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Scaleforum 2015 - 19/20 September


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  • RMweb Gold


I do sometimes wonder whether there wouldn't be scope for an over arching "Scale Railway Modelling" group that would encompass and define/encourage the approach across a complete range of scales. 


I suspect this approach would help defuse factionalism, and also enrich the hobby more generally.



Well, I do think that this day is coming.


When the New Old Labour party form the next government, they will assume responsiblity for the hobby and create an impressive new Quango as part of the Department for Miniaturised Transport, known as the 'Peoples Democratic Overarching Scale Railway Modelling Presidium'.


Housed in the newly re-occupied 'Kremlin' at 222, Marylebone Road, the large and dedicated team of officials drawn from all corners of the Scalefour and Scale7 societies will supervise and intervene to ensure that only the highest levels of modellng standards are applied in future. The Minister for Scale Railway Modelling will sit in the Cabinet and ensure that the Scale7 layout distributing teas, coffees and biscuits on the Cabinet room table is properly maintained.


The existing specialist modelling societies, including the Gauge O Guild, Gauge 1 Society, DOGA, EMGS, 10mm Society, 3mm Society, anything to do with 2mm, 'N' and 'Z' will be nationalised and their staff and members given the opportunity for re-training and re-education. Failure to accept this bountiful offer will result in immediate explusion from the hobby and compulsory war gaming for a minimum of 10 years.


Odd or unusual scales such as anything produced by  the Baron von Harrap will not be included and will remain as a thorn in the side of the Department for many years.


Finescale railway modelling will immediately become part of the national curriculum and all junior schools will ensure that every 11 year old is competent enough to solder up a copper clad point by the time they leave (in P4, of course).


Once in secondary school, all pupils (note, they won't be 'students' until/if they go to University) will follow a rigourous regime of creating a succession of colliery layouts, each more detailed than the last.


No one will be allowed to leave school until they have successfully built a Martin Finney 28XX kit with their eyes closed and one hand tied behind their back. Conversions of RTR models using the banned Brassmasters Easichas system (too easy) will be prohibited, the ban being enforced by the Governmental Train Set Inspectorate.

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I shall do by best to avoid both societies as a result of your comments.


Please don't. I have been a member of both and have found them both very friendly.


We cooperative in all sorts of ways (for instance there are more EM modellers in the Cumbrian Regional Area Group of the Scalefour Society than P4 modellers and one of them was operating Clecklewyke) and if the members of both societies decide they want to merge they will. At the moment there seems to be no need for that.



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Well, I do think that this day is coming.


When the New Old Labour party form the next government, they will assume responsiblity for the hobby and create an impressive new Quango as part of the Department for Miniaturised Transport, known as the 'Peoples Democratic Overarching Scale Railway Modelling Presidium'.


Housed in the newly re-occupied 'Kremlin' at 222, Marylebone Road, the large and dedicated team of officials drawn from all corners of the Scalefour and Scale7 societies will supervise and intervene to ensure that only the highest levels of modellng standards are applied in future. The Minister for Scale Railway Modelling will sit in the Cabinet and ensure that the Scale7 layout distributing teas, coffees and biscuits on the Cabinet room table is properly maintained.


The existing specialist modelling societies, including the Gauge O Guild, Gauge 1 Society, DOGA, EMGS, 10mm Society, 3mm Society, anything to do with 2mm, 'N' and 'Z' will be nationalised and their staff and members given the opportunity for re-training and re-education. Failure to accept this bountiful offer will result in immediate explusion from the hobby and compulsory war gaming for a minimum of 10 years.


Odd or unusual scales such as anything produced by  the Baron von Harrap will not be included and will remain as a thorn in the side of the Department for many years.


Finescale railway modelling will immediately become part of the national curriculum and all junior schools will ensure that every 11 year old is competent enough to solder up a copper clad point by the time they leave (in P4, of course).


Once in secondary school, all pupils (note, they won't be 'students' until/if they go to University) will follow a rigourous regime of creating a succession of colliery layouts, each more detailed than the last.


No one will be allowed to leave school until they have successfully built a Martin Finney 28XX kit with their eyes closed and one hand tied behind their back. Conversions of RTR models using the banned Brassmasters Easichas system (too easy) will be prohibited, the ban being enforced by the Governmental Train Set Inspectorate.


Most excellent Tim - but you clearly do not have enough to do!

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  • RMweb Gold

The all scales approach would certainly increase the potential audience!!



Having thoroughly enjoyed a friendly and convivial weekend, this one seemed more so than in the past with not a ‘po face’ (good words Andy!) in sight at my table, the debate will continue about the future of the event. I have put my 'three halfpence worth' up in the discussion in another place. I feel that Simon is partially right in that perhaps we (the society) could encompass a bit more of the brilliant ‘finescale’ modelling that is out there rather than having just the one guest layout which has been the norm recently.
For me the weekend was not an exhibition in the accepted sense but more a gathering of like-minded folk having a nice time. Perhaps by opening the door just a little more to some ‘other scale’ good stuff could bring in a few more non-members attracted by some excellent modelling which could help towards the funding of the S4um event. 
Roll on next September.......the only downside to the excitement is that there is an awful lot of work to do on a certain project....can modelling mojo be bought anywhere?! :biggrin_mini2:
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Meanwhile, back at the actual exhibition ...


