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Great British Locomotives


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It will be interesting to see the Butler Henderson if it comes and compare it to the source model.  It may be the one to prompt litigation if it can be proved to be directly ripped off from the original Bachmann/NRM exclusive.

Hmmm. Presumably there's a reason for the NRM logo on the online cover images of this and several other issues(?)

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WHS Ealing surprisingly had two 4MTs today, which they had placed behind the Mallard partwork.


This was quickly reduced to one, after which I quickly stuck in an order to Comet for a chassis pack. No time like the present, before everyone retires and/or Phoenix Paints takes over.....


I bought a Compound with the thought of sticking a Comet chassis underneath it. Thing is, it's just one more on a fairly longish list of other GBL locos and cheap RTR bodies snaffled from Ebay for the same purpose - I saw them as a way of getting some kit-building under my belt without having to suffer the expense of full loco kits or faff about painting and lining.


Of course, Geoff's recent announcement has thrown a different light on my plans - I can't afford to panic-buy all the chassis kits I'll need even if I leave the wheels and motors until later, so I guess it's a case of prioritising now and hoping he finds a decent seller in the meantime.


I realise I sound like I'm complaining, but FAOD I would do exactly the same in Geoff's position and I genuinely wish him all the best.


And sorry, GBL, but unless you pull a real doozy out of the bag, I guess we're done for now...

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I'm guessing here, but could it be that the National Railway Museum own the rights to commercial depictions of their locomotives? I know that Flying Scotsman for example is very heavily trademarked. Just look at the tat that they sell in the Sunday magazines. So they probably had to get permission to sell them as those locomotives.


They could of changed identities, but would the "man in the street" want Firdaussi, Miles Beevor, Gerard Powys Dewhurst and Croydon on their shelves instead? I would, but I'm not their target audience.

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I'm guessing here, but could it be that the National Railway Museum own the rights to commercial depictions of their locomotives? I know that Flying Scotsman for example is very heavily trademarked. Just look at the tat that they sell in the Sunday magazines. So they probably had to get permission to sell them as those locomotives.

I agree...


...which is why a lot of the cr@p that is advertised in Sunday magazines looks nothing like an A3 in order avoid infringing copyright interests.


I'd be surprised if the NRM had sanctioned GBL, as their other suppliers such as Hornby and Bachmann would have something to say about their models being copied in such a manner.

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  • RMweb Premium

There were three in the shambolic mess that is the Chichester WHSmiths on Wednesday morning, there was only one when I left and I had the last one from the Swanage branch this afternoon as well!!


Now, where is my razor saw..... :butcher:

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This is how the 4MT tank breaks down.


- Unscrew the solid chassis block and trailing bogie. The bogie can be binned first.

- The solidified motion must be unplugged from the solidified driving wheels. Only then can the chassis block be removed and binned.

- Two screws then release the main bodyshell from its floor and front running plate.

- The cylinders can be unplugged (break the glue joint) - they can be kept, as they have a pretty good profile, although you will need to move the front piston valve chests outwards (their central axis is directly (and incorrectly in line with that of the pistons below). The solidified motion can be sawn off and binned.

- Keep the screws - they could be useful for other things.


I can see a bit of a challenge trying to get it to sit neatly on a Comet chassis, mainly because of the false floor.....



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Just read Geoffs announcement on Comet website. I'm sure I speak for us all in wishing him well for the future. In respect of his products as per the previous post I sincerely hope a serious buyer can be found and this range continues. I am really beginning to worry that we are losing a number of these essential suppliers to our hobby. Lastly and again to Geoff...thank you for your excellent service to me, and to my fellow modellers.

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  • RMweb Premium

46256, You speak I'm sure , for many of us on here and I can't  add meaningfully to the sentiment of your post above.

I wish Geoff well with his health issues and hope a suitable buyer can be found for the business.





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Dear all hopefully on a better note, than my previous post.


Final photos of 40745 earning her keep on my layout. She is pulling a parcels from Leicester to Bham...weeks before final call to Derby. Travelling in opposite direction is class 3F 43284....another Saltley stalwart en route for shunting duties....possibly fired by one of the Essery brothers.


As recorded the 3P is Hornby raiload body comet chassis and gearbox...tender from GBL compound. It was mentioned earlier about costs of wheels. The set of 6ft 6 in wheels was more than the GBL loco.


The 3f is a far older model...triang body..brass cab (ex George Norton)plastic tube boiler, splashers relocated....comet chassis and gearbox. Whitemetal tender. Now back to the high footplate Caprotti.



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For those in or near the Greener Borough:


Two 4MTs in Wallington Smiths this afternoon - not on the shelves, behind the checkout. You have to ask. No chance to look at them in advance. But hey, 4MTs.


Repeat question - as Comet may be stopping production, has anyone used a Comet chassis with a GBL body, yet? I think I'll get a Schools for future use. I wish Comet did more Southern locos.

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Still nothing in the local Asda and WHS, so I bit the bullet and ordered from a grumpy youth on the customer service line - we shall see what transpires! It did sound as though p+p was free however, so that may be a result - unless RM does it's worst.

Can you let me have the number you used, please?

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Can you let me have the number you used, please?

Sure: 0844 472 5237.

I made contact after 5.00pm today, so that may explain the grumpiness, but everything appeared to be sorted on his compooter. Usual 10 day dispatch advisement. I'll keep you posted, and will continue to look out for other local outlets that I can buy from after examining anyway!

Any info regarding sources in the Winchester / Southampton / Eastleigh triangle gratefully received.

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For those in or near the Greener Borough:


Two 4MTs in Wallington Smiths this afternoon - not on the shelves, behind the checkout. You have to ask. No chance to look at them in advance. But hey, 4MTs.


Repeat question - as Comet may be stopping production, has anyone used a Comet chassis with a GBL body, yet? ....

I had been contemplating the Compound chassis, but didn't buy this because I already have a perfectly good Alan Gibson full kit and anyway it was the GBL tender that I wanted to salvage parts of for use behind 53808.


A 4MT chassis has turned up from Comet today. This is the nickel-silver framed current spec, which was designed to replace the Bachmann mechanism and has a completely different outline from the earlier Birmingham-era brass version. I have both versions, with the brass one intended for the old HD/Wrenn body, tarted-up by Crownline.


Whichever version is used, I think we'll still need to saw a rectangular hole in the GBL "floor", as well as sawing off quite a few other bits. Not going to be as easy as I thought, but it wouldn't be modelling if it wasn't.


There is quite a lot of potential hacking on the GBL boiler/tanks/cab/bunker assembly, where you can replace moulded rectangular "pipes" with proper round ones made from wire. The glazing is inadequate, so that can be binned. Likewise the moulded manifold assembly on top of the firebox is a throwback to the Triang era and needs shaving off - you can do a much better homebuilt job yourself.


Edited by Horsetan
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I fitted the GBL 4MT to a Bachmann chassis, at this stage just to see how easy it is. It turns out to be the easiest steam loco so far. The whole floor actually unscrews, making it simple to identify where cuts need to be made and actually make them. I imagine the same will apply to the Comet chassis.

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