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Corona-virus - Impact of the Health Situation worldwide

The Stationmaster
Message added by AY Mod

Please don't rely on an RMweb topic as being a reliable guide to what is happening or what you should be doing on such an important issue as Coronavirus; consult government resources or seek medical advice through the appropriate channel if you are in doubt.

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11 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Which is fair enough Andy, but I missed that and perhaps others have too. (I don't follow this topic closely - unlike you I have that luxury.)


It did seem that Rob's post was tongue in cheek, but I do agree that is far safer to not post conspiracy theories than to post them in jest - lest someone interpret them as accurate and propagate them further.



Thanks, I apologise for posting what I thought were patently absurd views, I did not think that in combination with a flat earth belief they would be more than an example of stupid theories .


Apologies to Andy too.

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3 minutes ago, JSpencer said:

Speaking to Japanease colleagues, they say most (like 95%+) transmission is by air (coughing, sneezing even talking), everyone owns a mask and wears it. The stats are convincing.  923 cases until now, approx 20 new cases  a day, the hospitals cope and everyone carries on working, so no economy nose dive.


What are we doing ? The gouvernments hourds masks for doctors etc, we get told to stay at home, the virus is spreading rapidly overloading hospitals and the people working in them and the economy takes crash.


Lets copy the Japanease for once. Get extra factories churning out marks, we all then wear them. It has to be ruddy site cheaper and more managible than what we are currently doing.



Oh dear, what dangerous nonsense.

The circumstances vary from place to place.

Here we have a plan that is based on social distancing. For this to work it needs a cut back of over 70% on going out and mixing. A 50% cut back still leads to chaos.

Do you really know better than our advisors?

We need to cut back further not ease off with control of movement, as at the moment it is not working in London and comments such as yours do not help.


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  • RMweb Gold
44 minutes ago, RJS1977 said:

Strange thing is, I've seen most of them on the BBC website over the last few days....


At the moment that's reason enough to suppose it's fake news.

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  • RMweb Premium
21 hours ago, Kris said:

Still playing that game with Norwegian. Given the offer of cancelling and getting their "cash points", hmmm maybe not. Sounds like fairy gold to me. I expect Norwegian will go bust before the end of this. 

Well Norwegian have just canceled my flight, so refund here we come. 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Bernard Lamb said:

at the moment it is not working in London

That is as debatable as any other viewpoint currently.  The level of human activity in central London is now so low that it is likely, in my unprofessional opinion, to have a slowing impact on infection rates.  There are suburban locations, and Boris's comment this afternoon shows that he has been made aware of them, where the sheer density of population makes any attempt at maintaining a 1m personal exclusion zone impractical or impossible.  


The issue he has, and all in London have, is that in order to manage the few he potentially has to manage the many which his daily conference today hinted he was still willing but reluctant to do. He specifically said he was not going to stop public transport.  While that could in theory be restricted by security measures to critical staff it will almost by default be used by those and few others after tomorrow's afternoon peak.  And peak it still is and still will be albeit extremely diminished.  

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

I have just had two conversations with unconnected friends in Australia.  Both tell much the same story.  Draconian measures against a very low infection rate and the population cannot see the need for it.  Based on those two conversations there seems to be the mood that it is "just a bad bug" and will rip through the population and pass on.  A typical Aussie "She'll be right, mate" attitude, actually.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Strange thing is, I've seen most of them on the BBC website over the last few days....


That's modern lazy journalism for you, just copy and paste random stuff found on the Internet and present it as "news"...

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I'm not worried bout Holidays this year.  We had a lad trip to  the Hamburg Port Anniversary but that gone tits up. Work now say we have to take 2 weeks Holidays before June. Thats 2 weeks left to take for the rest of the year but being in Air Cargo business I dont think the job will even be there to take Holidays from.


We will just have to see,


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15 hours ago, robmcg said:

Well, super-cures and imminent vaccines are now all over such as Vogue and similar magazines, so we must prepare for the avalanche of conspiracy theories.


AY Mod - A load of silly conspiracy theories edited out. 


I also believe the world is flat.


edit; I studied philosophy at uni.  How can I be wrong?  I need a humour icon here but cannot find one.  ;)


Note this post could perhaps should be deleted, for this will PROVE I'm right.  Of course it could be aliens....    I must ask my friend.


Good - this is a forum? where all viewpoints can be considered? and not censored by the establishment.

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1 hour ago, Bernard Lamb said:

Oh dear, what dangerous nonsense.

The circumstances vary from place to place.

Here we have a plan that is based on social distancing. For this to work it needs a cut back of over 70% on going out and mixing. A 50% cut back still leads to chaos.

Do you really know better than our advisors?

We need to cut back further not ease off with control of movement, as at the moment it is not working in London and comments such as yours do not help.



Now yes we need to battern down the hatches (we have not yet). But if advise at the start had been wear a mask on top of washing your hands, we would not be there yet.

Social distancing won't reverse the curve (its proven elsewhere that did this), so we end up with isolation for weeks to releave hospitals, but then what? 

We have to come out of that with better measures than we went in. If Korea, China, Japan are showing wearing masks (on top of hand washing, distancing etc) keeps it under control then we need to follow the example. 


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I've just watched Look North on BBC and Channel 4 News.  Both programmes featured large amounts of material that were contentious as all points raised were addressed and answered either in the House of Commons or during BoJo's press conference this afternoon.  In both case this was inexcusable as it unnecessarily causes anxiety when there shouldn't be any.  Why ask kids if they are worried about when they will know whether they will get A Level results that will confirm their university places when it has already been announced that their grades (assessed by whatever means) will be released on schedule in August?  Why interview people who confirm their ignorance of the current status of matters and then broadcast them despite the answers to their open issues having been addressed and answered between the interview and the broadcast?


