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Great Model Railway Challenge - Channel 5

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  • RMweb Gold

Finally caught up on the last episode and the thread. Why are people beating on the Fawley Flyers for "not meeting the brief"? Why are Mica's with ice in them any difference to an ice factory? A chilli factory or fire station could be just as tenuous as the fire in an engine. Were you expecting 3 layouts with icy mountains and volcanoes? Personally I thought all 3 interpretations were fine, especially as the production company gave them all the ok!

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Radio Times gives next week's final a good write up.

They (actually Alison Graham the correspondent) say "It's Brilliant"



Alison Graham is the editor of RT. TBH I don't think much of her: far too many of her editorials seem to be based on her own personal preferences ("I don't want to see..." style 'observations') rather than objective assessments of a programme's quality (or lack thereof). When I find that she likes a programme that I enjoyed it's usually nothing more than coincidence (quite often the things she says she liked about a programme bear no relation at all to what appealed to me about it).

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  • RMweb Gold

The notion that a model railway should be perfect and take 30 years is one of the stereotypes that I was worried would come across. Why should it take that long? 

My first exhibition layout was built in 6 months, more or less and the second took around two years.


My third exhibition layout was started in 2005 and still isn't finished. That's 13 years so far.


But 30 years before it's finished?


I've recently started the fourth layout, having made room for it by selling the first, yet before the third is finished.


I think I'm now feeling rather depressed and will have to go and lie down in a darkened room.

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  • RMweb Gold

Not sure I can add much that hasn't been said about the programme per se.  What I can say is I'm quite surprised about how many people have asked if I've watched GMRC (I've been 'outed' for so long around here that everyone knows my secret).  The ones who ask, have at least watched some of it themselves, even to the extent of saying 'not so good this week' or 'best team won' so on a VERY subjective opinion I would say viewing numbers would be holding up for the series.

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it feels weird seeing myself on screen


Tim had to do a few takes on the "blow our judges away" and "ship hot" such a forgetting the "away". ive met luigi before but didnt realise it was the same person, he was a trader at this years Narrow Gauge north. it was clear that the cameras were more after drama and tension but as i was calm and quietly toiling away, they happily left me alone. weve got a unique layout to all the others, its not an oval and its got transition curves on the end. our scratchbuild challenge was just ridiculous, what the **** are you supposed to do with goggles, the whole team supported our captain's decision. we had setbacks with our 6 pre builds with team members being absent, having to away to work or holidays they already had booked before doing this. one of our members was absent for the first few weeks before hand because of work but hopeful to get to fawley but had to pull out and was replaced at the last minute so only 2 of our prebuilds were done, Malcom's shed and my staithe


my photos and video to come

Edited by sir douglas
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Excellent winning layout tonight, I thought it was one of the best layouts of the series. Interesting that there will be a second series, there was mention of applications required as part of the end credits.

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CH5 and the production company must be pleased with viewing figures/market penetration, there's to be a second series....


(Just saw the judging and the announcment of the winner, so no views on how things went, but the winner seemed to be a good choice!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Well things must be good in the viewing figures dept as they asking for applications for the 2nd series!


All 3 layouts tonight were great, was a tough call. Well done Aberdeen!

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Incidentally, my daughter watched it with me this week and wanted what she called "the log flume team" to win. Which is the first one she's failed to correctly predict. But I thought Steve Flint's comment on that were spot on, when he talked about children watching it at a model railway exhibition.

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Three excellent layouts again tonight. Delighted to see Euan and the guys from Aberdeen win. Well done.


Interesting the order they ran the episodes with the more traditional layouts dominating the final weeks and the dinosaurs etc appearing in the earlier weeks. And whilst there were comments about appealing to non modellers when the first episodes were shown, the viewing figures in my house (very scientific) have gone up from one in week one to me and 4 wee girls aged 13 to 8, glued to the TV tonight, with a big cheer when the winners were announced.


Will be very interesting to see how teams approach series two in light of what we have seen, learned in series one so far.


Can't wait to the final.

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Very strange seeing yourself on telly but pleased how the show came out. Aberdeen crew deserved to win but the waterworld element of Shunters was really good, all scratchbulit. The barge was excellent.


Boy was I pleased to see that train enter the shed! The layout lives on and we will showing boards at the Wakefield Show with an invitation to take on the layout. We want to use it to develop skills and practice techniques with it being exhibited at a later date as we realised it could be fun to operate!

Edited by enginelane
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Well I thoroughly enjoyed that!


Is it just me or was there much less "infill" cutaways of Fawley Hill this week? There seemed to be much more speaking and shots of modelling...


I am extremely proud of what we achieved in the time, even if we did run out of paint for the sea/perspex! As stated in the show, we dedicated this build to Dave Clucas, our ex chairman who passed away a couple of days after we agreed to take part. I feel we did him proud, and the positive comments so far are testament to that, so thanks guys! #ClucasBay


It was a brilliant experience being on the show, and I thought the friendship and camaraderie amongst the teams was fantastic. We all stayed in the same hotel and had some great chats. We helped out the Shunter Guys and Wakefield with tools and parts during filming, and rightly so - we are all modellers, not enemies!


As I said before the episode, I think all 15 layouts have been awesome. The Shunter Guys layout was awesome. I loved the theme park! And Wakefield, wow, where did that come from. We were joking as time was called that they must have wheeled in a pre built layout. They did amazing pulling it back at the end. Well done to both of the teams!


I was excited to see TouchCab on the TV too!

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Well I thoroughly enjoyed that!


Is it just me or was there much less "infill" cutaways of Fawley Hill this week? There seemed to be much more speaking and shots of modelling...


I am extremely proud of what we achieved in the time, even if we did run out of paint for the sea/perspex! As stated in the show, we dedicated this build to Dave Clucas, our ex chairman who passed away a couple of days after we agreed to take part. I feel we did him proud, and the positive comments so far are testament to that, so thanks guys! #ClucasBay


It was a brilliant experience being on the show, and I thought the friendship and camaraderie amongst the teams was fantastic. We all stayed in the same hotel and had some great chats. We helped out the Shunter Guys and Wakefield with tools and parts during filming, and rightly so - we are all modellers, not enemies!


As I said before the episode, I think all 15 layouts have been awesome. The Shunter Guys layout was awesome. I loved the theme park! And Wakefield, wow, where did that come from. We were joking as time was called that they must have wheeled in a pre built layout. They did amazing pulling it back at the end. Well done to both of the teams!


I was excited to see TouchCab on the TV too!


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