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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/19 in all areas

  1. A big little engine, slowly taking shape (actually, remarkably fast for me). Tim
    30 points
  2. Kings Cross for today, seen in 1983 and 1993. Kings Cross Class 31 l e and Class 254 Kings X to Glasgow The Talisman April 83 J7945.jpg Kings Cross DVT and HST 20th Oct 93 C19173.jpg Kings Cross 90016 and 47567 20th Oct 93 C19178.jpg Kings Cross Class 317 20th Oct 93 C19185 Kings Cross 317340 and 317350 20th Oct 93 C19188.jpg David
    27 points
  3. We now come to the 1.45 Newcastle FO relief, and for once one of Mr Thompson's engines gets the kind of duty on which he envisaged they would be regularly employed. 60514 has thirteen on as it appears from under the bridge. I found that I could put this train together with absolute fidelity, so it was something worth a full record. This was the longest and heaviest train yet to run on PN and even a heavy kit built loco struggled a bit with the formation in tension on a tight curve. Thus 60514 was seen and heard to slip quite violently, and of course, entirely prototypically.
    24 points
  4. Some old cine of PN has turned up. Some of it is intentionally poor quality, other bits are down to the onboard camera only writing 2fps to the card (I've checked the camera again this morning and I think it's just poorly). We have discussed having a better crack at it some time in the future.
    23 points
  5. I am now under direct command of the Obergrumpenfuhrer. The car is about to be loaded and then we are off to Japan, via an airframe from Heathrow (A350) and Seoul (A320). I will be some time! Ja matane.
    22 points
  6. Now that I am no longer required to attend at the office, I scratched the itch to visit the Oregon coast - in this case, the prosaically named Pacific City. Yesterday's weather was amazing, (sunset yesterday would have been magnificent) but the forecast today was for afternoon rain. I was delighted to find some sun when I arrived and checked in. During a stroll on the beach, the rain was evidently on it's way. (The weather here usually comes from the west - the direction of the photograph. High tide was about an hour before my stroll. The tide was on the ebb and there was little to no surf in the lee of the cape. Some light rain arrived and then cleared, but Just before sunset the light had an ethereal quality. The setting sun must have shone on the rain clouds (now to the east) which illuminated the view with a very unusual suffused light. (This is the view from the patio at the pub.) Sadly the Oktoberfest beer is already off at the pub. Along with a couple of standbys I had to make do with the winter seasonal - "Bad Santa". We've only just closed September, surely it's too early for the Winter Ales! Am now relaxing in my room and feeling suitably mellow.
    22 points
  7. Sadly I’m going to have to cancel all my Hatton’s orders because of some serious health issues (big C) but all is not lost as I’ve put them on my “wish list”. Looking positive and hope to get the ones I want in the future.
    22 points
  8. Finally..the fiddle yards are finished thank goodness. I capped them at 100ft (instead of the planned 125ft) so each of the 4 fiddle yards has just three roads (instead of all 7 roads) over 40ft - this length catering for 36 MGR’s & two locos. All the Peco points are driven by cobalt motors wired to a completely separate bus. The main bus’ running down each side of the frames are 4mm cable as I’m planning on using NCE’ 10amp boosters to provide enough power for all the 28 trains the fiddle yards will hold. Each fiddle yard will be in its own ‘power district’ so any shorts will only shut down 1 yard hopefully. Learnt a lot going along so when relocating the yards 30ft further down (to provide room for Phase 2 (Healey Mills) I incorporated the better wiring techniques I picked up back into each frame. Not all easy going and felt like taking a hammer to the cobalts when I thought about 30 had lost their addresses as they ceased working.. Spent two hours working my way through reprogramming all their addresses when I noticed a couple of plugs for the cobalts’s bus in between the frames had come apart! The air turned blue I can tell you. Only thing remaining is to fit the Perspex 6’’ high sides to keep any derailed trains from falling off..
    20 points
  9. Good morning all, It's a bit cooler today with a temperature of 5°C. The sky is fairly clear and the forecast promises a dry morning with some sunny spells. Cloud and rain possible later. Various tasks scheduled for today, the first being the main weekly shop at Sainsbury's. After that who knows what will get done and what will get put on the back burner. I don't. My first memories of beer and pubs are from Bedford. My parents ran a Charles Wells pub called the Gloucester Arms (now converted into something else) for a couple of years in the early fifties. I remember flags being put up on the front of the pub for the Coronation and my first school was Rushmoor. I was barely four when I went there for about a year until we moved up to Brampton. The first "GDB" incident I can remember occurred outside the pub when I was about 3. Myself and a friend were "playing darts." This involved throwing them at each other. The game stopped when I copped one in the forehead just above my right eye. I can still see the look on Mum's face when I ran in with the arrow still firmly embedded. Darts were forbidden for a while after that. Have a good one, Bob.
