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Dapol silver bullets

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  • RMweb Premium

I asked at the Kernow MRC stand at the recent West of England show if they were going to do another run of the weathered silver bullets, the answer was that they did not know at the moment. I would speculate (always a bit dangerous) that if they do not Dapol could market their own weathered version and clean up judging by the way they are going. One of my local shops has had a few on order one of which is earmaked for me which I will pick up tomorrow am really looking forward to seeing this superb model, I think we can forgive the ladders and walkway on top but as someone else wrote I am sure an etched replacement kit will appear very soon. It will be interesting to see who makes the kit first and how long it takes to get on this thread!

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My silver bullets arrivied from a well known Merseyside shop today, I knew when I saw them at Glasgow they were gonna be good, it never fails to impress me the shine on them!


Unfortunately I found the NEM socket was allowing Kadee couplers to droop slightly a'la Bachmann TTA and the trip pin was catching on my points-v frustrating. The same Bachmann fix of a wee bit slither of paper into the bottom of the socket and the coupler sitted a bit more higher and the trip wire on the coupler bent up ever so slightly however the the coupler still sits a touch too low.


I just wish I was quicker and got the Kernow ones, however I do like weathering so Ill give them the treatment.

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I asked at the Kernow MRC stand at the recent West of England show if they were going to do another run of the weathered silver bullets, the answer was that they did not know at the moment. I would speculate (always a bit dangerous) that if they do not Dapol could market their own weathered version and clean up judging by the way they are going. One of my local shops has had a few on order one of which is earmaked for me which I will pick up tomorrow am really looking forward to seeing this superb model, I think we can forgive the ladders and walkway on top but as someone else wrote I am sure an etched replacement kit will appear very soon. It will be interesting to see who makes the kit first and how long it takes to get on this thread!


I asked Dapol direct, their comment was we know Kernows plans but I cant tell you, ask Kernow.


Kernow would have be mad not to do another run on these given huge demand, all I kept hearing at Ally Pally was how do i get hold of the weathered ones. To me seems odd why Dapol would offer these up on ltd ed runs given how many many more they could sell on general release. To be fair to Kernow/Dapol, they arent marking them up excessively but on the other side of the coin Dapol then cant be making much more per wagon than general release examples, but this small gain is totally lost by choking back sales by creating a ltd ed!


It may just be me some of this ltd ed stuff does seem to get a little out of control at times especially when it could have/would have been a general release item anyhow as per N scale example.


I have bought the non-weathered ones but would have bought more weathered ones if I could have got hold of. Dont look too bad un-weathered to be honest. May one day give weathering a stab but not sure how well the paint will grip to the high gloss, look forward to others efforts first!!


PS I was told rightly/wrongly Shawplan are doing etched bits for these.

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Got a bit of a slagging off Rex in the review. They said the walkways and ladders bore little relation to the real thing. Can anyone comment further ? Is it just they are a bit chunky or are they inaccurate ?

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  • RMweb Gold

To me seems odd why Dapol would offer these up on ltd ed runs given how many many more they could sell on general release.


Because they are exclusive to Kernow initially, this doesn't mean they won't do them in the general range eventually. If you don't have the skill or propensity to weather them then you'd still buy more later and if you have weathered ones then any future Dapol release will have different numbers so you can add to the fleet.


Dapol are probably selling more as a result as you might not buy a shiny one now if you could get a weathered one. Leaving us uncertain taps into the I must have them now incase I can't get them later paranoia that small production batches has caused. This isn't a criticisim of any manufacturer as it makes a lot of sense in the current market as it reduces risk and is ultimately why we are seeing so many models that would have been considered too much of a gamble a few years ago.


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I have just bought a couple for my Speedink rake,from Wakefield model and craft centre B)

They still have some in stock at 27.95 and open today if you are quick. 01924 374097

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  • RMweb Premium

Picked mine up today, absolutely beautiful aside from the ladders which look as if they have been lifted from an old Tri-ang model, they are completely at odds with the rest of the model which is fantastic. Running qualities are especially good. I must admit I am not too worried about the walkway which I think I can live with but the ladder is in need of replacement. Shame really the one pays nigh on £30 for a wagon which is let down by a distinctly un-super detailed ladder. All that said I will get another when the coffers allow. The chap at the shop I bought these told me that Kernow wanted to do a bigger run of the weathered wagons but for some reason could not. I believe we will see more weathered wagons but whether it is Dapol or Kernow who market them is anyones guess.

Can anyone confirm if a ladder/walkway is in the pipeline?

