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Captain Kernow

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Status Updates posted by Captain Kernow

  1. Raining in Bristol, Red Leader....over..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kris


      Confused in Cornwall.

      (Now am I talking about the weather?).

    3. coachmann


      Just beginning to clear up in NWales @ 16.00hrs capitan...

    4. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Sunny evening now - here, way out West!

  2. The Captain's travelling again today, site visits in the Avonmouth area...

    1. Rugd1022


      Let's hope you didn't leave your camera at home CK... ;O)

    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Good to hear that's he gone to worship at the temple of high performance layout planning ... tehehe

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Yes Nidge, I didn't forget the camera.... ;-)

  3. Wandering around freight sidings in the rain makes you appreciate the benefits of a nice, dry office...

    1. RedgateModels


      depends who's in the office I suppose ...... sometimes I'd love to get the hell out ;)

    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Yes CK, I used to feel that way when on very wet archaeological digs (especially in winter). But now I sit at a computer terminal most days, stare out at the never-ending deluge, and kinda wish I was out there surveying prehistoric sites on the Southwest's moors. Ho hum, never satisfied!

    3. flyingsignalman


      There are days when I would love to be out in the rain rather than in a nice dry signalling centre...............

  4. 'Turner & Hooch' - still a good laugh after all these years!

    1. billbedford


      I hadn't realised JMW made his own........... It would explain his sunsets.

    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      It all went to the dogs years ago... (post-ironic comment, he he)

  5. Found some good bargains in a couple of second-hand bookshops in Hay-on-Wye the other day...

    1. Horsetan


      I love the Hay festival when it rains. It's almost like Glastonbury, but with books.

    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Brilliant observation, Horsetan! And hopefully without the mud too. So... watcha buy, CK?

  6. Exeter, Mid-Summer's Day, and still the rain falls.... :-(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Summer started today at 0:09 BST at the Solstice. Please bring your brolly.


      BTW It isn't Midsummer - that's 24th. It is the longest day.

    3. Jim49


      Neilston, middle of summer...and the heating's on. Should I apply for a Summer Heating Allowance?

    4. Jim49


      Neilston, middle of summer...and the heating's on. Should I apply for a Summer Heating Allowance?

  7. The break in the weather has revealed the surprising fact that it's nearly Mid-Summer!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Yeah, yeah, very drôle. And in Alaska they only have 4th July and Winter... Touché!

    3. trisonic


      According to Wiki the UK actually has 6 seasons (with a gap for the first two weeks of May) so you guys win!

    4. Horsetan


      Oh good, I'm looking forward to Winter :-)

  8. Does anyone else think that £3.99 is a bit steep for a pretty ordinary-sized greetings card?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. devonseasider


      Assorted greetings cards 3 for £1 (4 for £1 on a good day!) on the local market stalls in sunny(?) East Devon.

    3. pitbull1845


      moonpig.com its the way to go..

    4. cornish trains jez

      cornish trains jez

      Cards seem to be getting more and more expensive even though they still say the same things.

  9. Having spent quite a long time managing to accidentally knock small bits off my Hornby 4MT, I've managed to change the bogie wheels for some Ultrascales and the improvement in appearance is definitely worth the effort.

    1. coachmann
    2. Ramrig


      Photo evidence please?

    3. Jim49


      Pictures please, especially if it 75009

  10. Well, the new lavatory finally seems to flush properly now without spewing water all over the floor, after a marathon effort to fix it by the builder boss and his chap!

  11. Absolutely fed up with the inability of my builders construction and plumbing teams to work together! I mean, it's only a downstairs lavatory. Virtually everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong! Aaargh!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bcnPete


      As an Architect, you get to deal with this sort of shi*e everyday...I sympathise with you Cap'n...

    3. BoD


      Oh dear, what can the matter be……………

    4. Jamie


      job for the long nines, I'd say

  12. The weather in South Devon is also not too good, but not bad enough to prevent some airbrushing in the shed...

    1. 46444


      Heavy precipitation one understands.

    2. 69843


      So are you going for a fine mist?

    3. Mike G

      Mike G

      Too cold and damp for airbrushing up here, you can almost feeling the 'blooming' effect coming on!

  13. Off to find a Mark 1 Cortina...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well, Exeter does sell Mark 1 Cortinas! If they make the cut translucent, then they could sink the whole car, Andy!

    3. Timara


      Dagenham Dustbins....yuck!

    4. Andy C

      Andy C

      Right this smacks of the half horse I put in the cut on Gauxholme Viaduct, except of course without the rust.

  14. I know they say that moths are supposed to fly out of misers' wallets, but I've just found a live one in an unspeakably sacred place! I mean, is nothing sacred?!

  15. Just watched my friend and neighbour on the BBC live feed running with the Olympic Torch through the streets of Devonport, everyone's having a right good time down there!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Re6/6


      I'm off shortly over the river to see it.

    3. BlackRat


      So far its been excellent with a suprising (?) Huge turnout! Hope it bodes well............

    4. gwrrob


      Theres some cheating going on here.They drove from Torcross to Stoke Fleming ! Nice view of Start Bay though.

  16. I have finally converted a Dapol Class 22 to P4 using the Captain's 'Acme Patented Heath Robinson Method', but it works, it works!!

  17. Well pleased that we have raised over £100 to donate to 'The Railway Children' from the catering at the Taunton Members Day!

    1. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Excellent news Cap'n.

    2. Debs.


      Well done all!

  18. FAO all attending the Taunton Members Day on Sunday 29th April - please check the thread regarding change of retailer attendance. Thanks.

  19. Algernon Cuthbertson wishes to say that it was him that hacked into the account of the Bodmin Rum Exchange and diverted the rum supplies of the Royal Padstow Lancers to an undisclosed location in Ebeneezer...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tony_S


      Bet they aren't based on Canvey Island though!

    3. Chris Nevard

      Chris Nevard

      Not an undercover attack from the bandits at Beer?

    4. Re6/6


      We don't talk about them in our house!

  20. I have a loco that only refuses to work in Melksham...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris Nevard

      Chris Nevard

      A SDJR loco deep in GWR territory?

    3. devondynosoar118


      Lol Kev, brick thru ur window later?

    4. Jan


      It's been influenced by dodgy devizes


  21. Olympic Champions who don't do sports, and now tennis elbow afflicting me, who doesn't play tennis.... GRRR!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Don't say that, he might drop it and really crack it... (Doh!)

    3. Debs.


      I`ve got "housemaid`s knee".....so how does that work!

    4. coachmann


      Housemaids knww...It's kneeling down praying for a new man... ;0)

  22. Just ordered a whitemetal kit for a friend (Brighton H2 Atlantic) - £150.95!!...phew! (and that doesn't include wheels, gears and motor, either!!)...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      then painting and lining it

    3. Tim Hale

      Tim Hale

      DJH are now very happy.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Time was, though, when that kit would have been circa £70 or so, and not that long ago either, so what's made the price increase so much?

  23. Hmm, Testors Dullcote seems to have worked a treat on another Scalescenes slate roof test piece - I think I'll use this on the actual model now!

    1. gwrrob


      Does it come in an aerosol CK ?

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Yes, either in aerosol or in a small glass jar.

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