    20 points
  10. 13° and bright blue skies with some clouds over Cornwall. Looking west there are dark clouds, but not too bad at the moment.
    19 points
  11. Mike, Lorenzo looks like it is panning out as I suggested. Rapid diminution after landfall in Eire then swing down to South Wales. Let's face it, if this occurred in the Isles off Scotland no one would have noticed anything unusual. The wave heights will be the biggest issue in the South West. Defences will get a hell of a thump from 25' curlers. I just took a look at NOAA's East Atlantic Surface Analysis and one little niggle is that Lorenzo will be pulling down air from Greenland into southern England once the centre of circulation passes so it will get quite cold for a short spell. I was working for the S.P.P.D. yesterday afternoon; it reached 95f in the middle of the intersection under my control - it was bloody hot under my HiViz and protective gear..... Best, Pete.
    19 points
  12. I reckon that he is usi g his ipad or similar. hes just missi g the ' ' and catchi g the space bar I do that a lot Morning all from a cold and overcast Surrey. Still not been into the shed this morning. I have fitted a low wattage tubular heater to keep the temperature up but will require a bigger one to assist when its really cold.
    18 points
  13. Good morning all. Nice and quiet weather wise but cool here. Our house guests have now departed. Shiela is an absolute co trol freak and I have quite enjoyed doing some quiet teasing. When we go out in the car she always wants the destination address so that she can navigate using her phone from the back seat. Somehow the information is never provided. The rest of the morni g has been spent ru ni g around sorti g prescription problems, 1 visit to the GP and two to the pharmacy. It's the builders merchants this afternoon then the mo thly quiz tonight. Regards to all. Jamie
    18 points
  14. Morning all. For some reason Aditi booked her car in for an 8am MoT test today. I made tea when her alarm went off. She has taken her Kindle and a flask of coffee. The waiting area at the Ford dealer is quite comfortable but their coffee is and I quote “vile”. I did offer to take the car for her but she insisted on doing it herself. The car was serviced in June and didn’t get used in August (Aditi’s broken arm) or September (we were on holiday) so it should pass. I cleaned it on Monday and it looks very smart, not in the least bit like a car eligible for Fords current scrappage scheme! Tony
    18 points
  15. Ey up! Feeling refreshed after a good 8 and 3 quarter hours sleep. Brass monkeys here and our central heating "engineer" hasn't arrived yet so we are still missing the rad in our bedroom. Her indoors is off out volunteering today so I can get some layout wiring done. Take every opportunity to enjoy today! Positive thoughts to all who ail or are missing. Baz
    18 points
  16. Good news for those who have been asking for vidoe coverage of PN. I had a very welcome visit from Andy Y today, and he brought with him some very interesting things for recording purposes. The result was that a couple of trains ran, without falling off, and that when Andy has some spare time, we will see some views of PN that we haven't experienced before. Tonight though you get the usual static images, which not surprisingly feature the Elizabethan again. I tried to change those lamps, but they are firmly glued on, and of course I couldn't delay the running of the ECML's premier express.
    18 points
  17. Evening. Some mudelling done. 34081 now has a working four digit address decoder in it. The last one I found in a box wasn't. It's now got its plates etc and weathering has commenced. A little bit of crust earning also started. A fault on a UP FEF being investigated. Now in pub but might be waiting a while longer for other half as today's problem on the GW Worms, a fire on one at Farringdon so station evacuated. That's all on top of other problems already decimation of their service to Redhill. She is getting really fed up with them. Glad I am not doing that journey anymore. Its generally a mess for us let alone the ironing board seats
    17 points
  18. BIN day, not here though so I'm not in charge of that today Nothing much to report from yesterday... Headed for JFK and home later. There are only a couple of afternoon/evening flights and I usually book the 4PM, if that's full it's the 6:15. So used to doing this stuff that I breeze through the bookings setting up the "next trip" usually the first or second day I'm out here. APPARENTLY, when I made this current booking, first flight was full so I just dashed off the second flight and there you go! Turns out, Delta had switched the departure time - arrrrgggghhhhh - it's now not leaving until 7:30PM getting me in to MSP around 10PM looks like I'll spend a while sitting at JFK watching planes 12 and drizzle first thing here, expected to be rain off and on all day and a high of only 16. Carry on.