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<P>A write-up on the ICA Clay Slurry Tankers (A.K.A. Silver Bullets)</P>

<P>Having read the topic which took over 2 hours to do due to slow internet speed and regular tea breaks, I have finally decided that Dapol have really hit the nail on the head with this unique wagon. I got my 10 wagons today and am waiting for Kernow to send me 5 weathered versions soon.<BR> <BR>I don't know what the guys and gals at Dapol drink in Wrexham but I love that they have taken the bull by the horns and gone and made an iconic wagon for us D&E era guys to have on our layouts. My fleet of Lima class 92's have a decent wagon to haul around my layout. I read in Rail Express that they seem to be less than impressed with the End platform, Ladders, Top Walkway and steps, saying that they are too chunky and hoping that an enterprising etch company will come along and provide replacements. Pardon my expressing but I DON'T CARE if they are too chunky, I prefer wagons that look the part and are not pieces of art. Remember that the wagons are to be played with on your layout and not to be on a shelve to be looked at. <BR><BR>Dapol have the wagon just right and I hope that they continue doing wagons that haven't been done before. I am quite annoyed that Hornby/Bachmann continue to make wagons with only 1/2 running numbers while Dapol have done this wagon with 6/8 running numbers (Including limited editions and weathered versions) which is what rail modellers want. <BR>Their MBA Monster boxes had at least 8 different numbers 5 standard and (3 ltd and weathered versions) on the wagons and I like that alot. I have heard that Bachmann's MBA to be released soon has only one number available which makes them boring and to be honest a bit stubbon to please us modellers. Bachmann take note WE WANT DIFFERENT NUMBERS.</P>

<P>Anyway, i'm off not to play with my tankers and again to Dapol.............THANKS ALOT</P>

<P>Mathew<BR><BR>p.s. anyone from Dapol watching, can I request a wagon for the future. JNA's in either Mendip rail colours or ARC/Yeomans</P>

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  • RMweb Premium

I agree with some of what you say ews60002 however we are to a certain extent victims of our own wishes. Many modelers wish for ever more fine detail and when we get it we come to expect that from all new products. The Silver Bullets are fantastic wagons despite the ladders, its just that when Dapol go to such great lengths to produce such incredibly fine lettering and beautiful bogies and running qualities it is a shame that the ladder appears like an afterthought. I was comparing the ladder to an old Hornby tank wagon that I have had for years and the ladder on the Hornby wagon is superb compared with the Dapol effort. I would have liked/expected an etched ladder for nearly £30 a wagon. But all that said it is an inspired choice, bring on the Tigers!

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  • RMweb Gold

Any N Gaugeers out there, check out the Dapol homepage, weathered N gauge one due later in the year!!!!


They look excellent, I will be getting a rake, mega congratulations to Dapol!!




They look as superb as the OO ones did. I wonder if they sell well, they might be persuaded to do a run of slightly tarnished ones?


Can any one also tell me if I'm imagining it, but did some of the silver bullets carry the "Caledonian Paper" logo instead of either the ECC one or the NACCO one? I reminded me when I saw the logos on the Fox transfers website.





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I agree with some of what you say ews60002 however we are to a certain extent victims of our own wishes. Many modelers wish for ever more fine detail and when we get it we come to expect that from all new products. The Silver Bullets are fantastic wagons despite the ladders, its just that when Dapol go to such great lengths to produce such incredibly fine lettering and beautiful bogies and running qualities it is a shame that the ladder appears like an afterthought. I was comparing the ladder to an old Hornby tank wagon that I have had for years and the ladder on the Hornby wagon is superb compared with the Dapol effort. I would have liked/expected an etched ladder for nearly £30 a wagon. But all that said it is an inspired choice, bring on the Tigers!

....Agree entirely with this post, nearly £30 is a lot of money with a ladder like that.

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Thanks for your 'write -up' 60002, very useful,


quote, 'I DON'T CARE if the ladders are too chunky, I prefer wagons that look the part...'


Surely some contradiction there (and no need to shout), well some of us do, especially at £30 a pop. However I still say well done Dapol for having a go at these needed wagons - I think it may well have been the chroming process that put the cost up and reduced the 'super detail' as from what i have read Dapol had to send them all off to a specialist chromer.

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I've got just 2 wagons (would have bought more but sold out) and also think they are a superb, much needed wagon but, if it's the chrome that pushes the price up then surely a matt silver, wagon been in use for a few months would also be prototypical, be easier to weather and be cheaper to produce than the chrome finish which is a model of a new out of works wagon.


Run alongside (as well as) the chrome ones would make a lot of sense, after all, whats the point of going to the trouble and expense of chroming only to totally cover it with grime? just a thought??


