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RMweb is 15

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm certainly not an 'first stager' at all. But, having access to RM Web has certainly helped me, and not just from a model railway sense either. I've met a great deal of people whom I wouldn't normally otherwise engage with, The web has provided me with a great deal of inspiration, and I'll unashamedly look over someone else's shoulder, to see how it's done. 


Like all things, the sum of parts cannot be greater than the whole, so you'll only be able to get out, what you put in. The collective, IMHO, works just fine.


Happy modelling.



A bang up to date edit: If you need a n example, I'll use exhibit A:- The Hornby Toad van. How many years have we been buying the old, prehistoric version? Some suitable dialogue make things like this happen.  The defence, M'lud, rests....

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  • RMweb Premium

It is quite scary how the time has flown over the last 15 years...12 of which I have been a member of RMWeb and another of the "15%ers"! 


The site itself may have become more sophisticated over the years and grown in functionality, but it is the accumulation of 11 years (in this incarnation) of prototype photos and information, modelling and layout developments - how many top-class layouts are there now which began as a set of photos of bare baseboards or just an idea at the start of a thread? - as well as product development. We have seen new manufacturers appear (and disappear), as well as being involved in the early stages of crowd funding. 


Personalities have come and gone, like the aforementioned Don Bradley brought a combination of wit and wisdom (the word association game, with his verbal to-ing and fro-with Smudgeloco, was a lot of fun) as well as his inspirational work building the layout for Thabo, but many of senior users are still here. A testament to the evolution and depth of the forum.  


Thank you Andy and all who have made this such a valuable resource for the last 15 years...and here's to the next 15+.

Edited by Claude_Dreyfus
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  • RMweb Gold

@SVRlad - Thanks for the kind words Liam! For sure it is true in life that you get back what you give - and you are a very personable member of the younger modellers, its a pleasure to have met you! And i know @Pierre Le Brun enjoyed the Burns night too....


Personally I have got so much out of this forum - access to knowledge and skills, and the confidence to take Abbotswood on to the exhibition circuit. Great fun - and a sign of this is that if I go to shows these days I seem to spend as long woffling as I do looking at exhibits....


Access to other events such as @Captain Kernow 's WSR adventure has also been a big part for me


So thanks to @Andy Y and the other mods for all the effort that goes in to keeping this going. Heres to the next 15 years


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  • RMweb Premium

I joined way back in 2007, just prior to the first RMweb members day that was hastily re-arranged for Mickleover, near Derby. It was the first chance to put faces to names I had seen on the forum. Somewhere I have some images from that day as I provided an exhibit of my collection of BR Standard Locomotives, this has since grown to far too many with the releases over the years from the main manufactures.


I hate to think since how many hours I have spent on RMweb over the last 13 years, but it has been a source of information, has provided answers to questions and problems, has provided inspiration when the enthusiasm has been on the slide and with some of the characters on the forum a great deal of banter and humor as well.


So to Andy and the team.................... Thank you, its been a great journey. Long may it continue.

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10 hours ago, AY Mod said:

RMweb is 15 years old tomorrow. 15th March 2005.


To mark the event I'd like you to contribute your significant memories of the site over the last fifteen years, how the site has helped you in some way and /or what it means to you. We'll let that run for a week and then Phil and I will get our heads together to pick the best post and offer a prize of a Bachmann Class 158 or a Farish Class 70/8.



I'll also offer a bonus prize to one person who can stake a claim to be one of the earliest arrivals; the prize may depend on who it is and what they model.

I was an early adopter, came here from BRM forum as was when you madly believed you could set up something better that had pictures and stuff - in those days it was all text either on BRM where there was some interaction or the MRE site where you submitted your stuff and it would get added to the next update.



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3 hours ago, beast66606 said:

I joined soon after it had left BRM and have enjoyed many a good time, and many a bad time with many people of the years, it's no secret that I was even a moderator for a while but with changes in legal requirements the opportunity to take that task back in house meant Andy made us all "redundant". You lot really wouldn't believe some of the stuff we had to deal with, a lot of which we removed from public view vert quickly preventing most even being aware, some of those who have left to other places were guilty of real nastiness and then had the cheek to publically throw tantrums when called out. Yes, I really enjoyed those times :D


I've not "got" much from RMWeb but I enjoy helping people (don't do so much these days) and sharing information.


I've given up railway modelling now but still enjoy looking at models, of all gauges and standards.

I never knew you were a mod!!

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  • RMweb Premium

I think I joined in 2007, though I can't remember for sure. My current joining says 2009 but that was due to be being reset when the Invision software was first used.


I have found having RMweb suits me better than going to a model railway club or society. I'm not good at direct social interaction so being able to chip in or not to discussions as and when really works for me.


I find being able to keep up-to-date with what's going on in the model (and real) railway world useful, as is the ability to be able to ask questions here when I can't get answers on the likes of Google, etc. Some important points that I needed to understand for my recent S&P work have been resolved via questions here, and I'm thankful to all who have replied.


