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Everything posted by timbowilts

  1. None of the above, I’m afraid. My preferred source is Wizard Models due to the excellent service and he does web orders and payment Tim T
  2. Err, it doesn't seem to pivot the right way? (From someone modelling the South Wales Valleys)
  3. Answering my own question here! Searching the RMWeb with its own search engine produced nothing but using Google produced the answer, ironically on RMWeb? for those who wish to know they should prototypically be 10.5mm but (probably for production cost reasons) Hornby used standard 12mm ones Tim T
  4. To revive this thread a bit (and hijack it) I'm producing an Arriva Trains Wales class 142 from spares acquired from various sources. It will be built to run on EM Gauge. Currently I have to source wheels, naturally Hornby ones will be of little use so what diameter should I be buying? Tim T
  5. Looking at pictures I don’t think it is based on any prototype! It looks like some junior product designer’s impression of a signal box. Regards, Tim T
  6. Just to clarify my post #5 I was talking about existing signals where development outside the boundary fence has taken place since commissioning of said signals Regards, Tim T
  7. Being five weeks away from retiring from the signal engineering proffession, mostly on the new-works side of things, my impression is that Network Rail are more reactive than pro-active these days. It only gets looked at if there is an “operating incident” or if the SME happens to be out on his patch at the right time of day Tim T
  8. Following JZ’s post re Teroson primer another thought has come to mind. Given the notorious difficulty of assembling these with glue would it help to spray the components before assembly? Would the bond between primer and metal be strong enough? Tim T
  9. There is another option, one that I have used. There is a firm called “Woodshop Direct” based in Falmouth. They will cut whatever you want from ply. You enter the dimensions on their website and they do the rest. I have the bits for two 1200x450 boards awaiting retirement in my garage. Hope that helps, Tim T
  10. Yet another question for the RMWeb fount of knowledge. Over the last forty years I’ve acquired a number of Westdale and BSL coach kits. I finally retire at the end of December so the time will become available to start completing them. My question is simple - what did, or do, people use to paint them? I do not have a workshop but do things on the breakfast bar in the kitchen so spraying is not usually an option (unless SWMBO has gone away for a few days) TIA, Tim T
  11. Re the third picture in post #58, do the electronics outweigh the wood in that board yet? (coat, hat, rapid exit.....) Tim T
  12. Depending on what tolerance you have for accuracy you could always make one pass of your 1/2 inch piece and then turn it over and make another pass? This assumes that you are using the fence and keep the same edge against it :<) Tim T
  13. Ah, the curse of SWMBO, what would we do without them (Answer that carefully) Tim T
  14. Ah Miss Prism, is that 4g per Tare or loaded prototype tons? (Tongue firmly in cheek & running for the exit.....) Tim T
  15. Err, is the new chair too comfortable? It's been four days without a post. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms Tim T
  16. Thanks for that, Mick. I won't bother then as it is drawings that I'm after Regards Tim T
  17. folks, I'm hoping someone on here can answer this question as Google and Wikipedia can't! Perusing my copy of "An Index to Railway Model Drawings" by S.A. Leleux, i have identified two issues of MRN containing drawings of Taff Vale signal-boxes that I wish to acquire. Most unhelpfully Leleux doesn't list the drawings by year/month but by year/page! So does anyone know in which month of the 1960 volume Page 164 appeared and in which month of the 1966 volume page 41 appeared? thanks in anticipation Tim T
  18. my first question on this thread. can someone who is experienced confirm that neither the Cameo nor the Portrait can cut plasticard thicker than 30 thou? TIA Tim T
  19. Re royaloak’s post, can we know what said drivers roster is please? They say bad things come in threes and he’s apparently had two....... Tim T (7 weeks to retirement after 43+ years in the S&T industry)
  20. Is that funny thing over in the other platform lost? I thought they got the shivers if they left the Thames Valley? Tim T
  21. folks, I'm toying with the idea of using laser-cut plastic mainframe profiles for instances where I need several of the same class of loco. (I need frames for four 42xx tanks and five Taff Vale 0-6-2 tanks!) Instead of buying a silhouette cutter or a small laser cutter I'm wondering if it would be cheaper to get someone who does custom laser cutting to do the work for me. the question is who? Any suggestions gratefully received Tim T
  22. AFAIK Keen Maygib are long defunct. These days I purchase my coach and wagon wheel requirements form Wizard Models because a) it takes too long to get anything out of Markits (I've had an unfulfilled order with him since October 1st but that's early days yet by all accounts) b) Alan Gibson doesn't do e-commerce ad I like being to oreder from a website Regarfds Tim T
  23. Big cylindrical thing? The bobby has got to have something to keep his tea in, surely :<) Tim T (Soon to be ex- signalling engineer)
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