    17 points
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Indeed it was the first Super Dreadnought according to the speaker. He illustrated his talk with a picture of all four in line at the Battle of Jutland where Thunderer fired off quite a few shells to little effect. That would have been a later vessel. Thunderer was the last of the class to be scrapped in 1928, such was the advance in naval technology.
    17 points
  20. Good evening everyone We’ve had glorious sunshine all day today, but apart from a couple of trips to the shed and workshop, I’ve spent most of the day in the cellar. The pullout drawer is now ready for top coating, but that will not get started until next week, as we’ve got a couple of busy few days ahead of us. Tomorrow is Vickie and Ian’s wedding, it’s at 11:15 and will be followed by the wedding breakfast at a hotel a mile or so away. Friday it’s almost back to normal for us, with the weekly visit to the Trafford Centre, the butchers and possibly James and Amelia calling round for tea. On Saturday, all being well, I’m hoping to get to the Wigan model Railway Show. However, back to tonight, on a Wednesday, we usually have the 3 youngest grandkids round for tea, but today we only had the girls, but they are stopping over tonight. This is because we all need to be up fairly early tomorrow morning as I’m picking Vickie up, just after 8 o’clock. So the girls and myself will all need to have been fed and watered etc, well before then! I will then drop Vickie’s and the girls off at Vickie’s friend’s house. I don’t know where her friend lives, apart from it’s in Salford somewhere and I’ll also have to battle some of the rush hour traffic. Her friend is doing Vickie’s makeup, they will then both do the girls hair and get them ready, as both Ava and Evie are brides maids. They will then get a taxi to the wedding venue. Meanwhile, Ian will be getting Max (who’s a page boy) ready and then Ian, Max and Charlie, (who’s best man), will also make their way to the wedding venue. The girls are rather excited about tomorrow, they where chattering away for ages when they went to bed, at 9 o’clock they were still awake, but by half past all was quiet! I just hope I can get them both up in the morning. I doubt I’ll find the time to be looking in the morning. Goodnight all.
    17 points
  21. LONDON ROAD MODELS LNER B16/1's When I built the first of these London Road Models B16/1's, I delayed painting it as I thought I might need to build a second example using the additions to the original etches, which proved to be the case. So the first build was kept in the de-humidified cupboard to prevent the brass from tarnishing, so that I could check the major sub-assemblies on the second build against the corresponding assemblies on the first build, which has proved a useful check. So, the two builds appear together on a photograph. The only real visible differences are :- The smokebox doors - the second build (to be 61462) has a much flatter door than the first build - from photographic evidence, 61462 had a flatter smokebox door - on a 49a pattern boiler - in 1950, than most of the rest of the class, which had more domed smokebox doors. Dome position - the LNER designed 49a pattern boiler had the dome further to the rear than the original North Eastern 49 pattern boiler. though both boiler types were fitted interchangeably, at major overhaul, throughout the lives of these locos. The splasher fronts - the first 55 locos built had beaded splasher fronts; the last 15 built had plain splasher fronts. The shape and positions of the washout plugs - oval on the 49 pattern boiler; circular on the 49a pattern boiler. The relative lengths of fireboxes and boilers - plus 2mm (6") on the firebox length and minus 2mm (6") on the boiler length of the second build, which has the LNER designed 49a boiler, such that the smokeboxes of both models are exactly level. Anyway, here they both are with the second build now progressing more quickly. None of the major sub-assemblies, on either build, is yet fixed to allow for easy removal and cross checking. I can't believe that this thread is approaching 100,000 views. So, whoever does the 99,999th view, just do another one - please!! Cheers Mike
    16 points
  22. Via Anchorage was the only to get to Japan from London up until the end of the Cold War (without an even more painful route). Coming back was weird because you took off from Narita in the evening and landed in Anchorage the morning before you left Japan.....Jump on the plane again for another 8 - 9 hour flight to London. I've been to Iceland three times, working - once in Winter - never again! Sun rise was about 11:00am and it set sometime after 2:00pm. No wonder many of the locasl are alcoholics..... Summer it's beautiful but don't go expecting trees - there's about half a dozen in the whole country. It's a desert that looks "slag heapish" due to the old lava streams everywhere. Go out to the big Glaciers... Best, Pete.
