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Satan's Goldfish

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Status Updates posted by Satan's Goldfish

  1. I have an opinion, therfore everyone else is wrong and if it's not being done my way then i'm going to keep stamping my feet until it is. (or, how i currently percieve politics, certain threads, and modern life to be in general these days :( )

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TexChem


      I didn't realize POTUS was in to model railroading.

    3. ruggedpeak


      I am going to be outraged by your opinion. I have no idea why but I have to outraged and tell everyone on social media. Right now.

    4. w124bob


      You've met my ex wife then?

  2. The morning after losing a day to a migraine; I think my body is telling me to stop moving furniture now.

    1. eastwestdivide


      Bleurgh. Horrible when you lose a day like that.

    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Aye. Migraine isn’t fun.

  3. Hitting the Calanda Brau, enjoying the RhB :)

  4. I learnt something last night; my wife would beat up Kylie Minogue if she tried to poach me. I should be so lucky.

    1. Hroth


      Poached Goldfish. An acquired taste?

    2. Hroth


      We watched the snooker last night, so, so restfuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

    3. bcnPete


      Lucky Lucky Lucky...

  5. Having to wear a long sleaved shirt and tie today at work. Feel like i'm being strangled. How do you cope those that have to do this every day?!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. rembrow


      Used to wear them until retirement, now with the National Trust wear suppled t-shirt or zip up top and cargo trousers-lovely on a day like today, outside on the River Stour

    3. tetsudofan


      You have it easy these days. When I joined Barclays in 1964 you had to wear a dark suit, tie and white shirt (years before they started issuing uniforms). On Saturday mornings you could wear a sports jacket. tie and more colourful shirt.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      AKA, casual Fridays.

  6. Hmmmm, a thread with no replies, a user with only 1 post, and it's been locked! There's got to be a back story there to wallow in someone else's misery.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim V

      Tim V

      RSS Fletcher strikes again?

    3. Peter Kazmierczak

      Peter Kazmierczak

      Where's Kenton when you want him?

    4. BlackRat


      YES where IS Kenton?

  7. The dog is having left-over Korma for dinner again...... GAS GAS GAS!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DougN


      No not really... the kids can walk him tomorrow!

    3. polybear


      no need...it'll be all over your carpet - double ender too

    4. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Jet powered dog, it will never catch on.

  8. Chap on phone: 'You ordered 5 sheets of the white on red, sorry but we only have 1 in stock.' Me: 'do you have any sheets of the red on white?' (which is essentially the same). Chap: 'yes we've got loads of those...'

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. beast66606


      Left handed hammer ?

    3. Kylestrome


      Yes, we have no bananas.

    4. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      You must be the sixth person I've told today, there's no demand for them!

  9. 'you ordered 5 sheets of the white on read

  10. Snow has started again and supposed to be quite a bit overnight. So I've taken some pre-emptive action; 16ft LGB straight with power clips layed ready for the morning.

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      LOL. That's the spirit!

  11. I've discovered something this last couple of days; I have a defective husky, she does not like the snow.

    1. truffy


      Has it occurred to you that she's sensible, and it's all the others that are defective?

    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Interesting..... her normal behaviour would demonstrate a lack of 'sensible', so I'm not sure how well that theory holds up.

  12. Snow day. SNOW DAY!!! And the LGB isn't out :(

  13. If your bogie design involves 16 bolts to hold it together, I feel It's best built without little ears around...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I suspect it will. There's the added fun of if you glue the nuts to the threads to stop it coming apart, you'll never be able to change the wheel sets. there's a money making design flaw if ever one was created!

    3. Regularity


      Glue them with a dab of PVA or a touch of nail varnish (borrow if you have none yourself). Both will lock the threads, but be breakable should the need arise.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Thanks for the tip. And thanks for not giving away my nail varnish owning secret...

  14. When my missus found out I worked in tech support she really got turned on. Then off. And then on again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      She'll try and get you to give her an upgrade...

    3. JJGraphics


      . . . but NOT to Windows10!

    4. adb968008


      Be sure to find the volume control

  15. Apparently, buying a new Tumble Dryer does not constitute as Mrs SG's Valentine's day gift. Fussy!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Get well soon Finsbury.

