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Everard Junction - 88 to 90 - BR Western Region

richard w

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Continuing with the weathering theme I've been working on finishing my rake of SSA scrap wagons.  First job was to weather them, wheels painted, wash of black, rust spots added and some slight airbrushing on the underframe.




Then I added a false load made from foam.




Now for the boring bit.  I wanted to replicate loads of cubed scrap.  This was achieved by cutting up kitchen foil, putting it into a mold and compressing it with a vice to form a cube.  This took many hours and was done over a period of 3 months.  Weathering was done with a small amount of weathering powder and a tea spoon of water poured into the container.  Then the container was shaken for 5 minutes to evenly weather each cube.




Then some more foil was added and painted to give a look of depth to the finished load.




Finally the cubes were added. 




The train is now complete and i'm very happy with the effects.




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As always very impressive work there richard!

Your youtube vidoes must be the most helpfull and well presented films there is because you dont waffle on about nothing like some do,you make them easy to understand and very informative.

I going to copy your method of building hillside scenery using newspaper and the plaster bandage,that ive already bought.


Keep up the good work


All the best



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Brilliant layout - love watching your videos. Quick question though, with your track weathering how do the trains still work even with the railhead painted? Most people have to wipe the rail head clean.


Many thanks and keep up the good work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brilliant layout - love watching your videos. Quick question though, with your track weathering how do the trains still work even with the railhead painted? Most people have to wipe the rail head clean.


Many thanks and keep up the good work!


Once the paint has dried I rub off the paint from the railhead with a track rubber.  The lighting in the loft isn't great so the rails often look like they are painted.

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Just spent the last hour reading through this thread and a few videos. Great layout and lots of great ideas. I am particularly impressed with your scrap loads. I went the Ten Commandments route for mine but I think I will add a couple like you have for variety.


Thanks for sharing



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Richard, I have been following your YouTube postings for some time. I especially appreciate your fearlessness to tear out something that is not right and re-install the correct item like you recently did with the switch/turnout. You have given me the courage to start my own layout. You have inspired me.



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Thanks for all the feedback guys, it really is appreciated.


I've been meaning to post some photos of the new stuff for a while.   I'm currently very busy filming and editing the signaling tutorial video which should be done by the weekend.  Should have some pictures by the end of this week.



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I've finished filming the signalling video and got the first gantry installed.  Its needs more painting, but I'm amazed at how much it lifts the surrounding area.  Looks much more interesting than before.




The video tutorial can be found here.  It is quite long so I will be doing a thread on here which covers all the details.




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Richard, thank you for pulling together the tutorial. We all have limited time so to divert some of your good modelling time to film and edit the tutorial is appreciated! I got about half way through before SWIMBO dropped a few hints about the housework...... Will watch the rest later.



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Hi Rich,

I've been quietly following EJ from the beginning, fantastic, but the signalling video beats the lot, thanks so much for taking the time to share this 'aspect' of your layout with everybody.

best regards


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