    16 points
  23. Tootling down Chip Pan Alley in Skegness this morning, must be something about the place, I put up a picture a few weeks ago of a mini pickup nearby
    16 points
  24. Morning, slept like a stone and late on parade, hardly surprising after many miles of hill walking, some of them at alarming angles, off to do some muddling, see ya later
    16 points
  25. Good morning everyone I’ve been able to manage a quick look in. Vickie was picked up early and she and Ava and Evie have been dropped off at her friend’s place. Sheila is upstairs getting ready, she may be some time, meanwhile I have a few minutes spare before I get ready. Back later, (possibly)
    16 points
  26. Good morning one and all As regards the beer festival, so far so good. There was live music which was not too intrusive and the lady singer had a very good voice. I'm never quite sure about live music at beer festivals. Some say that they cannot enjoy the music because of people talking, others that they cannot carry on a conversation because of the music. I'm glad I'm not a festival organiser. This year ours has gone over to the token system. It seemed to be working well last night but the acid test will be Friday night when it can be bedlam. Every year there is a tombola and a "shut the box" game, involving the rolling of dice. For once I had a go and came away with a Brains shirt - very fetching it looks too. There have been some annual reunions and I hope for more in the next few days. One job before I go into town this morning will be to watch the first episode of "The Apprentice", assuming that i-player does not mess about with that parental control nonsense . I find it compelling because usually so many of the contestants are such pillocks. What this year's batch are like remains to be seen but on past form I don't hold out much hope. Archers fans have been wondering when Joe Grundy will be killed off. Keep listening till the end of next week and all will be revealed. Best wishes to all Chris
    16 points
  27. Was that the one that supposedly fired the first shot at D-Day? If so my father in law was on it at that time as an eighteen year old radar operator. He died two and a half years ago at the age of 90, not making 91 by a couple of weeks.
    16 points
  28. Much flooding around Ferry Meadows this morning, the river Nene has overtopped its banks...
    15 points
  29. Of possible interest, David, Some shots of Haymarket in the '50s........................ Please (all) observe copyright restrictions. Regards, Tony.
    15 points
  30. Subsequent reporting at ~4:30pm PDT indicates that there were three crew and 10 passengers aboard - seven people reported dead, but unclear if this involved anyone on the ground. Doubtless there will be more details tomorrow.
    15 points
  31. In six days it will be ten years since Early Risers in this incarnation was created.
    14 points
  32. John, I shall shortly "engineer" myself another glass of red plonk!
    14 points
  33. Evening all. Not been around for a while as I've been working towards ways of commuting to some place else. I believe I may now have succeded. And got a 50% increase in pension, shorter working week. And 50% more holiday. For that reason I'll be allowed out to play Saturday week if any of the local ERers are heading towards Aldershot.
    14 points
  34. Evening awl, inner Temple down hare. Yep we're back down hare. Ben is asleep in his bed, having slept most of the 9 hour journey down. The Cockwomble report. Twice enroute Cockwombles occupied the German car lane for many miles at 65 mph. One Volvo estate was being driven like a lunatic at high speed, weaving in and out overtaking traffic on both sides. One artic driver decided to change lanes without looking or indicating, I was in the German car lane, you could see the artic jerk back as he realised we were alongside his trailer. Again the 20 odd miles south of Leeming were coned off, but no one working.. South of the A17 junction there was a long tailback northwards due to a broken down horse box. Then we got caught in a huge tailback either side of the Ram Jam, due to a broken down 4*4 not towing its caravan. It's strange the Ram Jam is still unused for anything after all these years. Note , the first petrol station south of the A17 petrol costs 127p a litre, 2/3 a Mile later at the full blown service station petrol is 149.9p a litre. Good night, I have our show to. Move stuff for tomorrow...
    14 points
  35. Geoff Haynes book on painting, lining, lettering and weathering locos and rolling stock has just been published by Crowood. I'm delighted with the way it's turned out. He stopped of this morning to have a painting commission photographed..................... A Hornby Stanier Five complete repaint, representing the loco in ex-works, preserved condition.