I try to feedback in a positive way if I can, if I have knowledge that might help someone with whatever question or issue they have, and being able to do so does at least help me feel a little bit useful :)


I've occasionally been a bit short with the 'manufacturers' when they produce a model that falls below hoped-for expectation, but I try to be constructive for them. However, if issues with a model make it through to production I'm afraid I find it very difficult to be conciliatory.


I've had some ups and downs over the years, since before joining here, but RMweb has been a kind of 'crutch' in that just having something to follow up on, even on the difficult days, has helped. To all who have given me support, even if just by a friendly/supportive mark on a post, I thank you.

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It doesn't seem possible that I joined RMweb way back in October 2008 - Where does the time go ?!!


As very much a solitary modeller, for me RMweb is invaluable for learning from, and interaction with, like-minded people, whether that be modelling matters, prototype info or anything else, and it is a tribute to the members, and no doubt the Mods too, that 99% of the discourse here is conducted politely, even when strong opinions are held.


There is rarely a day goes by without me logging on to 'View New Content', and if ever I am unable to do so withdrawal symptoms set in !


Many thanks to everyone who makes RMweb such a fantastic site.


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  • RMweb Premium

I cannot remember when I first joined, or how many times I was banned each time I rejoined. Luckily I had a chance to chat to Andy and he was kind enough to let me rejoin. Boy have I learned a lot from the collective information on here and hopefully helped a few people with their modelling. I have also made a lot of friends, most I have been lucky to meet, some owing to them living a long way from the middle of nowhere in Lincolnshire I haven't as yet but hope to do so. I have also kept in contact with modelling mates who have either moved or stayed where they are when I moved.


One thing that still bugs me, my very first post as Fat Bald Bloke on version 2 of RMweb was a question about the difference of under gubbins of a 305compaired to a 308. No one has ever answered it. I have actually taken time to draw the 308s bits and bobs and have a half finished 305 drawing. Still not finished either model EMU.


Best bit about RMweb is best summed up in this song


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  • RMweb Gold

I'm so pleased RMWeb is still here for us to enjoy after all these years--I wish it, the Mods and all of us who feed into it and gain so much from it, very very many successful years to come.


Happy Birthday RMWeb.


all the best,





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  • RMweb Gold

I've been here almost from day one, it was @Taigatrommel that first pointed me to the site when it can only have been a couple of days old. I've been on every version since, always with the same name.


Funniest thing ever on RMweb was @Bloodnok and the Kestrel April fool. Pity it is lost to posterity but for Raymond Ginar-Don it's probably just as well.


I've learnt a huge amount here, met some great people who have become life long friends and hopefully answered a few questions too.



Edited by Dagworth
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No problem in being a mod. I sold my Lambretta GP 200 in 1972 and have regretted the day ever since.:huh:

In the last 15 years have lived in 3 addresses in Manchester and now in western Canada . Although only joining recently i have been a lurker for years, making observations and notes for the big day to come around to commence the "great build". Well, it's on its way. 

The wealth of information on the site has enabled me. The knowledge of the community will enable me in the future. 

A great thank you to all members, contributers but ultimately to Andy for making all this possible. 

A childhood dream is finally coming to fruition.





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  • RMweb Premium
13 hours ago, Ramrig said:


I joined way back in 2007, just prior to the first RMweb members day that was hastily re-arranged for Mickleover, near Derby. It was the first chance to put faces to names I had seen on the forum. Somewhere I have some images from that day . . . . 



I had been around soon after the creation of RMweb and found it following up a link posted elsewhere. The early days were difficult for Andy with many changes in the hosting site and software so you never knew from one day to the next if the site would actually be working or not but so many of us stuck with it and made generous donations to cover his costs - I seem to recall one appeal raised over £6000.


As Steve has mentioned above, the first Members' Day was at Mickleover where I just happened to be Chairman of the local Community Centre and when Andy's plans for another venue collapsed, the local club stepped in to help with the organisation. There is a photo somewhere of all those who attended (with our forum names) - I keep forgetting to save a copy . . . . . . . 



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Living as I do in the North West corner of Ireland, where railway modelers are scarcer than hens' teeth, I find that RMWeb is a fantastic way of being a part of the model railway community. Many thanks to Andy and all the contributors over the last fifteen years.

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  • RMweb Gold

I cannot recall when I actually joined but it was certainly quite early on.  I think I can best be described as an armchair modeller but am not offended by the description.  Over the years tempted by excellent work shown on the forum I have had numerous attempts at layouts in 00, 0 and G all of which failed dismally but nevertheless I enjoyed them while they lasted.


Like Beast I too was a Mod and can identify with all he says about that role.  I can honestly say from my time in that role that Andy has achieved results that most would have given up on long ago.  Since the start it has been constant battles with server changes, forum layout changes and the associated moans and groans of the many adverse to change.  I am delighted that through all that Andy and now Warners have stuck to it as it is without a doubt beyond anything we could ever have hoped for all those years ago.


Whilst I don't model at all now I constantly come back on here to read and admire the work of others and very occasionally post in the Old cars thread.  I am grateful for all the contributors who have also made the place what it is today.


