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New brand, new model - Rails Limited - LNER Dynamometer car

Andy Y

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  • RMweb Gold

.I beg to differ, the posts since my attempts at positivity and potential have been largely sarcastic and derisory (not by rapido i add).

No reflection on Rapido, I think they blow much needed cobwebs and dead wood off the industry.

Please (and I'm not suggesting you were) do not attribute statements to me which I have not explicitly said.


But It seems only flattery and fawning is permitted by the audience at EP stage, and usually the "why didn't you" comments start once it's on the shelves, I don't think that's fair myself as the purpose of EP is to get a showcase, and presumably feedback.


I am and remain a big fan of Rapido, and I'm more certain of the coach than I was before I posted.


I was one of those who commented about the disparate wishes of differing customers, although I hope you don't consider my post to be vindictive. Where I think comments are not constructive, and I probably feel that yours did cross that line, was commenting on price (being high) and wanting more and more features added. It is in both Rails' and Rapido's interest to sell as many of these as they can, and I would imagine there was much gnashing of teeth over the price point for it. I doubt very much that there is much profit in it, and also consider that at this time of volatile markets, building in a degree of protection on exchange rate fluctuations would also be wise.


To quote part of your post "this coach sets a new bar on price,double that of its peers latest DCC fitted toolings and triple that of its current off the shelf peers". I bet it sells no where near half as many as its peers latest DCC offering (which I for one will be buying at least 3) and many times less than the current models. Why? As others have noted, it is a very niche model that some people will only ever buy one of, many buying none. Its costs of production must be covered by a much lesser number of sales. On that basis, I consider it a very fair price given its spec.


Your vision of the future is of interest and I can see the attraction, but I think you are looking at a future market that is not yet ready. So, it would be interesting to see your vision become a reality, however, I suspect that starting with opening doors etc. on a run of the mill coach which may sell in the 10,000s would be better, not the niche market for this model that exists today.


Edited by Roy Langridge
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  • RMweb Premium

I hope my dreams don't scare you or bring too much derision from people on here, as my company spends $mns annually on investing in this kind of tech and it will come to market, all it needs is each persons imagination to implement it when it does.


Provided that someone other than yourself regards all this as railway modelling - I certainly don't !!


Your dreams don't scare me - I'm just not that interested; along with, I suspect, the vast majority of railway MODELLERS.


If you're going to have virtual scenery, you might as well go the whole hog and have a virtual model railway - why would you want actual track and trains?


..... and if you're going down that track, you're far from being in the vanguard; virtual railway simulators are getting to be 'old hat' nowadays.



John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold

John augmented reality should not be confused with simulators. The clue is the word "augmented". It augments the model railway, so yes it is part of model railways if one wants to go down that road.


Rewind 50 years and the same critism was being directed at scenery when some of the railway modellers of the day thought anything outside the railway fence should not be part of a model railway.


It's just history repeating itself.

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  • RMweb Gold

..... and if you're going down that track, you're far from being in the vanguard; virtual railway simulators are getting to be 'old hat' nowadays.


Hah, trust me, I'm not going anywhere near model railways, this hobby would never pay my salary, mortgage etc and I have all respect those that do make a career from it.

However I do know it's only time before a commercial venture appears, it already has on real world railway applications.

My efforts are on the technologies that make it a possibility, to make something one needs to understand how it will be used, by thinking.


Anyway we're way off topic at this point, so let's bring it to close.

Edited by adb968008
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  • 2 weeks later...

Will the coach feature an on/off-switch for the interior lighting? While lighting in itself is a nice thing, it can be - at least in my opinion - quite annoying if it´s the only illuminated rolling stock on a layout whilst everything else is dark. So a switch would be a welcome feature.

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Will the coach feature an on/off-switch for the interior lighting? While lighting in itself is a nice thing, it can be - at least in my opinion - quite annoying if it´s the only illuminated rolling stock on a layout whilst everything else is dark. So a switch would be a welcome feature.


Or a screwdriver? Take the body off and remove the lighting.



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Or a screwdriver? Take the body off and remove the lighting.




But then the lighting is gone for good and I don´t fancy putting it in and out every time I may or may not have use for it.

As I said I am not opposed to interior lighting, but there are just circumstances where the option to switch it off would be a simple and quite useful solution. Bachmann for example uses that method in some of their DMUs.

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Will the coach feature an on/off-switch for the interior lighting? While lighting in itself is a nice thing, it can be - at least in my opinion - quite annoying if it´s the only illuminated rolling stock on a layout whilst everything else is dark. So a switch would be a welcome feature.

Rapido LRC coaches have a magnetic switch under the roof to turn on or off the tail light. Should be easy for them to integrate for internal lighting of this coach I would have thought. It is effective and avoids an annoying button popping out from underneath.

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  • 1 month later...

True, I thought of that just after I posted! Are there any NER/LNER inspection saloons preserved?






Maybe the one used in the Railway Chidren film.








And Another !!




I have a built D&S Inspection Saloon model , yes please to Aerolite. !!

Edited by micklner
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Any news? ;)



The Dynamometer car production is well underway. The guys are Rapido are spending a huge amount of time on the teak finish as that obviously needs to be first class. We are expecting a fully assembled sample model (less the teak finish) next week when Bill from Rapido arrives in the UK. I will get some pictures online when it arrives. I saw some shots yesterday of the sample and the amount of detail which is on it is outstanding. The fully painted interior detail is also very very special!


If you are visiting Warley this year, come take a look at the sample which will be on our stand. 


I will get some pictures online as soon as I can




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  • RMweb Gold

The Dynamometer car production is well underway. The guys are Rapido are spending a huge amount of time on the teak finish as that obviously needs to be first class. We are expecting a fully assembled sample model (less the teak finish) next week when Bill from Rapido arrives in the UK. I will get some pictures online when it arrives. I saw some shots yesterday of the sample and the amount of detail which is on it is outstanding. The fully painted interior detail is also very very special!


If you are visiting Warley this year, come take a look at the sample which will be on our stand. 


I will get some pictures online as soon as I can






I will indeed Oliver....looking forward to it. Please ensure the Dom Perignon in the Rails' hospitality suite is correctly chilled and that the oysters are fresh.Many thanks.     :jester:

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Is that a representation of etched glass I spy in the clerestory glazing?. I think that would be a first?




It is; I spotted it whilst handling it but it's far more evident in the pics.


The trace on the desk and the paper roll will be further printed interior detail in due course.

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