Since I was on the DRAG (P4 subgroup of the Noble Realm of SWAG) demo team all weekend, most of my photos are of that or of quick cameo shots taken of some of the layouts, usually before opening time.


Here's the DRAG demo area




A rare shot of Andrew when he wasn't besieged by visitors watching him weather track




David was also very busy, mainly talking about his figures and road vehicles




No John, you can't use it to promote hair growth!




Brian (Taz) working on Comet coaches




Nick discussing his Horrabridge project




Hmmm, don't try this at home folks (just done for fun you understand)




John's 20-year old dock layout board - work in progress!




Some other items on display in the DRAG area, including a bit of the group's Bodmin project baseboards and some of that layout's original set of buildings by Norman Solomon















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  • RMweb Premium

I joined the EMGS in (I think) 2000; at that time the S4Soc. seemed, to me at least, to be a little too elitist for my liking.  However, I'm also now a member of the S4Soc. (and have been for maybe 5 years or more) - there certainly (in my eyes, at least) seems to have been a mellowing of tone in the Society and all seems much more friendly and approachable.  It's worth noting that the EMGS also caters for P4, selling suitable Gauges, rail etc.  But I also find that the S4Soc. Newsletter has (in my eyes) more interesting articles than it's EMGS counterpart; some of the items stocked by the S4Soc. Stores seem to be a little more "cutting edge" also.

Will the two ever join? Maybe, if finances dictate it. But perhaps not until any existing opposition (if indeed there is any now) from the "old guard" has waned.

And which of the two Gauges have I adopted?  Neither...



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A few layout shots - as I said these were mostly taken before opening and so trains are a bit thin on the ground ...














Plumpton Green








Clecklewyke - very nice presentation and detail


















Greenery on Cadhay Sidings




Ravenscroft Sidings








Lower Exbury








Saltfleet - I really liked the abandoned station buildings and platform on this














Witton Junction Engine Shed













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Open reply to barry o, organiser of nec warley


dear barry, thank you for your private message in response to my public comment about Warley.


I do not like your show and will not be returning to it. (this is not a unique opinion). I accept that many other people do like it.


You are running the show primarily as a commercial profit making exercise; there's nothing wrong with that and others do the same. However, you should therefore expect to be judged on a commercial basis as opposed those who are running "break even if possible" shows for the betterment of the hobby.


Instead of barracking me in private message, you could have asked why I think Warley is a rip off.

- Yes, it's the most expensive show in the Country, but I am realistic that the NEC isn't cheap. However...

- You have opted to have such a small part of the hall in use in order to reduce costs and thus increase profits that it is not at all a pleasant experience for many people. I gave up after 20 minutes. I appreciate that was my choice and I know others who made the same choice.



What I find more interesting is that some traders are asking whether there is still the compulsion to attend the "primary model railway exhibition."

Anyway, your companies house report shows quite a successful business with quite a good bank balance, so clearly you are doing something right. I am sure that your profits won't be hit too much by my non-attendance.


Now, if you wish to respond please do so here publically so that people can make up their own mind. I won't respond to any more pm's. If people want the background then they can go to www.companycheck.co.uk and type in Warley mrc exhibitions ltd in the company search bar. This is publically accessible information that you lodged with Companies House (although I get a subscription to the CH full records, the above link is only a summary version).


Everything I have written above is my opinion only, which can be substantiated- where appropriate- with documentary facts. If you think that my post(s) is/are improper then please feel free to report it to Mr York or even issue proceedings in the RCJ for libel. Either way I don't want any more PM's from you- that is not the way to conduct business.

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  • RMweb Premium

Whats that got to do with S4um?

Not a lot - and as far as I know Barry's only role at the NEC is to organise the demonstration area. He is not listed as a director of the company and may not even be a member of the Warley Club. Another point that may not be strictly true is that I understand that the NEC charge for floor area used and so although part of the hall is empty, it isn't paid for.

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Thank you for clarifying the temporary nature of the venue.  I was not aware of this.  I was not 'talking down' ExpoEM North but speaking as I found.  There is a comparison to be made between the shows but, in the light of the comment about the temporary nature of the venue and assurance that there is plenty of parking at the usual venue, my comment on that aspect is clearly not representative and should be ignored.

Hi David, I can see how visiting an exhibition for the first time and facing parking difficulties would impact on your view and as you said you said as you saw.


As an N gauge modeller with no interest per se in EM modelling I must say that usually this exhibition is a must see for me, it has a lovely ambiance and it's wonderful getting as close to the models as you do and not be pushed back behind a barrier.  I hope you are able to make it to next year's show back at George Carnall. 

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 it's wonderful getting as close to the models as you do and not be pushed back behind a barrier.

 One of the advantages of no barriers at Expos is getting as close as the eyesight will allow.




Also sometimes it can be disadvantage hence the clear acrylic guards.


This was Blackgill at Scaleforum in 2013.



