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Everything posted by Ouroborus

  1. It was part of teaming up that caused him problems. He offered the 92 as a regular run via hattons who listed it at less than the crowd funders were paying. Understandably, it led the crowd funders to ponder just what exactly they were paying for. His answer - a certificate and the promise that their model wouldn't be repeated. Dave just couldn't see that he was losing the confidence of his purchasers. So he posted this : If you read the full post, he promised refunds if it didn't go ahead. The mention of trusts probably reassured some people, but reading the text more closely that it was 'until needed' meant his reassurance in this matter was hot air. From what I've read of Dave, I don't have the opinion that he's a bad man, more like he is a fantasist. Dubious awards, standards and timescales. Sometimes he admits to screwing up, but generally only when it's minor. It seems like he wants your sympathy or praise. The posts on the airplane forum were interesting - he teased that he had other photos, clearly wanting people to say 'please post them Dave' and of course he just couldn't resist. There will be shrinks who could profile him better, but what is clear is that he's finished in model railways. For his own well being, I hope he can distinguish that model railways are something he should pursue as a hobby and leave it at that.
  2. Pick your thread for a treatment for insomnia. I chose the class 92 one. It's a fascinating read reading it all back, particularly because you know how it's going to end. You see the first mutterings of discontent when he announces that the Class 92 will only be exclusive to crowd funders for a short while. Just one or two, most people cut him some slack. Then there is his claim that he hasn't drawn a wage or been reimbursed for out of pocket expenses. That one seems interesting now. Tooling for the 92 was to begin in 2016 and he sent PayPal invoices, the model being "totally viable". More wrath when he outed Revolution's 92 after a private letter. Shortly after the first invoices were paid, Dave was to be found in the Galapagos islands. Doesn't hindsight make you wonder. While he was getting his feet wet, the crowd funding debate sparks off. On his return, he's already missed his Warley target. Despite the fully funded totally viable model, cut off for orders is extended. And again. And again. And then because of upping the specification and the rising China prices, neither model is now viable. If you struggle with narcolepsy I won't spoil the rest, but it truly is fascinating
  3. It's an EL13 of the NSB. A Bo-Bo electric. I'm guessing around 30-40 years old
  4. The ebay bargain that i bought turned out to be less of one when the part of the chassis was found floating around in the box. Somebody had a go at replacing the coupler and in doing so, seems to have mangled the chassis. It doesn't quite locate, but not far off. What is peoples advice for repairing these types of damage to old Lima chassis. Is it a case of an epoxy job or can some of the plastic weld type stuff fix it. I'm minded to 3d print a frame to this because i fear most types of gluing or welding are going to fail without some form of bracing.
  5. If this helps, the Financial Conduct Authority are looking at insurers who failed to payout claims relating to covid and are taking test cases to court : https://www.fca.org.uk/news/press-releases/update-fca-test-case-validity-business-interruption-claims
  6. Thanks for clarifying. Yes, I agree, Hornby's blue appears rather 'vivid'
  7. I'd be a bit wary about saying the HST body side is the wrong shade. This linked document shows the HST in a different shade again: https://leftfootforward.org/2018/11/did-the-tories-and-snp-just-team-up-to-block-rail-re-nationalisation/ My impression is that the areas you've circled are more likely to be workaday discolouration
  8. Hovermotion on YouTube has several clips showing how to do this and in operation. If you have an ECoS, his clips are invaluab!e
  9. You can tell it's the 90s because the youth dress differently to one another
  10. It was the 5 March when I contacted them
  11. I asked them about these and gave them the Howes product code. They told me that they can't get them
  12. Red & Black to the track Orange & Grey the other way. As an add on to the advice above, a note of caution to check that nothing is connected to that pantograph. Also to check it's not a split chassis type, not impossible, but harder.
  13. So, who else has found the hidden USB port on their Balco printer? I think the later versions in Aldi have it more easily accessible, but for us Mk1er's, it takes a bit of hunting.....
  14. Try filing a little bit off your password - it should work better then
  15. Is it definitely one kit? The tower has a look of the Faller observation tower. The building to the right seems a little out of place
  16. If they're the same size, I've found open hook to be easier. You might need to do some investigation here because I've found that whilst the hooks look similar, there is sometimes a very noticeable resistance if you fit the wrong hook and it doesn't rise and fall as easily as it should
  17. It's a banner across the top of the page when you go to buy postage. Click on the more info link and it tells you exactly about special delivery. However it doesn't change the point - you didn't buy the postage. You have no claim against the royal mail. Take it up with the seller
  18. You didn't pay the postage. You paid the seller to pay the postage. You don't have any contract with the Royal Mail - yours is with the seller who in turn has a contract with the Royal Mail. You could turn your argument around and say the seller shouldn't advertise next day delivery if he can't promise it.
  19. Seems a really nice result, but it's the age old question, are YOU happy with it? I think you've got a very nice yellow to. Perhaps still a little bleed, bit you have to look for it. I might be out of turn with this, but I always feel coach lighting needs to look 'right'. And by 'right' I don't mean the same shade or brightness as the prototype, but the feeling it gives you of a train cutting through the darkness of the night. Just me eh?
  20. Hardly a pointless comment. Some of us have yet to take the jump to computer control. Reading the thread about the attitude of the man gives (to me) useful guidance as to which way to eventually go. If you've invested a significant amount, that's one thing. Not all of us have. The betamax / VHS war of the 70s comes to mind. Wasn't betamax the better quality, more feature rush format?
  21. If it helps Andrew (another happy customer here), no win no lawyers are soliciting for claims against insurers who won't pay out.
  22. Ouroborus

    Tornado TTS

    Thought about a garden railway? Joking aside, once CV's.181,2 and 4 are down to 1, the 'only' other way apart from muffling the speaker, is, as Richard says, add a resistor or another speaker. The Hornby MTU HST is similarly overloud
  23. The term 'health' is very broad. It's not the absence of disease. Instead, it includes the mental, spiritual and emotional well-being of a person. Strikes me that businesses selling items that help people cope through these times have protection. Sensible precautions need to be taken, but if growing bedding plants on your balcony gives you pleasure, so be it. And I'd rather see people queueing outside garden centres than queueing outside KFC. I know this makes me sound like a horrible snob, but when the roads near us became gridlocked yesterday because the KFC drive through reopened, I did feel a little sad, especially seeing the litter outside 30 minutes later
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