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Status Updates posted by Re6/6

  1. 'When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
    For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.'

    Kohima Epitaph.

  2. was saddened when today at his eye test, upon wishing the excellent East European optometrist good wishes for the future was told that they were leaving because "we're not welcome here". A depressing day.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gr.king


      My Polish dentist is very happy to stay here in one of the most strongly leave-voting areas of the country. He fits in, he does a valued job, as part of the almost wholly white British local community. He does not seem to have allowed himself to be misinformed about "not being welcome".

    3. gr.king


      My Polish dentist is very happy to stay here in one of the most strongly leave-voting areas of the country. He fits in, he does a valued job, as part of the almost wholly white British local community. He does not seem to have allowed himself to be misinformed about "not being welcome".

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      #Melly - perhaps the decision of just one person doesn't make much difference in the greater scheme of things, but it is nonetheless unutterably sad that even that one person has felt that he isn't welcome in our country any longer. Someone or something has made him come to that decision. And that someone or something is symptomatic of what has been going wrong in our country in recent years.


      It's just not right and anyone with attitudes that have put this poor optometrist off staying here are most certainly not doing so in my name.


      #g.r.king  - I wonder then, exactly who or what is responsible for this optometrist feeling the way he does. Making a decision to move to another country is surely not something that anyone would take lightly. Good to hear that your dentist feels OK about continuing to live here, that is precisely how it should be.


  3. Rest in peace Eva Kor Auschwitz survivor. One hell of a human being. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7214119/Holocaust-survivor-Eva-Kor-dies-age-85.html

  4. The 75th anniversary of the battle of Kohema has just passed.


    "When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,

    For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today"


    Rest in peace Dad.

  5. Hurrah! It's 28°C in the layout building shed!

    1. The Fatadder

      The Fatadder

      I'm going to brave the garage tomorrow afternoon to spray some coaches and the Manor, far too hot to work on the layout.

  6. is enjoying the eye candy that is The Masters!

    1. gwrrob


      Tiger rolls back the years.

    2. gordon s

      gordon s

      Not sure if you're referring to the golf or the patrons....:D

    3. Re6/6


      Great golf and lots of knobbly knees!

    1. beast66606


      75 years ago - brave men one and all.


    2. Clearwater


      I went to Stalag Luft 3 a few years ago.  The tunnel is marked a small inscribed with the names of the escapers.  Seeing it, you appreciate the length.  By the entrance, there's a mock-up of tunnel.  Its unpleasantly small.  Traversing 300+ feet 30 feet down must have been hellish.  Brave men indeed.





  7. was amazed to see an old battered Trabant on the road today. Maybe it was a reminder to watch 'Deutschland 86' tonight!

    1. JDW


      Would you have been more (or less) amazed if it hadn't been old and battered?  :D

  8. Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Heute is Freitag.

    2. Hroth


      Its all Greek to me....


      Anyhow, AFAIC its POETS Day!




    3. muddys-blues


      Dioch yn Fawr, psst you forgot Sant - as in Sant Dewi ;)

  9. wasn't expecting to be sitting out on the terrace getting a bit of a tan in February!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Re6/6


      Ah yes, positive waves!

    3. bgman


      Crackin' Devon day ! It all helps eh ?


    4. Hroth


      This afternoon, the "tan" would be more akin to rust....

  10. Turned out nice again.

    1. Mallard60022


      Shorchio 18* here in 36E at 15.30 today.

      Had to go in the pond.

  11. has been catching some rays sitting in the garden. Good to get some warm 'spring' sun on one's face!

    1. bgman


      Absolutely agree matey, crackin' day !

      Enjoy !!!

    2. bgman


      John, this was Dartmoor mid morning, absolutely glorious !

      on top of datrmmor.jpg

  12. Glad to be back on RMw. Many thanks Andy for all the work.  I do like the 'new look'. Just got to learn the navigation!

    1. AY Mod

      AY Mod

      Thanks John; I've already lost things I found yesterday!

  13. is waiting for a parcel from France. that's the good bit. the bad bit is that their forwarder over here is Hermes. Bah humbug!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bgman


      Hope it arrives safely !

    3. devonseasider


      a parcel from France - is that a big French letter?

    4. bgman



      I'd expect nothing less !

  14. feels that Christmas has now begun after the nine lessons and carols from Kings.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Christmas isn't Christmas without Carols from Kings.

      Love it !

    3. St Enodoc

      St Enodoc

      How true John. Sadly, we can no longer record it here so I couldn't listen after we got up this morning. However, ABC Classic FM broadcast last year's service yesterday evening, so perhaps they will broadcast this year's in a twelvemonth. In the meantime, all the very best to you and yours.

    4. Hroth


      A lovely start to Christmas.


  15. feels that Christmas has now begun after the nine lessons and carols from Kings.

  16. feels that Christmas has now begun after the nine lessons and carols from Kings.

  17. has just enjoyed 'Brief Encounter' with the good diction, every word could be heard. Well I'm old fashioned! Ah well...back to those awfully tedious supermarket adverts. The only relief is the perfume ads...!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TT-Pete


      And the excellent and atmospheric cinematography

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Oh, dear, dear, darling Dickie!

    4. Hroth


      Though its a dreadful pick-up line, "Let me help you with that smut in your eye"...

  18. is wondering if anybody on here remembers the great London smog of 1952? Mother kept me indoors for the five days https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=bZhLhyUF&id=33BFC98B918D53FFB149E95169085D7D4B686178&thid=OIP.bZhLhyUFg5g12Tj7HodvYAHaJ5&mediaurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vEsV2N0z_gI/UMB1KfVftcI/AAAAAAACEs4/XNQHZgR9MmM/s640/Photos+of+the+London+Smog+Disaster+of+1952+(9).jpg&exph=600&expw=449&q=london+great+smog+disaster&simid=6080264067159825...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      Where were you when Kennedy got shot?

    3. tetsudofan


      At home in South East London, last year at school, was topic of conversation at the inter-school cross country run the following morning.

    4. Re6/6


      I was building a wall at the end of the garden from concrete hollow blocks retrieved from the air raid shelter in the garden that Dad had dug up.

  19. yesterday Captain Chaos and I enjoyed a very nice Christmas lunch as guests of the Mid-Devon group.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Chaos is my middle name. You may all call me Captain Kernow, or just 'Captain', if you please.

    2. Re6/6


      Aye,aye Capt'n!

  20. Good morning....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bgman


      And to you good Sir.

    3. Captain Kernow
    4. steve22


      "Good morning, Good mornin-ga," and cue cockerel, cat, dog, horse, etc.

  21. is now feeling rather hungry and anticipating a splendid fill of very nice Indian cuisine.

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      Ummm, got to wait a couple of weeks for mine!

  22. For those who love Rich Hall's insights into US politics listen here on Thursday evening: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00017wx

  23. For those who love Rich Hall's insights into US politics listen here on Thursday evening: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00017wx

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