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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Is it Art?

So here we are. New RMweb (more friendly "fun" feel to the set up) and I've finally got somewhere. Sadly the weather and light means I'm unable for now to get out in the Garden at the parents to start building baseboards for Newport so it's to the plasticard and glue to start knocking up some structures and scenery as mentioned in old RMweb. So here is the first bit of scenery for Newport (still needs work to it)   The Archform.... Which is one of the many pointless lumps of metal that lin



Work bench

Latest loco on my workbench is a Keyser   LNER J72   Now in the garage after having a coat of apple green for each of the past 3 days. As per my entry on the last web I need to adjust the chassis as one of the spacers is stoping the motor sitting flat enough. So out with the slitting disc and reduce the size of it.   The chassis is one I got off Ebay, I have had to swap motors and change a Comet gear box for a simple motor mount, so that the cab can be kept relatively clear of motors.



Bodmin Central: Back to the Track Plan

Back to Templot and messing around with Bodmin's track plan.   Having failed completely at my first attempt at printing the track plan, I've now noticed that there is still a fair bit of work to do before its going to be ready to start sticking down on baseboards.   At the moment it looks like there are 3 main jobs to do. Firstly some of the track is not properly connected together (ie its just arranged by eye), I'd prefer to get this connected up to make sure the alignment is spot on before

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Guided tour of Worsdell forever's layouts

To get things started I thought I would give you a guided tour around My layouts.   Fellburn 00   This was my first exhibition layout, started around 2000. It made it's first outing in it's completed form in May 2004 at Bridlington. It apeared in the September 2004 British Railway Modelling and has been to around 15 exhibitions since then, from Kidderminster in the south to Glasgow in the north.   The setting is industrial Tyneside in 1947, with blue and cream electric stock (regularly m

Worsdell forever

Worsdell forever

Falcon Brass ROD, It never rains it pours......

Well I always seem to end up to my ears in it, after nearly a years battle to get planning permission to re roof our house with the edition of a conservation rooflight and then trying to get the roofing contractor to start they are finally going to land tomorrow. I'm both ecstatic and overwhelmed all at once as now I have to make a start inside our bedroom moving radiators, building a walk in wardrobe before over boarding the walls and roof before getting it plastered and finally having the flo



Creative Writing

In my last update, I outlined my other ongoing project in the Copley Hill Works Blog. That was to create a Lake Railway layout, to exhibit and hopefully have some building at the same time.   I've written a short history section, which has a fictional and real history section, which should hopefully explain what my little layout should be able to convey:         Now, bearing that in mind, here is my summation of the truth of the matter:       I will be making edits to this section o

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Shelf layout

I have had some time to do some modelling today, I finished off an EM faceing crossover and gave a K's J72 a final coat of LNER green then picked up the Wills 2 road enging shed I started building last week.     This is where I finished last week with the 1st wall propped up against the mockup. Tonight I managed to build the second wall   I have taken out the first two bays of the mockup just to see how the progress todate fits in with the temporary track plan. The plan is still OK but th



Update of Sorts...

Another day on the TBG workbench and some progress has been made on the PMV. The body and chassis are as one and the buffers and couplings are fitted!     Still a fair amount to do before I can say job done - glazing, transfers (must remember to order them), fit the roof, etc.   Other news, Rebuilt West Country 34100 Appledore is prepped for the paintshop and it's first phase of weathering.   And finally I've acquired another T9 for my fleet This will become either 30717 or 30718 as I



Inspiration Strikes

It all started, with a map drawn on the back of a lecture handout:     A very rough idea of a railway situated around a lake. I have always wanted to make a small, exhibitable lake railway layout for myself, but never quite known in what sense and what gauge I'd like to make it. I had had some very ambitious ideas for the layout, like creating a tank to actually put real water into, and using a wave machine to make it appear like a real lake...   At the same time, my ambitious plans for t

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Beasts - start with a prototype - musings

This started out as Spawd Bone Lane on RMW3, now will be an occasional thoughts on working with prototype locations to make them suitable for modelling...   SPAWD BONE LANE From the middle English ???spaldbone??™ ??“ shoulder bone ??“ a name suggested by the contours of the lane. Spawd Bone Lane was originally the southern boundary of the early field system and following the extension of the South Field became a headland lying within that field.   from http://www.knottingley.org/history/spe



World's End Quay

I've been beavering away for the past year or so building a 1:32 (Gauge 1) layout for our annual October event at Shepshed,Leics.. which was held last Saturday. The general idea was to see what could be done on a 7ft 6 ins x 2ft baseboard in G1 similar to my previous O gauge layout 'Alexandra Yard' though that was 6ft x 1ft 10ins. Anyhow the attached photos show what has been achieved so far, the layout being far from finished as there is a LOT of small detail yet to be added. The theme is a sma

Crewe North

Crewe North

First setback

Well, I've spent a few hours trying to mill up some connecting and coupling rods for the O gauge Barclay, which I'm determined is going to be the first finished article from the newly focussed Hedge End works. But it was basically a cock up - I thought that I would make them somewhat finer than the etched ones supplied with the kit (but which were mostly missing from my acquired part built example) , but impatience coupled with problems setting up on machinery more geared to bigger things led me



Here we go again!

