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Obi-Jiff Kenobi

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Everything posted by Obi-Jiff Kenobi

  1. I like train's, but I don't have fond memory's of British Rails sandwich's.
  2. I'll wait for the reprint - I've heard this version is peppered with errors.
  3. Very tempting, especially the sound fitted one. I’ve got a real soft spot for gas turbine-powered vehicles that aren’t aircraft (Rover-BRM, Lotus 56, etc). I could have it delivered to work, then sneak it into the house under my coat. Would have to be a big coat though...
  4. If Ray Reardon had taken up cricket instead of snooker, would he have used a vampire bat?
  5. A man goes into a pub and says “Pint please, and a packet of helicopter crisps.” The barman replies “Sorry sir, we only have plain.”
  6. Some of the debates on RMWeb can be...
  7. That's assuming his feet don't go all the way to the ends.
  8. Don't forget: Needles and Pinza - The Searchers
  9. I often see little difference between the three...
  10. By all accounts, at least they tried to do something a little different with it, unlike the shot-for-shot remake of Psycho that has to be the most pointless film remake ever.
  11. I watched the proper The Italian Job at the weekend. I've never bothered with the remake, and never shall, because you can't improve on perfection.
  12. What's wrong with Oliver Postgate? Apart from him being dead, obviously.
  13. Where do I sign up? All together now: psst-kof, psst-kof, psst-kof...
  14. Didn’t they all have to be named Bobby?
  15. On Farcebook there are people who believe the earth is flat.
  16. Spring has sprung, The grass is ris, I wonder where The birdies is.
  17. Already done. Now I’ve got to save up for ‘em, and there’s no chance of overtime!
  18. Two people talking down the pub... A: Ken Dodd died today. B: Did 'e? A: No, Doddy.
  19. When it comes to people, life really is like a box of chocolates: all the good ones go first, and every one that’s left is nuts.
  20. What do you get when you drop a piano down a mineshaft? A flat miner.
  21. I’d love decent models in any scale of Genevieve, and Ambrose’s Spyker. If only they could be made to work on the Faller car system... Before I drift off topic, my thoughts on the duplication of Lion are that, civil service pay allowing, I’d ideally get Hornby’s Lion, preferably in a Rocket-style pack with coaches, and Rapido’s Thunderbolt, complete with rolling stock to recreate the climax of the film.
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