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N Gauge Class 390 Pendolino (post Kickstarter) with Rapido

Revolution Ben

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


For obvious reasons this thread has gone a litle quiet, but rest assured there is plenty of activity behind the scenes.


We are finalising the date for the 3D Pendo scan currently, all who backed us should have received an email with a link to pre-order at the Kickstarter prices.


If you haven't pledged yet please note that the Kickstarter price offer ends on January 31st, at which time we will be opening for pre-orders at a higher price.




Ben A.

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I think for me at least the attraction to this project after getting an awesome top of the range model (hopefully), is again (hopefully) seeing each stage of the process the actual process of producing a model train. From the 3D laser scanning process, through design to tooling and production etc.


I hope it gives a greater understanding of the process something that a lot of companies don't give.


Great Western

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi GW,


I've said before in this thread that part of the attraction of this project for me, beyond providing a fabulous Pendolino for my train-set, is that up to a point it democratises the process. 


Obviously we can't all do everything, but yes we will certainly post photos of the scan, and then when we get the CADs we will be posting those and inviting comments and feedback from all those who have ordered. 


Similarly, this is the first mass-market model I can think of where the customers get to choose the models produced; albeit by a vote where the nine most popular will be selected.  (It would be 10, but we are committed to the Poppy Pendolino of course.)




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Scobyra


No, as the Kickstarter failed we will start taking more orders from Feb 1st, so you haven't missed out.  More details to follow.




Ben A.


Does this mean I can't get it for the original price that you told me about at Warley?




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  • RMweb Gold

Does this mean I can't get it for the original price that you told me about at Warley?





Hi Mike,


( Edited after re-reading Mike's original message)


Just to be clear: anyone who didn't pledge before the end of the Kickstarter doesn't qualify for the Kickstarter price.


This seems fair to me - the Kickstarter was running for 60 days and both Mike and I said repeatedly that no money would be taken unless we reached the full total, and that pledges could be altered too. 


Having said that, if the Kickstarter had been successful then we would not have taken any more orders; so under plan B those who missed the deadline can still order a model, albeit at a higher price.  We think the price will still seem reasonable, but of course you will have to be the judge of that.


If you do order you'll still be able to have an input into the CAD feedback if you wish, and into which models are selected.


Also, this way we only ask 50% of the money up front, so there's longer to save up if necessary.




Ben A.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


In the light of some of the messages I have been receiving on here, and that Mike has received, this is just a reminder to those who pledged via Kickstarter that there is just over a week remaining for you to put in a deposit to get the Kickstarter prices.  From Feb 1st pre-ordering is open to all, but at a higher price.


The link to the secure deposit page is via the link in the email that was sent, or you can find it if you log in to Kickstarter and look at Update #5 on our page - this can only be viewed by those who pledged.


I would hate for any of our backers to miss the deadline.




Ben A.

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Quite impressed 5 days after the kickstarter pre-order site opened and there has been 381 orders made.


Considering that there were 491 backers on the original kickstarter, I think that is a great statement that currently we are only missing 110 orders. I assume that these are the speculative buyers and the people who were in the 'pledge to help' group.


Big well done to Ben and Mike. Top job.



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Just signed up for a 9-car set. Order #389. I'm quite impressed at how many of the pledgers the project has been able to retain. I'd thought that a lot of the people who'd been reached through flyers at exhibitions might prove difficult to keep if they had to go through another ordering process, but an 80%-ish retention rate seems pretty good.



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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all,


Mike and I are both delighted with the retention rate of backers.


We'd like to think that it is, in part, because we have been as open as we can with people about what we are trying to do and why the change is necessary.


It's unfortunate that we didn't make the Kickstarter total - especially coming as close as we did - but there we are.  Luckily Rapido - and Jason in particular - have been fantastic about it and I think have helped us enormously by agreeing to honour the Kickstarter prices.  For me that's really kept the shine on the project.


Incidentally I have now finalised plans for the Laser scanning which takes place later this week.  I will ensure photographs are posted here with an explanation of how the entire process works.




Ben A.

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Just sorting out my deposit for two Pendolinos now, keeping the Kickstarter prices and splitting the payment between the deposit and final installment makes life alot easier.


On a more general point about the campaign, I'd just like to thank everyone involved from Rapido, DJM and last but by no means least, Mike and Ben. What seems like a very long time ago, I and many others were posting on a thread about the lack of AC electrics in N bemoaning the lack of the UK's most famous electric train. Luckily we had some guys willing to put the time, money and effort needed to get a manufacturer to say yes! This is a great advance for our hobby and hopefully the start of many great models to come... Anyone up for IEP yet (I'll have to dig out some Radius 4s for those scale 26 metre coaches ;) )

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put my deposit down today #384. Good to see so many putting their money where their mouth is, and I see from a post above that there are at least 5 more since my order.

Although Mike and Ben must be tired of hearing this, congratulations to both for this amazing Project!


es grüßt


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I've been watching this process with interest, not because i have any interest in the Pendolino or UK N gauge, but just as a test of something new for the Model Railroad Hobby and to see how it would work.  While in some ways i am dissapointed to see that the Kickstarter failed as a success would have been just reward for how hard Mike and Ben have worked and for their openness with the project, the fact that they partnered with someone like Jason & Rapido who are modellers first and are also very open with their business practicies, meant that a fantastic second outcome was possible.


I hope that more modeller driven projects to show manufacturers that there is market for niche products or hard to justify prototypes will come forward, i'm sure many will fail, but i know from talking to Jason that there are many canadian prototypes he would love to make produce as Rapido items, but for which he is certain that there isn't a big enough market to make them profitable.  Projects like the Kickstarter are a good way for modellers to look at testing the waters for projects that they want to see that Manufacturers don't show interest in.


Good work Gents, and i look forward to seeing many happy UK N Gaugers with their Pendo's in 2016!



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