This and many of the ill-informed opinions included on this thread are the complete opposite of the requests of all those in office whose responsibility it is to help ALL of us cope with the current very real crisis.  BoJo did not say it would all be over in 12 weeks.  He said that if everyone followed the advice given it was likely that the worst could be over in 12 weeks.  Given the behaviour of so many in our society and the attitudes exemplified on this list (and doubtless many others that I haven't seen) I doubt that there is much chance of the 12 week timescale being met.


Wash your hands, observe social distancing, don't go to the pub, don't hoard those items that we all need - in fact try to behave as if your life depends on it - because it just might.



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1 hour ago, JSpencer said:

Speaking to Japanease colleagues, they say most (like 95%+) transmission is by air (coughing, sneezing even talking), everyone owns a mask and wears it. The stats are convincing.  923 cases until now, approx 20 new cases  a day, the hospitals cope and everyone carries on working, so no economy nose dive.


What are we doing ? The gouvernments hourds masks for doctors etc, we get told to stay at home, the virus is spreading rapidly overloading hospitals and the people working in them and the economy takes crash.


Lets copy the Japanease for once. Get extra factories churning out marks, we all then wear them. It has to be ruddy site cheaper and more managible than what we are currently doing.




Conversely, the lack of testing (as recommended by the WHO, whom I would rather believe than you), is suggesting that there is a wave of new infections about to hit them.


We shall see. But now is not the time for experiment, as the UK is increasingly beginning to find. The aspect of wearing masks, for those that don't have the virus, has already been debunked. It may simply be that Japan is an island, and has relatively fewer external contacts with the outside world than does Europe or the USA.

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5 minutes ago, Oldddudders said:

I have seen elsewhere on RMweb that you are cynical about the importance of Covid-19. As manager of forum content, Andy Y takes it upon himself to suppress unsubstantiated crap about the disease and cures etc., which for many informed members represent the biggest threat of their whole lives.  


If you don't like his policy you are free to go elsewhere. 




Just my viewpoint (which is obviously not the same as yours) - isn't that what a forum is for? -  free speech and uncensored unbiased opinions?

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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, Crisis Rail said:


Or regulated by the establishment?


What 'Establishment' would this be ?


If you mean an overworked Mod who has to keep an eye on conspiracy theory nutters you might be half way there.


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  • RMweb Gold
2 minutes ago, Crisis Rail said:


Or regulated by the establishment?

The remedy is obvious - go and start a forum of your own, as Andy Y did 15 years ago. Paid for out of his own pocket for the first few years, which was a considerable cost. But that won't be a problem for you, because free speech is more important than money, I'm sure. And you will be keen to welcome all sorts of points of view, so it's bound to be a hit among the anti-establishment set. 


What are you waiting for?

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2 minutes ago, Mike Storey said:


Conversely, the lack of testing (as recommended by the WHO, whom I would rather believe than you), is suggesting that there is a wave of new infections about to hit them.


We shall see. But now is not the time for experiment, as the UK is increasingly beginning to find. The aspect of wearing masks, for those that don't have the virus, has already been debunked. It may simply be that Japan is an island, and has relatively fewer external contacts with the outside world than does Europe or the USA.


You don't know you have the virus until later. The Japanease wear masks, not to stop themselves catching it but to stop others catching it from them. Even that is proved by WHO.

At this stage though we need tougher measures than masks and we have not gone far enough (China total lock down after 400 confirmed cases, UK 3200 today will schools shutting tomorrow and social distancing, already tried by Italy until they locked down far later).

My point was we may have slowed down the cases had we been wearing them on top of washing hands (where transmission was fairly low in comparison to air tranmission).

Isolation will be a reset button to get numbers back to managable again. But what happens after? Do we advise people to just wash hands? carrry on social distancing? or do we up it to copy what worked elsewhere to keep cases low again?

Maybe it is about to explode again in asia (all those people bringing the virus in from europe etc), but if it does not then we need to ask what they did that we did not. Masks are one, measuring peoples temperatures is another, apps of infected people/places is a 3rd, some differences that instantly stand out. 

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, JSpencer said:

At this stage though we need tougher measures than masks and we have not gone far enough


I'm not sure, are you on the right or the left of Bojo in the press conferences? I ask as your knowledge seems far greater than those in COBRA meetings.


Masks don't work as you think. I wear them for work and when you take them off the whole of the front of your face is covered with moisture from your breath, if you cough you can see the spray exit to the side.


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  • RMweb Gold
17 minutes ago, jjb1970 said:

Look on the bright side, the government will have plenty of candidates to choose from next time they need a chief scientific adviser. 


Not me please ...nightmare job...almost as bad as being a mod on here...

Edited by Gilbert
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10 minutes ago, Oldddudders said:

The remedy is obvious - go and start a forum of your own, as Andy Y did 15 years ago. Paid for out of his own pocket for the first few years, which was a considerable cost. But that won't be a problem for you, because free speech is more important than money, I'm sure. And you will be keen to welcome all sorts of points of view, so it's bound to be a hit among the anti-establishment set. 


What are you waiting for?


As regards which establishment I mean -  I think you have the incorrect end of the stick.

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Crisis Rail said:


As regards which establishment I mean -  I think you have the incorrect end of the stick.

Or just maybe you have. Andy Y edited out a load of rabid nonsense - that definition being the view of the chap who had posted it, tongue in cheek. In a less-serious context than Covid-19, it might indeed have been funny, but with so much misinoformation rife everywhere, RMweb's good name was better protected by expunging it. 

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  • RMweb Premium
58 minutes ago, Crisis Rail said:


Good - this is a forum? where all viewpoints can be considered? and not censored by the establishment.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom to have a soapbox. If it's someone else's soapbox they're entirely entitled to have it back if they don't like how it's being used.

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