I have no one thing I can say that stands out over the years other than when Andy and a group of the Mods were invited to the home of Dave Shakespeare to see Tetley Mills.  I knew and worked with Dave in the 70's in the Police in Sleaford.  I visited him and his layout on more than one occasion and I think it was a sad day when the modelling World lost Dave.  We have lost many others over the years as well but I am sure they are remembered fondly and on here their images and work remain for us to enjoy.


So I too would like to thank Andy for all his work over the years which I know at times have been very difficult.  Andy and I are close friends and see each other whenever my wife and I return to the UK.  As a result of that I would also like to express thanks to the long suffering Wendy who has managed to cope with all of the above on a daily basis for the 15 years as well.  Truly a remarkable woman whose tolerance has without been tested on numerous occasions.


Without the members contribution of course the forum would not exist so thanks to all. 



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RMWeb has been a hugely important part in my life since joining in I think 2007ish. 


Firstly it was immensely beneficial for my mental health, connecting me with likeminded people, but also in providing structure to keep a project going and as an endless source of advice and encouragement.


Long term, it inspired me to take some modelmaking short courses, and then to study a degree in the subject at the advanced student age of 33.


As I return to the hobby after a long period of study, I am now a Senior Lecturer on the degree course and am just finishing my PhD on the history of architectural modelmaking, and so if my viva goes well will be the first Doctor of Modelmaking!


None of that would have happened without this site so looking forward to another 15 years of this wonderful social resource.



Edited by bmthtrains - David
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm not sure when I joined or how I found out about it, but the earliest photos I can find that I posted on RMweb date from 2006.  Doesn't time fly!  Since then I've met all sorts of fellow modellers through it, several of whom I now consider to be good friends off line as well as on, so many thanks to Andy & co for keeping it going, and long may they continue to do so.


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Now all the 'mods' are coming out, is anyone going to own up to being 'The Fat Controller'?.....


He (deliberately) had some pretty controversial views that you couldn't help but laugh at...

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

I could utter lots of warm sentiment about RMweb. It would be both true and heartfelt but I suspect not terribly entertaining, so instead I though I'd share some early memories.


I first took a look at RMweb at the instigation of friends from Hull. Somewhat naively I signed on as Neil and then wondered why everyone else was operating under an alias. The first few days I spent working out who was who and then decided I would introduce myself to the gathered masses by way of an introductory thread titled 'If DCC is so easy why are there so many topics asking for help?' 


I've tried to work out when I joined, my profile says 2009, but I had been living in Wales for a few years by then and my early memories of the forum are from when I lived in York. At the time I had a job with limited supervision, an office and access to the internet by dial up - pay per minute. I once managed to rack up a quarterly phone bill of just over £300, most of which I think must have been time spent on RMweb.


The first few years were a bit rough round the edges. The forum would conk out from time to time, new servers and hosting companies came and went but over time things seemed to settle down, membership grew and RMweb became slicker but perhaps lost something along the way. Looking back this was an inevitable consequence of the forum becoming more successful and having the bugs ironed out. At the time I whinged about it in a thread titled 'The Ship of Fools' where I liked the early RMweb to a pirate galleon and it's then current form to a cruise liner. I rather think this displeased Andy and this was well before cruise ship became shorthand for plague vessel.


With the growth of the workload came an increase in the number of moderators, who had their identities concealed. Mod 1, Shortliner, outed himself by posting photos of his current layout using his moderator identity. Mod 2 had made himself known to me but who were the mysterious Mod 3 and 4? A small number of friends and I were itching to know. It got to the stage where we were so curious that we set up a small Yahoo group focussed on getting to the bottom of the mystery. Inadvertently we managed to invite Mod 3 to join the group.


It all seems like a long time ago and yet no time at all. Trawling through my memories has made me aware that the forum quickly grew into a community and despite all the technical changes, the growth in membership, the faces lost and gained, it remains so.







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  • RMweb Gold

Can I stake a claim as potentially the oldest member never to have produced anything model wise of note....a number of false starts over the years but the practicality of a small flat with two adults always seems to dampen any enthusiasm....but I just cannot seem to escape the place.....

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I have learnt a lot from here and made some friends and helped many people. but the forum came to it own 3 years ago when I lost my younger brother who was 29 years old I was given so much support from everyone and it helped me to carry on. I have enjoyed all the meet ups and my best memory was at the RMweb live was driving the little train at chase water railway i think it was called



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  • Moderators
1 hour ago, chriswright03 said:

thanks to the long suffering Wendy who has managed to cope with all of the above on a daily basis for the 15 years as well.  Truly a remarkable woman whose tolerance has without been tested on numerous occasions.


That's only 'cos you want more cake next time.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy anniversary to RMWeb. I can't remember my early contacts with the forum, why I joined and when.


I just seem to have been looking at it and posting things for ever.


Long may it continue and a huge "well done" to Andy and the rest of the people responsible for keeping in going for all these years, including Warners/BRM. Without them, it may not have been here now.






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