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  2. Tristyn Junction as at close of play today. Tristyn now has a proper goods shed instead of something stuck on as an afterthought on the side of one of the station platform bays. The rancid green factory has gone and has been replaced with a row of sooty brick warehouses which to my mind is a big improvement. Across the road from the warehouses is a mad jumble of plonk down buildings that needs to be sorted out. Fortunately the town at Tristyn Junction isn't very large so I should be able to knock it into shape during tomorrow's Tristyn rebuilding session. The enormous factory I put together yesterday really needs its own sidings so I'm going to have to give that some thought. I have no idea what it makes, Mysterious things packed into crates I suppose. The level crossings should really be sorted out with a more prototypical solution. Control systems have been made for Trainz that can cope with unusual level crossing and track formations, but they use diabolical complicated scripting and mysterious parts that I can't figure out. Since I don't have animated traffic on Tristyn in Winter I could simply replace the animated gates with static ones that are closed to vehicle traffic which is how it should be anyway during the 1930s.
  3. To keep down the cost when you have a lot to do, I've heard of people using budgie grit bought in bulk, but I don't know if it's fine enough.
  4. Oh boy, that (Captain Kernow’s post 2 above) is CUTE - even more so than the full size locomotive! John Storey
  5. Join us for a drink in the Tavern Car with this new release. https://strathwood.co.uk/products/mr-bulleids-tavern-cars
  6. The Jonster - Thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
  7. Thanks, which detail pack would be suitable for R4409 do you think?
  8. Hi Andy, I saw the news that you now have a loco! Any plans to do a model of it in OO gauge? Fred
  9. I've heard it said that old transfers can break up, that is they deteriorate with age (like my knees!) I don't know whether there's truth in that, but may be a possible cause if you're using old stock?
  10. This is highly subjective and somewhat illusory. 6wd is only slightly more "real" than 4wd given the drivetrain of the model otherwise bears zero "realness" to the actual locos. I'm pretty sure there isn't a great big electric motor sitting in the middle of the body driving 2 driveshafts into a tower gearbox sitting on each bogie. Until someone puts a tiny diesel generator and hangs motor off bogies or axles the "real" is a bit of a nonsense. The science is which runs the best, pulls the most and has practical features like ease of maintenance and supply of spare. Type of drive is irrelevant to those items, it is real world outcomes that matter. It is quite likely that something one 76th of the size of the real thing will be different due to materials, the laws of physics, the drivetrain being totally different, and the permanent way being very different. I used to sell high end hifi and home cinema. I have excellent hearing and can detect a single blown transistor in a large amp. The vast majority of other people can't, neither can they actually/scientifically tell the difference between a £50k sound system and a £1m one. The biology of most people's hearing simply isn't good enough. A good salesman could convince buyers that they could tell the difference but the reality was they couldn't. Same with 4 and 6 wheel drive, if you didn't know which was which you wouldn't be able to tell when the locos run. Might make people feel better but the science is which runs and pulls better and has the best drivetrain on the real world of running on layouts.
  11. Hi, any ideas when the first painted samples of the vans in BR departmental livery will be revealed? Thanks Fred
  12. I've used Powsides transfers on and off for 35 years, and the only one that caused any trouble was a set I picked up secondhand, and which was therefore of indeterminate age, not to mention no idea how it had been stored. The transfer cracked up badly but ended up OK, I just weathered the wagon heavily. All the examples I have bought from Powsides directly have been absolutely fine.
  13. All fair comments, and very sensible. As for our USP, it's as it's always been. We are modellers (OCD ones at that some might say) first and foremost who are trying to bring the highest possible levels of quality, detail and accuracy to our models that its possible to achieve and push to make it possible where it currently isn't. For us it is just as important to cater for the finescale modeller who are not a massive market but just as important none the less as they generally represent the level of modelling that ultimately we would all like to emulate and also bring that level of finesse to the average modellers who ultimately don't feel that they have the skill set to achieve the level of modelling to produce models themselves that they aspire to own and operate. We are both long term experienced modellers and lifelong railway enthusiasts that want to use that experience and knowledge to make what we hope you will agree are some of the most accurate looking high quality items of roling stock produced to date, and enjoy them as you see fit.
  14. The '24 hour'* Tesco's have disappeared since covid, they now all shut at midnight and re-open at 6am. The only places open 24/7 are Motorway services as they are contractually obliged too. *They were never open 24/7 as they and other supermarket chains claimed due to Sunday trading laws.
  15. I haven't got much done for a few days, as i've been feeling sorry for myself with an immobile back/hip. So, even if I hadn't spent all my 'train-money' on a printer, I still wouldn't have made it to DEMU 😕 Anyways, moaning aside, I have finally printed something again! This is a test for the mk2D MK in basic PLA, with a 0.2mm nozzle. I am pleasantly surprised/impressed with it. And the best bit is not having to wash it! I can see how it might struggle with a lot of fine detail, but I wasn't even sure if I'd have door handles! The roof is also pretty smooth. This model was printed at 45 degrees, which may have helped there. The machine is only a bit louder than the washing machine, so I might get away with keeping it in the kitchen. As its temp controlled, I was thinking about hiding it in the loft. The state my joints are in at the moment though - I think I would just wreck myself going up and down there.
  16. The implication (to me) would be a self-contained range: possibly deliberately incompatible with anything else? There must be heaps of us here that feel likewise. Although the Bingo format game at major Mcomms was rather entertaining to listen out for, usually the win claimed by someone applauding loudly, quickly joined by all the other players; typically baffling the speaker who wasn't expecting any (positive) reaction to the latest in optimally guided multifacetted black sky orientation. Risky, think of all the claims for RWI.😅
  17. I too have a neat drawing but heaven help me if I ever have to use it in anger given the chaos under my boards - I use MS Visio for mine.
  18. Thanks for posting the pictures Bob. They are very useful for Almost Arley.
  19. Another possible alternative is to look at decorative fine sands for household / house plant / art applications. I'm sure I've seen some in light grey. It could be possible to buy several kilos at a time for a reasonable price. Andy
  20. There is a plan, it has some form, but I wouldn’t call it neat. Structured rats nest perhaps. There will be a neat drawing once I’ve finished! Paul.
  21. I've acquired a B12 from ebay, the Hornby 8544 version from the LNER set - it was quite cheap so worth a punt I thought. So far managed to stick a decoder in it and got it running up and down successfully - the tender wheelset is oddly-largely flanged in comparison to the loco itself to the point the tender doesnt like the track and in particular the points.... so need to source a suitable 16mm replacement set. I'm thinking I can squeeze a diverted Harwich Boat Train / North Country Continental passing through into the timetable 😎 Although a B17 would be more appropriate from what I've read for my period 🤷‍♂️😂
  22. Hi It was from WWscenics. Some of the individual pieces would have been about 10 inches diameter! Yes Ill look for N gauge and yes it was remote!
  23. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Blue welkin this morning as far as I can see but cloud promised for later. According to weather predictions summer will arrive next week but how long it will stay is anybody's guess.
  24. Sixteen Candles - The Crests
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