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Everything posted by chriswright03

  1. No it isn't 'all' about price but as I said earlier you hopefully will never know what their customer service is like because with a bit of luck you won't have to make a claim. Also as I said earlier your experience will never be exactly the same as others and what put you off may well not happen with someone else. So while you would not touch Direct Line again that doesn't mean that others shouldn't. Without you needing to go into detail of the reason why, the same could be said by others of other companies based on their experience and conversely others could well say they have had excellent service from them.
  2. There really is no substitute for shopping round and doing the home work on Insurance be it motor, house or whatever. There is no loyalty from any Company and as long as you check you are comparing like for like then your only other consideration is what are they like if you have to claim? You of course hope not to find that out! Even if you look at reviews they are usually biased and the claim they are talking about will never ever be the same circumstances as any other claim so not really much use. I always use a couple of the comparison sires then throw in a couple of direct enquires as well then take my pick. I just make sure that what I am getting cover wise is what I want then pick the cheapest and hope that I never need to find out what the customer service is like.
  3. Found elsewhere and thought it worth bringing in here. Sorry Nidge don't cry! Surprised the house is still standing.
  4. Yeah did that when you first mentioned it Kevin to no avail. It will be something to do with cookies I have no doubt. Like every time I go to look at Big Jim's Colas thread it takes me back way before the last post I have read for some reason. Hence generally I prefer to use the quote button rather than just post a link to the post number. This is the first time it has come to my notice and I blame you for posting the numbers.
  5. That is really weird because when I look at it from your link it is post 4800! Actually I was unaware it was from there because that isn't where I copied it from but I accept your word for it. No need for an apology. Problem with this one dimension form of communication is that it doesn't always read like it should and that isn't anything we can do much about.
  6. Yup that is the one thanks Wondered what was going on but then Firefox did do an update the other day and the two events are related. As you say t always closes down once you force the issue so just have to wait for Firefox to get their act together I guess.
  7. What is this close down error you are getting? I have noticed the last couple of days I am getting one but cannot recall what it says.
  8. Just to throw another spanner in the works. It is a system of lighting. They don't have to be lit. It applies in daylight as well.
  9. That depends which way the camera is facing. Many are rear facing.
  10. There is something weird going on with the quoted post numbers because when I look 4788 is nothing to do with me. I also don't recall saying it was from the Highway code. EDIT: 4788 is a post from me but nothing to do with speed limits so I am unsure what you are getting at.
  11. You are right of course it is defence and not excuse just me typing in layman's terms as opposed to quoting correctly. My bad as they say.
  12. This is the post I assume you mean Kevin. I have reloaded the forum and 4803 still comes up as the other one but for some weird reason when you got to copy the one above it is 4803. So let's hope that is sorted at last. However, not sure what others have quoted you as saying but I certainly have not said that you have suggested anything. I have asked you if you are suggesting we change the signs. To be fair I think we have reached a point where we will have to agree to disagree as to the validity of the signs.
  13. Having looked at post 4803 I cannot see what you are referring to as it is neither a post by you nor is three different signs mentioned. Your initial post as quoted above asks why not have a sign with a number on it instead of the NSL. That has been explained at length by a few including myself more than once. The speed limit for the road where the sign is as explained before/ 60 for single carriage way and 70 for dual. Those limits change for a class of vehicle and there are basically three different speeds to cover them. If you were to replace the sign and make it read 60 for single carriageways then 'some' would just assume that they can go at that speed because they can't be bothered to find out what the limit is for the class of vehicle they are in. I didn't suggest you had said that and if you read my post the relevant bit quoted here you will see it was a question and not a suggestion. http://Are you suggesting we should have a picture of a van, bus or lorry on top of all of the signs? It would appear we are going round in circles now and we have enough problems with people knowing how to drive on roundabouts so at this point I shall go elsewhere and do something else more productive.
