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  2. No it didn't. 'Steve' (S.W.Stevens-Stratten, by the way) actually got rid of the coloured paper when he took over in about 1966. (Sorry I don't have precise dates because I don't have file copies of magazines from that period). Its correct title was 'ticket board' (remember bus tickets of the period?) and it was introduced as part of the redesign by Alan Williams and Colin Gifford, based on the Architects Journal of the time, IIRC correctly starting with January 1964. I had to build a diorama of guys working on overhead wires for a silhouette photograph for one of the first coloured pages. I can't say I ever liked the ticket board. We were still printing letterpress at the time and you had to have blocks with a much coarser screen to print on the ticket board (65 screen IIRC). Remember, however, that this was the 1960s - think XP64 - and it was the era of 'style over substance', particularly where design was concerned. Don't blame 'Steve' - though. His approach to design was very much traditional (in many respects he turned the clock back) but the subsequent declines in paper quality were imposed from on high and not something either of us had any control over. (CJL)
  3. I'm sure there should be more crates in this order. Do another check in the store room
  4. Bit of weekend modelling from down under - winter arriving has meant a lot more time for modelling, although busy season at work has limited available free time. Of late I’ve been working on 37689 in 2003/2004 condition which is progressing nicely. This weekend I’ve managed to replace the brake gear ready for P4 wheels, add etched lamp brackets, and knock up and correct some Pete Harvey steps. Prior to this I have also: - Added Shawplan roof grille - debranded from Bachmann 37423, resprayed the triple grey middle band as it was a plain triple grey loco - Resprayed the roof (although this will need fading significantly) - Glued and filled ends and one end headcode box - Replaced the brake chains with finer examples - LaserGlazed the loco - added detailing both ends - Added RSH diving bars from styrene strip - Added cast headboard clips at the No. 1 end (thanks to Tim @97406 for these!) - Removed and filled the ETH bracket on the noses each end Photos of the progress below: Subject to a few small additions (including new 3D printed nose grilles from @The Fatadder, this is pretty much ready for paint and finishing now. Kind regards, Will
  5. We have friends coming into town this week, and they will have dinner with us one evening. My wife has decided dessert will be based around cakes from one or more of the artisanal bakeries in town. This has, of course, meant that research is required on the current (and currant) offerings of these bakeries. Here are samples of the products of two of them: We have another sample to try later today (well, three at a time would have been a little gauche!), plus another bakery to visit before making a final choice.
  6. The next trip, which was at the end of September 2006, was based in Berlin for 7 days, during which time I used a weekly Berlin/Brandenburg Season Ticket which was purchased from a station ticket machine at Schonefeld Airport when I arrived on the early morning Ryanair flight from Stansted. The plan was to cover all of the regular passenger lines in the area in those 7 days which I had not previously covered, plus there were a few other attractions which had been worked into the trip as well. After arriving on 28th, I made my way by S-Bahn to Lichtenberg for 628.659 out to Templin Stadt...... .....from where I caught the Connecting ODEG unit in the form of VT650.69 on to Eberswalde - a route mostly closed since...... This 232 passed through Eberswalde whilst I was waiting for my 114 hauled service back into Berlin..... I was staying out in the eastern Berlin suburbs again on this trip and the following morning, whilst waiting for my train at Friedrichshagen S-Bahn, the preserved 2-car set of 1920's stock passed through as ECS....... One of the main destinations for that day was the Prignitzer Eisenbahn, previously visited on the ADL trip in 2000, though they had gone over to low-floor units by this time, as seen at Pritzwalk.... A run was taken up to their HQ at Meyenburg... Meyenburg had an interesting selection of stock dumped in the sidings, so as the place was deserted, I went for a wander around after the train had departed. The rape seed oil powered railcars, as used on the ADL trip, were parked out of use...... ..along with some shunters.....
  7. Good morning all and a very Happy Anniversary to Beth and Jamie. Sunshine and blue sky here, that makes a change from the past few days. A warm and sunny day with a gentle breeze is forecast. 12°C rising to 24°C. Rugby yesterday was another enjoyable match with Bath defeating Sale. Next up is the Premiership Final next Saturday and then I'll have to deal with withdrawal symptoms for a few weeks and find something else to do with my Friday evenings, Saturday & Sunday afternoons. However will I cope? For once The Boss was up before me and brought me up a muggatea at 7.30 and even resisted saying "timetogettamoveon." I'm suffering from a case of slowandnotinahurryitis so have only just come down for a second muggatea and not even shaved and showered yet. Disgusting behaviour Bob. Once I have dealt with that it will be time for eggs, bacon and sausage and then I can possibly think about what I'm doing today. It won't be terribly energetic. Have a good one, Two-legged sloth of Sutton.
