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Everything posted by Tangoman69

  1. Tom, That looks mighty impressive and an engenious way to give flexibility in the fiddle yard. What software did you use to create you plan? I have benn given 'permission' from SHMBO to build a log cabin 4.5M x 3.5M in size. I have a rough plan in my head, but want to finalise it pretty soon. Regards, Karl
  2. Whizzing up the ECML from KX to Durham. It's bloody boring in the dark!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SHMD


      Did York to Newcastle earlier.


      Apart from the Deltic - nothing to see...

    3. Tangoman69


      Didn't stop, but having 2 mins in York.

      Plenty of sprinters catching a few zzz's

    4. sammyboy


      I hate travelling by train at night, nothing to see out of the window!

  3. Heinz, The new plan looks great, lots of options for operating. Can I ask, what software did you use for your plan? Karl
  4. Just came across the copy of Railway Modeller that featured Troutons whilst packing up to move house. So much inspiration gained from this fantastic layout. Steve, have you any plans to exhibit in the NE?
  5. Happy birthday Steve, Hope it was a good one!
  6. Steve, How's the 950 coming along? Regards, Karl
  7. Ben, Is there much happening on Cottleston between its exhibitions? There must be some tweaking going on!! Regards, Karl
  8. Oh, My, God!!The photos are absolutely fabulous, What a fantastic layout, I am really impressed!!
  9. Superb corner filler, looks fantastic
  10. Nowt dodgy about that, you can see where it's going and it'll look alright on the night
  11. House is on the market, all models packed away and now I understand when SHMBO says I have too many trains!!

    1. 60159


      Not possible to have too many trains, it's a known scientific fact.

    2. irishmail


      I have loads of trains, but still not enough. :)


  12. All models now packed away pending a move 140 miles North

    1. Mallard60022


      Don't come beyond Watford.

  13. Steve, This has taken me back to my spotting days sat near Orlando Bridge in the 70's and the plethora of filthy diesels going about their tasks. Cracking little layout, very atmospheric, Karl
  14. I'll be watching this with much interest. Since I started my new job 3 weeks ago, I've been to or through WBQ more times than I had in the last 3 years.
  15. Paul, this is an excellent layout! Can I ask, what make is the mini digger? Karl
  16. Pupil teaching the master, love it!
  17. Just been given the go ahead from SWMBO to convert the garage into a fully insulated railway room, get in!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bgman


      ENJOY! Wahoo !!!

    3. steve22


      While you're out in the garage she's inside, changing all the locks...and selling all your stock on 'Buy & Sell'.

    4. trisonic


      Is the roof still on?

  18. Got to see Troutons in the flesh last week at Sheffield. The pictures shown in the previous posts don't truly portray the effort the Wakefield team have put into it. The real thing is even more inspirational than the photos, I'd urge anyone to get out and see it!
  19. Looking at being there on Sunday to see Troutons in the flesh!
  20. Phil, What I meant to say was put a thread in the footer, that's what the brain said, but fingers didn't write. D'oh!
  21. Al, This is fantastic modelling! It is hard to believe it's N gauge. Could I suggest that you put a link to your previous thread? It would givers a lot of interest to how it was initially constructed. Regards, Karl
  22. What a sh1te year so far! Smashed my elbow just before NYE, six weeks away from driving as a result, to find out someone had raised a grievance against me whilst away from the office, and to top it off my Dad died yesterday. Bring on 2017!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. locoholic


      Just hang on in there. It may take a while, but things will eventually start to improve.

    3. Mallard60022


      There are times when life tries to cover you in sh1te. Take a very deep breath, be strong, and to quote an old song, look to the future now. Bless you mate and PM me anytime if you need to unload.

    4. Tangoman69


      Thanks for all the kind words of support

  23. Is operating a scalpel whilst drinking Old Peculiar a good idea?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      An incisive observation.

    3. SHMD


      I just love precision modeling !

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Yeah, its good for you - @ 5.6% it should be...

  24. Certainly captured the atmosphere of Peak Forest here Cracking job!!
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