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The Forum Jokes Thread


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The Royal Navy is proud of its new fleet of Type 45 destroyers.


Having initially named the first two ships HMS Daring and HMS Dauntless, the Naming Committee has, after intensive

pressure from Brussels , renamed them HMS Cautious and HMS Prudence. The next five ships are to be named HMS Empathy,

HMS Circumspect, HMS Nervous, HMS Timorous and HMS Apologist....

Alas, all too close to the truth, I fear!

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The Royal Navy is proud of its new fleet of Type 45 destroyers.


Having initially named the first two ships HMS Daring and HMS Dauntless, the Naming Committee has, after intensive

pressure from Brussels , renamed them HMS Cautious and HMS Prudence. The next five ships are to be named HMS Empathy,

HMS Circumspect, HMS Nervous, HMS Timorous and HMS Apologist....


Alas, all too close to the truth, I fear!


'iL Dottore' timestamp='1353683914' post='853594' said


Alas, all too close to the truth, I fear!


The MOD has announced that regretably this information was released early in error, and due to expected cost-cutting annoucements in the upcoming Chancellors Autumn Budget, the Class 45 destroyers are now being downgraded to inflatable rubber dinghies, and the UK Olympic Rowing Team personnel are being conscripted to propel them. All other Naval personnel will be made redundant.

Edited by shortliner
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A guy asked a girl in a library; “Do you mind if I sit beside you”?


The girl answered with a loud voice; I DON’T WANT TO SPEND


All the students in the library started staring at the guy and he was embarrassed.

After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy’s table and she told him “I study psychology and I know what a man is thinking, I guess you felt embarrassed right?”

The guy responded with a loud voice: "$200 JUST FOR ONE NIGHT!? THAT’S TOO MUCH!!! And all the people in the library looked at the girl in shock and the guy whispered in her ears;

“I study Law and I know how to make someone look guilty"

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Sidecar Racer,


Re: The pic of the Crackatinni Tribe.


This picture is obviously photoshopped. Please note, that we Australians DON'T drink VB or Fosters. We sell it to the poms....


Cheers, Gary.

Edited by gazmanjack
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Sidecar Racer,


Re: The pic of the Crackatinni Tribe.


This picture is obviously photoshopped. Please note, that we Australians DON'T drink VB or Fosters. We sell it to the poms....


Cheers, Gary.

They drink XXXX instead because none of them can spell beer. :jester:
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A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie.

He decides to test it out at dinner one night.

The father asks his son what he did that afternoon.

The son says, "I did some schoolwork."

The robot slaps the son.

The son says, "Ok, Ok. I was at a friend's house watching movies."

Dad asks, "What movie did you watch?"

Son says, "Toy Story."

The robot slaps the son.

Son says, "Ok, Ok, we were watching porn."

Dad says,"What? At your age I didn't even know what porn was."

The robot slaps the father.


Mom laughs and says,"Well, he certainly is your son."

The robot slaps the mother.


Robot for sale.

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A magician was working on a cruise ship.


Since the audience was different each week, the magician did the same tricks over and over again.


There was only one problem: The captain's parrot saw the shows each week and began to understand how the Magician did every trick.


Once he understood, he started shouting in the middle of the show, "Look, it's not the same hat!" or, "Look, he's hiding the flowers under the table!"


Or "Hey, why are all the cards the ace of spades?"


The magician was furious but couldn't do anything. It was, after all, the Captain's' parrot.


Then one stormy night on the Pacific, the ship unfortunately sank, drowning almost all who were on board.


The magician luckily found himself on a piece of wood floating in the middle


of the sea, as fate would have it ... With the parrot.




They stared at each other with hatred, but did not utter a word.


This went on for a day... And then 2 days. And then 3 days. Finally on the


4th day, the parrot could not hold back any longer and said...




"OK, I give up. Where's the f******* ship?"

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As good as this bar is," said the Scotsman, "I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow, there's a wee place called McTavish's. The landlord goes out of his way for the locals. When you buy four drinks, he'll buy the fifth drink."


"Well, Angus," said the Englishman, "At my local in London, the Red Lion, the barman will buy you your third drink after you buy the first two."


"Ahhh, dat's nothin'," said the Irishman, "back home in Cork at my favourite pub, the moment you set foot in the place, they'll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like. Then, when you've had enough drinks, they'll take you upstairs and see dat you gets laid, all on the house!"


The Englishman and Scotsman were suspicious of these claims. The Irishman swore every word was true, but they asked, "Did this actually happen to you?"


"Not meself, personally, no," admitted the Irishman, "but it did happen to me sister quite a few times."

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An Irishman* is travelling in a taxi in New York; driver says “Ya like riddles?”

“To be sure!”

“Okay – Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is it?”

“Oh, that's a hard one; I give up!”

“It's me”.

“Oh that's clever; must remember that one!”


A week later, back in Ireland, he meets his mate in the pub, and says “I've got a great riddle for you - Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man's father is my father's son. Who is it?”

“That's a hard one, I give in”

“It's a taxi driver in New York!”





* (Other nationalities are available).

Edited by bluebottle
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I've introduced my son to the comic legend Tommy Cooper via YouTube.


"I was going through my loft and found a Stradivarius and a Rembrandt, and took them to an auctioneer to get them valued.


Unfortunately he told me they were worth nothing. Rembrandt made lousy Violins and Stradivarius was a hopeless painter"



Edited by Downendian
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Tax form returned .




I emailed my tax return and am a tad baffled because HMRC have returned it with a query about my list of dependents...


I can only assume it was due to my response to the question List All Dependents ::


2.5 million unemployed, Gawd knows how many on benefits, 1 million illegal immigrants, approx 1.5 million drug addicts and dealers,


6 million public employees, 88,000+ people in overcrowded prisons, 87 useless and conniving MEPs and their 1200+ associates,


650 thieving Members of Parliament, 650 parasitic Lords, one totally useless Prime Minister and his 100+ aides and advisors,


an equally totally useless deputy PM and his retinue....





Evidently I have left someone out, so if anyone knows can you let me know.

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Come to think of it, what is the stuff from NSW? :jester:





You don't really want to know, but it is unfortunate that the brewery advertising agencies are constantly bombarding us in New South Wales with XXXX ads and VB ads...

Atleast they ain't bombarding us with West End ads...! :nono:


Cheers, Gary.

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Liverpool FCs plan to ruin Chelsea FC by sending them Fernando Torres and Rafa Benitez seems to be working a treat!


True, but somehow it doesn't appeared to have helped Liverpool one little bit! At 7 points behind us you have a lot of catching up to do, then a few more points to catch those clubs from the other end of the L&M Railway.



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You don't really want to know, but it is unfortunate that the brewery advertising agencies are constantly bombarding us in New South Wales with XXXX ads and VB ads...

Atleast they ain't bombarding us with West End ads...! :nono:


Cheers, Gary.


Is Toohey's still going?

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