    14 points
  36. I think the TPE livery looks stunning on a 802. Pic from flickr.
    14 points
  37. Greetings all from LBG where it is distinctly cool (my weather app suggests 13 for London) but it felt cooler, The blue skies of this mornjng have given way to grey clouds although they are still fairly high. I always thought that wind moved from high pressure to low pressure and so effectively spiralled around into the low and out of a high due to the Coriolis effect. But then meteorology was not my forte at A level - I hadn't done physics so it remained pretty much a mystery Our forecasts have indicated we'll get cold air from the Greenland/Iceland direction and from the radio this morning it seems that rural frosts were as far south as Oxfordshire. I haven't been to Bedford for a good 20 years or so. I think that the last time I went was to the rugby at Goldington Road (Saints vs Bedford). It was a big crowd considering we were mostly standing at pitchside. I think it was one of the seasons where Northampton had been relegated and were on the way back up, I seem to recall the match was pretty one sided. No doubt we drank some Charlie Wells. It would have been rude not to! We never went to the beer festival there as getting back would not have been straightforward. I have been to a number in Northampton on Frog Island / Abington Park. It's nice to see pictures of Pacific City. I wanted to stop there for lunch non our drive south but the place seemed rammed and we couldn't see any easy parking.
    14 points
  38. This is the analysis I was referring to, earlier. Lorenzo is marked "Storm" - the arrow is direction of movement. If you follow the isobars to the NW they link up with Greenland. For anyone unaware isobars link equal pressure and the winds follow them (rather simplistic). The closer they are together (like around Lorenzo) the greater the windspeed. Best, Pete.
    14 points
  39. You having trouble with the letter N/n on your keyboard, Jamie? Best, Pete.
    14 points
  40. The cost of maintaining the fleet and the Washington Treaty, reduced the capital ships to the three King George V (first class) and the Elizabeths and Sovereigns (five each). The KGVs were replaced by the Admirals in the 1920s but Conqueror was retained as a target ship and de-gunned. She somehow survived until 1939 (lousy shooting?) when she was re-armed with 4" and wooden 13.5". She was used as a decoy ship, including Malta convoys, where she could at least provide anti aircraft cover. Scuttled off Omaha beach as part of the Mulberry harbour. Bill
    14 points
  41. I was mistaken. The B-17 that crashed was not the one that was here in the summer. It's owned by The Commemorative Air Force in Mesa AZ. I remembered it was called Sentimental Journey and it is not painted unlike the one that crashed.
    14 points
  42. Good Evening Tony Following the recent discussions regarding Thompson's A2/3 Class I enclose a photo of some of my Haymarket based locomotives with a photoshopped background. I am afraid they are all RTR models with the possible exception of A2/3 60511 Airborne which is a G King/Bachmann Conversion. Still lots of work to do to the layout but that doesn't stop me trying to take cameo photos as and where I can. I cannot stay true to the prototype layout due to lack of information of surrounding area's and the space required to replicate the entire MPD at 4mm scale. Regards David
    14 points
  43. I'm classed as a technician, and have a degree. My boss is classed as an engineer and has an HND..
    13 points
  44. Afternoon All Made the best of an early start and got on with various things Its the first real stop of the day I fed the dog today and a painter turned to do some work the hound would not stop barking so I left early. took a script in to be signed and asked for a blood test booking 3 weeks time Ill be glad when I'm out of the #hit hole of a surgery when I move there is one next door to the complex where the flat is. I joined a social group last night the first function I'm going to is a skittles night I'm almost certain someone will cop one in the ear'ole with me launching the wooden balls down the alley I'm in a team of six , five are women my Cyber friend invited me to join she is team leader she can boss me around any time. Baz I'd put your rad in for you if I lived nearby, it is easy unless you have combi boiler.
    13 points
  45. Mrs NB and myself went Tokyo-Vancouver two years ago. 6 straight days at sea passing the Aleutian Islands. The clock went forward 2 hours on one day and an hour for four other days. We had two Tuesdays...………. Cheers, Mick
    13 points
  46. Aditi very nearly booked us onto a cruise for 2020 that went from Alaska to Japan and Korea including a Date Line crossing. . However it clashed with when she has to stay with MiL due to her sister’s holiday plans. We will go to Iceland instead. Tony
    13 points
  47. I've been using a cheap Gardman greenhouse heater. It has a primitive thermostat and will bring my shed up to 18c from 0c in an hour or so.
    13 points
  48. Current progress on the 7mm Tilbury tank. Some work on the chassis and a bit of fettling, then ready to paint!
    13 points
  49. Good evening. For some reason feel totally worn out so an early night beckons. Sleep well all! Baz
    13 points
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