  8. ADDISON ROAD is playing a big part in Twickenham & District MRC's new membership drive and features prominently in our new promo stand. ADDISON ROAD will be the star attraction at the club's Open Day on July 28th - we hope to see you there!
  9. I know I bleat (Sorry Sheep person, @NHY 581 ) on about this, but don't forget a FIRE EXTINGUISHER. I was up in a Loft many years ago, working away quite happily when there was a funny smell. I turned around, and the florescent light above the escape hatch was on fire. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY OUT. Luckily for me I pulled the plug, DROPPED through the hatch and the fire fizzled out, but it could have been a lot worse.
  10. After Hours - The Velvet Underground
  11. Not for me. Time to focus more on my American O. The wagons freight cars are bigger than UK O, still mostly cheaper, Kadees are easier than 3-links, and it's still sufficiently outside of the 'Mainstream' to give me the satisfaction of having models & a layout that not many others will, at least in the UK. 🤩
  12. and in the news yesterday, the development of an easy "spit" test for this awful condition - so the research is giving dividends 👍
  13. For me that will always bring back fond memories of 1970's Euston and OHLE Electric's which seem like the only loco's that did this back in the day ........................
  14. You’re way off the mark, Winnie Dear Boy. The cakes were purchased at the behest of Mrs iD for one of her afternoon soirées with her (lady) friends. Otherwise Schloss iD is a cake-free zone!
  15. Yes - Platform 3 at Woking has a set. There's also (and I forget the exact terminology) a set of "B" switches with extended rails that grip the wheel and gradually arrest the train movement - there are sets of these installed at each end of the Hampton Court Loop platform at Surbiton that then enable the stabling of stock "on the mainline".
  16. Nah. Won’t need to do any of that. I’ll just put the clean t-shirts in with the clean Polo Shirts and that will cause enough ruckus as to make her overlook any cake discrepancies (not that she would notice, the kitchen and its contents and food stocks hold no interest for her. As long as she gets her three squares a day the kitchen can remain my fiefdom…)
  17. Good morning and welcome to Sun Day. It currently lives up to its name in Northern Ampsheer at Blazingsmoke. Shortly I must pack up and head home. For reasons known only to the railway’s pricing system it is cheaper today to return via the LSWR (Lurching Slowly Westward Route) than by GWR (Go When Ready). The reverse was true coming up on Friday. Hey ho. First World Problems But first - muggercoffy and another croissant. Because breakfast is an unlimited self-service feast.
  18. I'd like to know who bought the artisanal piece of cake? If it was Herr Doctarrie that implies intent. If so that means he planned to consume the cake. So I'm beginning to suspect all this high follooting 'my body is a temple' and i don't eat anything with chemicals in is subterfuge. Herr Doctarrie is secret cake scoffer.
  19. I noticed that in Japan as well. Despite having a carbohydrate heavy diet (lots of noodles and rice), despite having an unbelievably sweet, sweet tooth (the high end patisserie in Tokyo are a sight to behold) and really chowing down on deep fried crunchy things, there are relatively few chubby (let alone obese) Japanese. Japanese Rikishi - sumo wrestlers - have to deliberately force feed themselves on a very high calorie diet to bulk up for their sport. The Swiss are much like the Poles, inasmuch as they have a high carbohydrate and high calorie native diet (basically potatoes, bread and cheese) but are incredibly active. The country is criss-crossed with Wanderwege - which are well laid out walking paths (and you can, quite literally, hike from one end of Switzerland to another just by using the Wanderwege). And the Swiss do keep active well into their 70s and 80s; I don’t walk due to dodgy knees, but I do cycle and I do go to the gym on a regular basis - where the older generation is very prominent amongst the membership. Interestingly, both Switzerland and Japan are seeing an increase of overweight (and sometimes obesity) in the younger generation as the under 30s have (unwisely) taken to the western “burger and fries“ diet
  20. This last week has seen less modelling and more holidaying. I’m going to have a busy few days ahead of me now! https://melynvalleyrailway.blogspot.com/2024/06/ponder-people.html?m=1 Andrew
  21. It's a great ride. I did Newport to Shrewsbury and return yesterday...great to get a 67 and coaches but the failure to provide catering of any sort on either service was a major disappointment!
  22. @Matloughe There's a problem with your plan: The platform 1 and 2 tracks come very close to each other under the bridge and passing traffic will collide. That's because using Peco Small radius turnouts in a ladder like that produces a track spacing of ~39mm.
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