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  • RMweb Gold

Open reply to barry o, organiser of nec warley


dear barry, thank you for your private message in response to my public comment about Warley.


Now, if you wish to respond please do so here publically so that people can make up their own mind. I won't respond to any more pm's. If people want the background then they can go to www.companycheck.co.uk and type in Warley mrc exhibitions ltd in the company search bar. This is publically accessible information that you lodged with Companies House (although I get a subscription to the CH full records, the above link is only a summary version).


Everything I have written above is my opinion only, which can be substantiated- where appropriate- with documentary facts. If you think that my post(s) is/are improper then please feel free to report it to Mr York or even issue proceedings in the RCJ for libel. Either way I don't want any more PM's from you- that is not the way to conduct business.

Snipped, how odd.


1.  I can't find Barry's name anywhere in that link so I'm not sure what it has to do with him (I know he organises the demos but he also does that for other shows I believe)


2. I haven't got a clue what this has got to do with Scaleforum


3.  We do suffer thread drift on here but I don't think it need stoop to what appears to be a personal insult (please excuse if I misread your words as insulting)


4. If you don't want PMs from anybody it is a simple matter to block them - no need to tell the world, just tell them.


Can we please get back to the subject - whicu h is about Scaleforum and, hopefully how it might appeal to a broader church than those who model an exacting (for many of us) scale/gauge combination but whose exhibition and trade attendabnce might still be of interest to us. 


Oh and don't bother to report this post as I shall be doing so myself

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  • RMweb Premium

Open reply to barry o, organiser of nec warley


dear barry, thank you for your private message in response to my public comment about Warley.


I do not like your show and will not be returning to it. (this is not a unique opinion). I accept that many other people do like it.


You are running the show primarily as a commercial profit making exercise; there's nothing wrong with that and others do the same. However, you should therefore expect to be judged on a commercial basis as opposed those who are running "break even if possible" shows for the betterment of the hobby.


Instead of barracking me in private message, you could have asked why I think Warley is a rip off.

- Yes, it's the most expensive show in the Country, but I am realistic that the NEC isn't cheap. However...

- You have opted to have such a small part of the hall in use in order to reduce costs and thus increase profits that it is not at all a pleasant experience for many people. I gave up after 20 minutes. I appreciate that was my choice and I know others who made the same choice.



What I find more interesting is that some traders are asking whether there is still the compulsion to attend the "primary model railway exhibition."


Anyway, your companies house report shows quite a successful business with quite a good bank balance, so clearly you are doing something right. I am sure that your profits won't be hit too much by my non-attendance.


Now, if you wish to respond please do so here publically so that people can make up their own mind. I won't respond to any more pm's. If people want the background then they can go to www.companycheck.co.uk and type in Warley mrc exhibitions ltd in the company search bar. This is publically accessible information that you lodged with Companies House (although I get a subscription to the CH full records, the above link is only a summary version).


Everything I have written above is my opinion only, which can be substantiated- where appropriate- with documentary facts. If you think that my post(s) is/are improper then please feel free to report it to Mr York or even issue proceedings in the RCJ for libel. Either way I don't want any more PM's from you- that is not the way to conduct business.

I chose to send a PM as the statement made earlier by DerekStuart about Warley Show were questionable. I apologise that this has surfaced in this discussion on Scaleforum - which has some excellent layouts in attendance and also some very good trade but alas too far away for me to attend.


I will say no more but I wish people could check their facts correctly - particularly with regards to the relationship of Warley MRC and Warley MRCs Exhibitions.

Barry O

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As ever with complaints about Warley, I'm wondering how a show can simultaneously be overcrowded and so expensive that nobody wants to attend....?


Going back to Scaleforum, I've not been for a few years, but when I did go the entry price was a lot less than it cost me to get there, so it's not really a consideration and I'm not likely to think "Hey, that's £2 more than I'm prepared to pay so I'll be damned if I'm going!". 


And whilst I don't model in P4 myself, the show was a chance to see some top notch modelling, and buy stuff from specialist traders. As a general rule, these specialist shows tend to have layouts which are a lot more varied and interesting than the usual crop of generic ones at non-specialist shows. Personally I'd much rather look at a pre-group layout with hand-built stock (irrespective of whether it's OO, EM, or P4) than yet another identikit 'modern image' or '1960's steam' layout. 

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  • RMweb Premium

With regard to the entry fee to S4um, I (as a Society Member) paid six quid to get in, with the OH getting a complimentary ticket thrown in for good measure. Which, for a day's entertainment, is pretty good value in my book (or even a weekend's entertainment, since the ticket lasts for two days).

Bearing in mind a couple of Teas in the morning, repeated in the afternoon, comes to the same price puts it all into perspective.


As for Warley, well I've never been, since:

(a) It's a bit of a trek for me

(b) Peterborough and Ally Pally serve me well, with finescale fixes (in no particular order) from ExpoEM, S4um and Railex

© I've heard all about the crowds, thank you very much (though I'm told Sunday is much better, but then you'd miss out on the best bargains no doubt)

However, fair play to the guys and ladies prepared to spend an awful lot of time and effort making it all happen....



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