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  • RMweb Premium

Just like this except you will finish yours.......






I've got quite a lot of helpful ref material that folk sent me when I did mine. Just ask when you start yours.

It is a great coach to build as there are hardly any windows!!

Blobs of solder compulsory........

You will find that the bogie sides on mine are not quite right. Geoff has upgraded to the correct 'Mark' since I did this one


Edited by Mallard60022
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Hi Peter,


There's always time for pictures of lovely engines!


Hi Oli,


Thanks for the kind words - must be a bit of a druge reading through all my waffle in one go!




Sides only or the full monty - modelling is still modelling! The main thing is to enjoy it...


Hi Mallard,


What's this - a kit for window phobics anonymous? Start your coaching stock modelling with a SIPHON G, then perhaps a PYTHON, then one of these and then a full brake. You will soon be doing third class non corridor compartment stock like the rest of us....


It's a nice job that you have made of that kit there Mallard!


All the best,



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Hi Rich,

I though the SIPHON G was internally framed?


All the best,


Oops yes many were. The early ones were not though. I often forget about post grouping developments with my own personal modelling interests being the post Edwardian pre grouping period. Sorry.


Edited to unedit iPad edits.

Edited by richbrummitt
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No worries Rich - I have made far worse mistakes that just one letter! I should have said a Collett SIPHON G so wrong on both sides technically!


I know what you mean though. The outside framed MONSTERS are the same too. I took an outside framed ex Kirk kit and scraped all the complex stuff off to make an inside framed one! Something of a backward step in some ways...


All the best,



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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry I rather hijacked the thread with that Bullion van. Anyhow do you mean like this?


I cheat with Siphons and stuff by using Lima (sorry) bodies on Cometish under-frames and goodness knows who's bogies!


Edited by Mallard60022
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I cheat with Siphons and stuff by using Lima (sorry) bodies on Cometish under-frames and goodness knows who's bogies!


You are not the only one... Nothing wrong with the Lima body moulds at all really - especially considering the age of them!


All the best,



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No worries Rich - I have made far worse mistakes that just one letter! I should have said a Collett SIPHON G so wrong on both sides technically!


Maybe we should talk in Diagram numbers rather than telegraphic codes? Whilst the latter met the needs of the operating department for a basic vehicle specification the former give more indication of the actual appearance. 


I'm as guilty as the next person for taking as long (if not longer) chopping something about that seemed like a good starting point to get what I'd like as it would to have built it from scratch. 

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  • RMweb Gold

And thus ends today's bumper first birthday edition of Little Didcot! Thanks for you continued interest, support and friendship and hopefully we will have a few more vehicles ready for the road by this time next year. Was it really a year ago?


Amazing what you've achieved in a year Castle. You have a very refreshing go-ahead approach to things that is clearly paying off. 


I like your mum and dad's approach to buying gifts - we need more people like that :-)


Thanks also for the walkthrough illustration of the K41 build so far. Good stuff.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just like this except you will finish yours.......

attachicon.gifBullion roof detail.jpg


attachicon.gifBullion Van c.jpg

attachicon.gifBullion underframe detail.jpg

attachicon.gifBullion Van model alarm end B.jpg

I've got quite a lot of helpful ref material that folk sent me when I did mine. Just ask when you start yours.

It is a great coach to build as there are hardly any windows!!

Blobs of solder compulsory........

You will find that the bogie sides on mine are not quite right. Geoff has upgraded to the correct 'Mark' since I did this one


Thanks but I have gone for a bullion van from an earlier age, and not one of Geoffs...........  The "newest" things in my collection are a 4-6-0 City and 10 Hawskworths of different types.  That ex Mk1 is way to newfangled for my liking.

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Thanks but I have gone for a bullion van from an earlier age, and not one of Geoffs...........  The "newest" things in my collection are a 4-6-0 City and 10 Hawskworths of different types.  That ex Mk1 is way to newfangled for my liking.

A Bullion van like this


4mm GWR Bullion Van Built from the Frogmore Confederacy kit by Mozzer models, on Flickr

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Amazing what you've achieved in a year Castle. You have a very refreshing go-ahead approach to things that is clearly paying off. 


I like your mum and dad's approach to buying gifts - we need more people like that :-)


Thanks also for the walkthrough illustration of the K41 build so far. Good stuff.

Hi Mikkel,


Thanks for the kind words!


That's the way to do it - no mucking about, jump in with both feet! As a wise man once said - those that never make mistakes, never did anything! I will no doubt make a few as I build a full brake and 3 (!) super saloons but mistakes have to be pretty massive to mean that there is no fixing them. It does take a bit of nerve to slice into your brand new RTR offering or kit the first time but you soon get over that. I'll carve any miniature up for my own purposes now.


I do have a really nice Mum and Dad don't I? Our family has a great approach to gifts in my opinion - this way people get what they actually need or really want. Myself and the other half did it for my parents too. It still gets wrapped up and then we all have a go at faking the surprise noises when we get them on the day...


I haven't stuffed this build up yet so we will keep going with the K41 - I will update again in the next we days but I do have to go and play at 12" : 1' scale this weekend too... It seems we have gone from only the likes of Coach, Mozzer and Mallard regularly doing passenger stock to a whole legion of folks doing it now - no bad thing, especially if it encourages yet more to have a go!


All the best,



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It seems we have gone from only the likes of Coach, Mozzer and Mallard regularly doing passenger stock to a whole legion of folks doing it now - no bad thing, especially if it encourages yet more to have a go!


All the best,



But Coach & i do coach building as are jobs so we will most of the time have some type of coach on the go

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Hi MIB & Mozzer,


What is this BR Mk. 1 thing you speak of?*


Mozzer - I was aware that you guys build professionally and many of us here are grateful of the fact that the likes of your good self will share your skills with us! It means we make far less mistakes...


All the best,




*Just kidding Mallard - it is a REALLY nice model!

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, the bullion van as per Mozzer's photos is the one for me.


The only Mk1s I appreciate are Golf GTIs (had one once) and Lotus Cortinas.

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Hi All,


Get it together man!


So, last time we got the major components sorted out and ready for assembly and now we have to link it all together into something vaguely coach shaped I suppose! The trick I used here was a combination of a couple of engineer's squares and a chunk of sticky tape. The tape fixes the coach side to the wood and then the squares can push up against it and it won't slide off down the bench - at least, that's the theory! This does take a bit of setting up to do but dividends are paid in the end I feel with a square coach. I tack soldered top and bottom and then finish soldered from the middle out which seemed to work just fine. I did this so that each end had one side connected to it. I know you are supposed to use the chassis as a jig but on this coach this was going to be how I did it.




A further set up and tack solder like this...




...gets us here. For the final set up I did resort to screwing it to the chassis before doing the finish soldering.




Then it was bogie time. The first thing I do is to drill out all the various holes and then added the bearings.




I then added the bogie pivots and this I do with a mini torch after adding flux and then laying down some solder roughly with the iron. Seems to work very well and gets it all hot very fast and the solder flows into all the right pieces.




I brake (pun intended and coat on...) out the low melt solder and construct the cosmetic sides. Afterwards, I then add the end pieces - with pins soldered into each end but only fixed at one corner and pressed in at the other end so the wheels can be removed for painting - and then the brake shoes go on.




To finish up this time round I added the V hangers for the brakes and decided to call it a night.




Well, that's goodnight from me and its goodnight from little No. 111...


All the best,



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