I thought originally they would sell for just over £20, but now because of supply & demand a lot of places are selling at full R.R.P i.e. £27.95 which makes it expensive to build up a large rake.

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I've got just 2 wagons (would have bought more but sold out) and also think they are a superb, much needed wagon but, if it's the chrome that pushes the price up then surely a matt silver, wagon been in use for a few months would also be prototypical, be easier to weather and be cheaper to produce than the chrome finish which is a model of a new out of works wagon.


Run alongside (as well as) the chrome ones would make a lot of sense, after all, whats the point of going to the trouble and expense of chroming only to totally cover it with grime? just a thought??



Part of the appeal of these wagons is that they looked so striking when they were clean, and I think it's good that Dapol has tried to capture that look. A slightly toned-down finish might not have had the same broad appeal as the full-on chrome tank, and Dapol's decision has clearly been vindicated by the way the market has responded.

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True the market has responded in a poitive way vindicating the chroming but how many buyers would have rather had weathered ones negating the need and cost of chroming. The origanal poster said for nearly thirty quid a wagon you would have expected a more scale ladder and I agree with that.

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As promised - some close ups of the Silver bullet graveyard at Burngullow. A few points of note:

The wagons seem to be simply brake dust / running dirt - no clay residue at all. They weren;t absolutely filthy as the Kernow ones seem to imply.


I would suggest that a coat of matt varnish and some brown weathering powder would tone the ex works one nicely.

Note how the running numbers, ID plate have been cleaned at some point.














Who knows - these wagons may once again take Cornish white gold away from the Duchy!

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice photos Craig, Burngullow is only a few miles from where I live, have been down there a couple of times but must go down and get some photos for a bit of detailing. Sad to say that the china clay industry is running down slowly but surely, that is why rail traffic has diminished, Imerys like to clog the byways of Cornwall with masses of trucks/tankers getting in everyones way! It would be good to see them running again but I guess their next move will be to a buyer or to the scrap yard.

As far as the dirt/muck is concerned you have to remember that these have not carried clay slurry for a while and any residue would probably be washed off by the copious amounts of rain we have here in Cornwall, however that said the weathering is interesting with small areas of chrome showing through. I will probably use various coloured charcoal sticks to weather, plus a little matt varnish and of course some real china clay for the whitened areas.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick add on to my last posting, but how did you get to the yard Craig? i.e did you have to cross the tracks or get there from the High Street side?

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Hi Gang;


Nice set of pics....but I cannot make out any evidence of an end platform walkway as is so prominent on the pic in REx Modeller. Perhaps it is just the angle of the pics. From the pic of the weathered N Gauge sample on the Dapol website, it looks like the ECC logo may need toning down too.


Otherwise, I think both weathered and clean versions are real winners for those that model that era/location.




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Hi Gang;


Nice set of pics....but I cannot make out any evidence of an end platform walkway as is so prominent on the pic in REx Modeller. Perhaps it is just the angle of the pics. From the pic of the weathered N Gauge sample on the Dapol website, it looks like the ECC logo may need toning down too.


Otherwise, I think both weathered and clean versions are real winners for those that model that era/location.





This is because the tankers photographed are a different diagram to the ones modelled by Dapol. Am at work so cannot add more info at the moment, check out - wagons on the web etc to research more.




Best wishes


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Hi Gang;


Nice set of pics....but I cannot make out any evidence of an end platform walkway as is so prominent on the pic in REx Modeller. Perhaps it is just the angle of the pics. From the pic of the weathered N Gauge sample on the Dapol website, it looks like the ECC logo may need toning down too.


Otherwise, I think both weathered and clean versions are real winners for those that model that era/location.





Hi All, as Stu has noted the Burngullow stored tanks shown in this thread are of Nacco TEA tanks used on the Slurry flows of the past, the Dapol model is of the ICA Nacco tank.


However in saying that the Burngullow pictures are a nice addition and are of a vehicle that should be on a list of future models to be produced IMHO.

Please accept my thanks for posting them, Craig :) .



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Hi there, I'm a Signalman in the area who also covers the Mobile Operations Manager role so have PTS. This area is regularly patrolled for the clip cupboards we have there. I was there officially!


It's difficult to get close ups without being inside the complex or railway side, which I why I grabbed them when I did!


Oops didnt realise they weren't the correct wagons ohmy.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

The ones in the yard are the ex quidhampton flow wagons and they only had a light weathering. They rarely had any sign of clay when in use as the loading shed was pretty efficient and modern. They were cleaned fairly frequently so they never aquired the real grot the others seemed to get and we'd see clean ones in amongst ones in the condition seen above.

More pics here





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