  14. Your logic baffles me. First of all you are saying there is confusion so it needs signs with numbers on to avoid that and now you are saying that the driver will know what the speed is for their class of vehicle if they know what the speed for the road is. Now you seem to be saying that HGV drivers know what they are doing but it is just the others! The NSL sign means 60 on a single carriageway and 70 on a dual carriageway. It is up to the driver to know what the difference is for the type of vehicle they are driving is. Are you suggesting we should have a picture of a van, bus or lorry on top of all of the signs? It really isn't as difficult as you are making out. The problem is these days 'some' people are just too lazy/stupid or whatever to find out for themselves what they can and can't do in life and speed limits is sadly one of those. I don't know why you have to come out with the bit about you are wasting everyone's time either. No it is a discussion where the majority have a different view to you so that 'could' mean that you are wrong but you seem to have removed that from the options list. Well if you are sure then that is OK then! We wont even bother checking up to see if you are right and when we get stopped we can quote you and it will be OK. Mike has answered the point about the Judge knowing where to find the answer regarding laws but as a driver I will repeat you have a legal obligation to be aware of the law in respect of driving. If the road is restricted due to having lighting it will have a speed limit sign on leaving by law. You do not have to measure the distance of anything let alone be qualified to do so.
  15. Wheeler Dealers tonight was the P5B again tonight. Tempted Nidge I am!
  16. I understand now thanks. Yes the Built up area includes roads of all sorts be then singe/dual or even more lanes it is still 30 mph unless stated other. Obviously no motorways in BUA. In respect of the 30mph area yes there should normally be a 30mph sign as you enter, strangely enough there doesn't have to be. Any road with street lights on is 30mph unless it has signs to say otherwise. Now if you find that complicated I am not surprised. I am on a Facebook Group of retired Traffic Officers and discussion on there still doesn't seem to be 100% on what (if any) signs are required. Also where it used to be the law that there had to be a sign each side of the road as you entered a speed limit it is now one sign only. So those that got off before because one was missing or covered up because the Council were too tight to have trees cut back can no longer do so. Just to confuse even more.
  17. No I am not as has been pointed out above that would require (at least) three different signs and then there would still be people who need it explaining so you would have to have the small print! No not a good idea. You do have an obligation to know what the law is for the class of vehicle that you are driving. The fact that some haven't the faintest idea doesn't exempt them from sticking to those laws. It is an accepted principle in law that ignorance is no excuse.
  18. If you are referring to a 'normal' road i.e. one lane going in one direction with a centre line to split it from the one going the other direction that isn't and never has been a 'dual carriageway'. Roads do not have to have a 30mph sign on them as the limit also applies to the distance between street lights unless a higher speed is shown. If you are ever in doubt as to what speed the road you are on is just look at any side road. If the side road has nothing on it at all then you are on a 30mph because if you wasn't the side road would have a new sign to tell you what the limit is. Of course the speed limit is not a target and it is an upper limit not a minimum. Driving below the speed limit whilst annoying at times is not illegal as such but obviously if you were crawling along at a speed to make you dangerous to others you could be prosecuted. As for slow vehicles pulling out of the way! I live in Tractor Hell and they very seldom if ever pull in no matter how long the queue behind them.
  19. It has no number on it for the very reason that different vehicles have different limits. As a driver you are supposed to know those and ignorance in law is no excuse. It is you as the driver who is responsible for knowing what the limit is on any given road for the vehicle you are driving. I think it is simple enough and has worked for years, the fact that 'some' are too incompetent/lazy or whatever to know doesn't mean there should be a number on a sign for every class of vehicle that uses the road.
  20. Thanks Hayfield for sorting this for the OP. I assumed it was a predictive text thing! Thing is that if someone in the future searched for coreless motor your thread and all the information in it would not be found which means that any useful information in this topic would be missed which of course would be a waste.
  21. You may want to check and edit the title of this thread.
  22. Few cars some of you may recognise on here. Well I did anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ-R-CuZlAk&index=6&list=PLBQvsi5IXiKvoHJVe0D_RjCN3_QXOrU2V
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