Hi all,   Here goes with the first blog - i've got exactly 5 mins so here I go!   I was on old RMweb with "Newboy 6x4 starter layout, and I will dig out a potted pictorial history so far later. I look forward to hearing from familiar names and hopefully making a few more friends   Cheers for now, James



A couple of Avonwick photos

This blog was looking so dull without photos, so I thought that I would add a couple just to show where I had got to with Avonwick.    



New Hey on the road

Ive had a query today about when New Hey is next on show - my confirmed invites so far are:   York - Easter 2010 Expo EM Bracknell - May 2010 Expo EM North, Salithwaite - 11 & 12/9/2010 Halifax 25/26 /9/2010   In 2011: (provisional Normanton - they have taken the info but nothing in writng yet) Railex, Aylesbury May 2011 confirmed L and Y DCC show Nov 2011   2012   April ish - Ally Pally.   I have a policy of only doing a max of 4 shows a year with the layout so that it

Andy C

Andy C

Dearnford Junction, It's all in pieces!

Well hello everyone! It's good to be back with everyone on the new site, and may i just say now how great it is! still taking my time to get used to it though!   Right, Dearnford Junction, well for those of you who remember it from the old forum, its currently undergoing a massive regeneration project. I have allready extended the bay platform in the station and i have now completed the move of the level crossing and the small bus depot where the signal box used to be. So here are som



Filling time..

Hi everyone, hope you are all getting on with the new RMWeb... I must admit, I'm not at the moment, but I'll eventually get used to it..   I placed my order with Scale Hardware on Thursday, it was shipped friday, so as you can imagine, I'm rather excited about the delivery so that I can get another large chunk of the remaining work done and ticked off of the list of things to do on the K2.   In the meantime, I have been working a little more on the lubricating pipes. I bought some stainless



PILOT ROAD ---The Next Chapter

ok following the success of the first outing for pilot road ( photos of which can be found on sandhills gallery and the corby exhibition thread ) and operating the layout for 2 days solid i realised a few things 1) the layout is very operational and i had fun making all sorts of mives 2)what can i do next and its number 2 that im kinda stuck on, i have so many ideas but i dont want to add to many box files and make it an isore so to speak. and i fear that more extensions would require a lar



First time for everything...........

... stumbled around for a while, think I may have got the gist of this blog thing, we'll see!   As some of you may have seen on the previous rm web, I'd decided to build a smallish 4mil tram layout, not being a great fan of the architypal 'run one from each town' tram layout I decided on the Leeds system, mainly due to the EFE and Corgi diecasts availability.   I'll not bother re iterating all the previous posts, but update it fom here. Well, with less than a month to go to Grime Streets fi

Red Devil

Red Devil

A pile of junk...

No I'm not talking about the new look RMWeb but something I bought the other day for the 7 day layout that I am very impressed with. The Shredded Scrap metal pile #2103 from Monroe Models. They produce a range of scrap metal piles for different uses. It comes as a ready painted resin casting. I was really impressed with the look of the pile and the quality of the detailing in the casting. I had some fun scrutinizing the pile seeing what I could recognize. Some nice lattice work, oil drums, lad

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

Milford Dock-A summary

As I'm not sure if I'm going to transfer the layout thread from the old Rmweb (not sure if our new shiny home needs two and a half years worth of mostly bare plywood and mediocre modelling ), I'll use this entry as a summary of what Milford Dock is and how far its got to date. At the time I was modelling the S&D in N as my first attempt, however the need for the railway room to become my newborn sons nursery and the impulse buy of a Dapol Shed forced my hand a a move to modern N in a small



Blog Schmog...

Good Grief! Not another blog from the deranged mind of Ian Holmes I hear you think. There's about 6 of the darned things out there already covering T scale, 009 Narrow gauge, P4, HO layouts built in a week, Great Lakes shipping and Taconite train modelling... What's that you don't know about those last two? Well I didn't think that anyone would be interested in Great Lakes shipping and as for the Taconite Train modelling. Well you're just going to have to wait on that one... So what do I d

Ian Holmes

Ian Holmes

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