    3. PaulRhB


      Yet I like power tools for presents but the family refuse to buy them!!!! Evidently it's supposed to be fun for gifts. I have pointed out one can have an awful lot more fun with a power saw and a pile of wood than a handsaw! ;)

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I get the feeling there's a distinct difference between the sexes on what each other thinks is fun. My most favourite present ever was my pillar drill. The wife can't understand why.

  16. Ah Coyote Ugly is on later. The film that spreads the message that anything is possible as long as your willing to strip and dance first.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mikkel


      Or the White House

    3. beast66606


      Is stripping and dancing wrong ? - always works for me.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Is for the 'anything is possible' times that you want to clear a crowded room?

  17. If you are in Santa's grotto and fart, the resulting smell causes Santa to start gagging. Does that mean you are on the naughty list? ..... asking for a friend...

    1. Kris


      Is your friend Boris?

  18. Is it acceptable to buy from gostude on eBay if you never admit you did it on here?.... asking for a friend...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. locoholic


      With friends like that I'm surprised you have time for model trains!

    3. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      A friend of mine says it's ok ;) He got a reasonably rare item for less than others wanted for it.

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      I'll go ahead then - er, I mean I'll tell my friend it's ok to go ahead then...

  19. Good news! I finally can confirm it was the dogs bone that was creating the bad smell outside the back door. Bad news, she's brought it into the living room...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caledonian


      You need a bigger dog. Mine doesn't gnaw on bones. He easts them leaving no mess. 10-15 minutes usually does it

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Well I have had to clear some half dead animals from the garden.... at least she doesn't bring those in.


      She's not exactly small...

    4. Hroth


      Just be glad your dog doesn't retrieve dead bodies whilst on a walk, twice and the police start looking sideways at you....

  20. Gave the dog some left over Korma with her dinner. This smells like a mistake...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caledonian


      My bull mastiff lives the stuff - and Chilli

    3. Horsetan


      I wonder what happens if you feed Fybogel to a dog....?

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I'm not really sure I wish to find out.

  21. Ssshhhhhh, don't tell the wife......

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. muddys-blues


      What you have gone 7mm

    3. Horsetan


      When a man you've never met before suddenly gives you flowers....

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      TMI? No such thing in our lines of work.


      Muddys, I don't need to go 7mm, I went the full G along time ago...... giggedy...


      Horse, I think we have a practical joke there waiting to happen at a show in the future.

  22. Rusty Nissan update! MOT passed, but apparently as well as not needing a working fuel gauge to pass, it also didn't need a working Speedo... Sounds like the boyracer

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Telling people I've got a leaky dump valve is never good....


      Jim, it's a 1990 200sx that's spent the last 10 years in a barn. Bit of a project.

    3. WD0-6-0


      My brother has a 200sx don't recall the year though. Soon to receive a fully forged R32 engine!

    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Very Nice. My long term goal once it's been de-rusted and the body/chassis suitable strengthened is to fit an LS3..... It's a 6 year plan...

  23. Come off facebook so need somewhere else to share news nobody really cares about..... so, new ABS pump for the rusty Nissan delivered to my mechanic today :-)

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      ah Nissans, they come factory weathered ;)

  24. Rusty Nissan update! Reached its first mot in over a decade yesterday :-) and failed :-( but only because the ABS pump exploded mid test, other than that it was fine!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Brakes are for losers ;-)


    3. SHMD


      Brakes fail-off and you lose brake force = Crash into something in front of you or at the next bend.


      Brakes fail-on and you stop suddenly with the risk of spinning-off or someone running into the back of you.


      As a designer -how do you choose?


    4. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Fail off, still get hand brake cable....if you're able to think that clearly in that situation. That would be my thought anyway.

  25. Lol, Mrs SG asked me to start writing a list of anything I might like for Christmas. She's regretting that now. I'm gonna need a second sheet of paper...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hroth


      You're thinking too small! I'd start with at least an A3 sheet of paper....

    3. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      LGB, LGB, LGB, LGB....

    4. LNERGE


      I have a method where i circle bits in a magazine of various price ranges and then leave it in the 'reading room' (the one with the porcelain seat). This birthday the system produced a s class 85. Fathers day produced a BG etc etc. I do still have to resort to more direct methods sometimes. I had to repeat 'Little Barford' several times before she got the message.

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