky (b) do some modelling or © go back bed and listen to the wife snore.

    1. ian


      4.15 and I've taken option (d) RMWeb and a cup of tea.

    2. Londontram


      combine the two have a cup of tea with a tot of whisky in it.... purely for medicinal purposes obviously

    3. Mallard60022


      Use earphones and listen to World Service or R4 Extra

  11. The first cut is always the deepest, but a bandsaw does the job straight and quick, now let's file the rough bits down tidy up.

  12. Chop chop chop chop, the wagon is going smaller. First of many if it works.

    1. Wild Boar Fell
    2. ews60002


      Got a few spare to have a go at, just waiting to see what paint job it gets.

    3. Wild Boar Fell

      Wild Boar Fell

      Nice,just need to find a use for all the centre sections now.

  13. I give up, Making a DB MXA body has cost me 2 finger tips and a lot of blood. Time for whisky now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SHMD


      Tell me, what dosage aides knife handling skills?




    3. ews60002


      It doesn't, the Whisky is to numb the pain.

    4. great central

      great central

      Dunking your fingers in it like Pete Townsend? Proper rock n roll!

  14. Drinking Skipper's ticket, a pale ale from Shetland Islands, Happy Burns night to our Scottish friends near and far.

    1. vitalspark


      And to you too.

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      A wee bit late but same to yerself!

  15. British Railways Collico Service box found being used as a post box, I'm on holiday in Shetland

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      What is that actually?

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      It's OK, google told me! ;-)

    3. Bill


      Watching Shetland on Netflix - I envy your peace of absolute nowt!

  16. Never under estimate the power of a fart, especially in a lift.

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Especially when it's a sbd :D

    2. Horsetan


      Going down.

    3. Mallard60022


      Is this some sort of comment on the Friday result? :)

  17. I'm not sick, I'm twisted, sick makes it sound like there's a cure.

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya


    2. HeeleyBridge


      wot spliff man?

  18. A 1 wagon test sample has now bloomed into a 15 wagon order, Dam u Internet.

    1. Horsetan


      A virus for which there is no cure bwahahahahahaha

    2. Adams442T


      I browsed the POW sides site last night and ended up in the same situation.......

  19. Tomorrow, 96 Days after the Bosley Explosion, Dorothy and William are returned to their families. We as a family can now lay our mother to rest, and Williams family can do the same.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ews60002


      This does bring some closure, there is still one person missing at the site at Bosley and they haven't found him yet.


    3. beast66606


      A difficult day and our thoughts are with you all.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I hope that you can eventually find closure after this. Your loved ones are surely at peace now.

  20. One body recovered from the Bosley Explosion yesterday. Unable to I.D. it so the wait continues.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Black Hat

      The Black Hat

      Very sorry to hear of your involvement in these tragic circumstances. Thoughts and support to one of our own in this difficult and testing time.

    3. Market65


      I'm here for you at this difficult time.

    4. andyram


      Sorry to hear this.

  21. My mother is missing presummed dead after the factory that she works in blew up yesterday. I have so many questions but no answers to those questions.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. scruff


      Thinking of you and your family. I hope you get answers soon

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Awful news. Thinking of you

    4. DDolfelin


      Lots of folk here thinking of you.

  22. So that's why my 56 was rough running, a broken chassis!

    1. thaddeus


      chassis rot?

    2. ews60002


      don't know, first time I've used it in 6 months. Been using my US stuff.

  23. If a loco runs during the day, does it need to have lights on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Correct. What if it has to go through a tunnel or run during periods of poor visibilty, for example.

    3. Mickey


      fog or falling snow.....

    4. ews60002


      Thanks, because WCRC 57 came through Sandbach with no lights on front on at all.


  24. Flickr has been messed with again!!!. If it ain't broke, don't mess with it.

    1. dvdlcs


      True, but it does seem to be a little more stable with Firefox on XP. At least in my case...

  25. 56081 out on the mainline.....http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/O76419/2015/02/24/advanced

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