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Bachmann OO Announcements July 2014

Andy Y

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Perhaps they have worked sneakily and done the GNR version on the quiet, so the GNR one comes out first with the LBSCR one to follow. That would fit with the LBSCR one still being at that early stage.


Just like the real railways. A proper one comes out first followed by by a copy for the southerners....... 

There isn't a 'rating' icon that expresses outrage!!!!! :angel: The Southern just perfected it.

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I was hoping for a little more variety however, like many have said, there is a fair backlog of stuff still to come through.

However, each year brings some welcome additions. Im sort of pleased my wallet will not be taking a beating this year!

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I have read about two pages on this topic and have realised what a lot of moaning members we have,i for one am just gratefull we have a manufacturer like Bachmann to supply us with quality models.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not the hype I was expecting. but a class 90 fills a gap. im more interested in the scenecraft bits this year. altho my airbrush is now calling as there wasn't (yet anyway) any re-liveried CEPs, and ive really got a taste for JAFFA cakes!!! :paint:

From the earlier communication on prices I kind of got the impression that Bachmann now consider 3 or 4 car emus or dmus uneconomic. It's telling that all dmus this year (the turbo stars) are 2 car. Haven't seen the prices yet, but suspect that's the issue. I wouldn't expect a new batch of CEPs or a three car 101 for this reason.


Another interesting point, now I've got over the initial disappointment, is that they seem to have stopped doing dcc only versions of locos. Aside from the sound versions there are no specific dcc locos. I always found this annoying as the version I wanted inevitably had dcc in it!

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  • RMweb Premium

The Class 90, which I'm pleased I called out at least twice in the crystal ball thread, is a sensible choice of an emergent D&E cult favourite, which is well suited to livery variations for years to come, and compatible with a variety of past Bachmann stock....

Provided you are interested in electrics.

I got the feeling people bought into the AL5 model because of the quality rather than actually having catenery to justify it on the layout.

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While I am glad that an electric locomotive was announced it isn't what I was hoping for. At least it isn't a class 81 or 83 as I am currently working on several of these (very slowly I might add).


While I have always liked the calss 90 I already have some Hornby versions and don't plan on replacing them.


I am interested to see what these 'additional stories' will be.

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JUST SUPPOSING that there is actually an NRM Atlantic 251 project, what if that has actually been on the go, on the quiet, for some time and is therefore actually far more advanced than the Brighton version (AS TBG HAS JUST NIPPED IN TO SAY WHILST I WAS TYPING), which could conceivably have been announced first simply to warn Hornby off from some suspected intention of going for a Brighton Atlantic?


You never know......


I think you will find that Bachmann (and Hornby) have the research in place for just about anything that ran on the rails in this country for the last 100 years or so. It's a bit like the plans what's left of our military have for invading America (and vice versa). The planning is discussed every year for contingencies and probabilities and acted upon accordingly.


Similarly various people are consulted about future releases all the time. Thankfully discretion and honesty are still part of the make up of the British race, and those people defer to the inferred secrecy of what they have been told. Some members of this forum have been fortunate enough to be involved with this process, for which we should thank Andy Y and the manufacturers and commissioners for their foresight.



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  • RMweb Premium

Post #1 would seem a good starting point?


Not so funny, really.


I'll freely admit that I went back to the beginning of the thread FOUR TIMES looking for the link to the 'goodies',  before saying "Is that it?"!!!!!


After delaying the announcement by six months, it is not sustainable to say ".... but it's only a six month programme - there'll be another along in six months"!!


Be up front and admit it's an 'austerity' programme in order to catch up on last year's non-arrivals - we would accept and understand that.


Hype there has been, it can't be denied; but it can come back and bite you!


Honesty is the best policy.



John Isherwood.

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Surprised how quiet they have been over the cheap sound decoder models. When I spoke to someone at the collectors club they said there would be more information given at today's briefing. Maybe it's part of the news stories to follow over the coming weeks! Also surprised no info on the website as it's updated often enough for the regular models.


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Just noticed the dynamis Ultima also announced. Anyone know what this is? Any mention at press day Andy?

As much as I know so far is it's a Dynamis + Pro Box in one unit with a USB link. No accompanying software has been mentioned. A working sample may be with Bachmann soon from ESU for evaluation so hopefully I can pass on more info as and when.

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My thoughts are that the catch up is perhaps a good idea, but agree with others that delaying the announcement to the date of the 25th brought the impression of something special. Even if the launch of a narrow gauge was the headline, it detracts away from the core market that the company currently supplies.


The class 90 is welcome and many will be thankful for this and the container wagon that has been announced as both strengthen the area they are linked to greatly. The 'Atlantic' engine seems to be a launch of a model already expected as the similarities between this and other similar builds of the time mean that one model can effectively create three different varients. Clever move.


As for catch up on the programme, thats perhaps fine and I think most people will agree is right once the hype/anti-climax/disapointment has all subsided. There are some good reliveries for current tooling, with the class 37s getting another good run out in liveries most wanted. The Colas one being a quick move to match the mainline so again well done Bachmann for creative thinking. I thought they would move to keep the 47s more up to date but they are bolstering the range for BR blue again, as they seem to alternate between old and new liveries.


Meanwhile, its irronic to note that when Bachmann have announced nothing new for their specific areas there is suddenly a rush for everyone to exclaim and decry the lack of the announcement they wanted. I however, remain patiently waiting....  

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  • RMweb Gold

I hope they make enough of the freightliner wagons to go round, don't want to be searching auction sites like people do for polybulks

Yep, and not just a short production run, the kind of quantities that I need them in will see me buying them year on year for quite a while



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  • RMweb Premium

Yep, and not just a short production run, the kind of quantities that I need them in will see me buying them year on year for quite a while




.... but the problem is - do they want mountains of the things hanging around in their warehouse waiting for customers to buy them "year on year".


.... or they could do a smaller batch, and repeat it "year on year", and have us moaning "Not the Freightliners AGAIN"!


Buy 'em whilst you can - I doubt that you'll see them in the catalogue "year on year".



John Isherwood.

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Fifty five pages of Chrystal Ball waffle now following Bachmann big announcement there's no time like the present to kick off with Chrystal Ball 2015. Such a pity that those modeling the Southern and GWR cant use a Class 90 in any livery.


I take it the after party was cancelled

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If there's something in the list that you were anticipating, be happy. If not, then go back and enjoy the items you own already for what they are. Set against the scale of human suffering, not seeing your favourite model announced in RTR fails to register in any meaningful way. Better to want what you have than get everything you want. Remember a year or two back when one of the models you'd always anticipated arrived? Go and fetch it out and enjoy yourself operating it now because you're a long time dead so get all the fun out of the time you have - too precious to bemoan wasting it complaining about something that's not going to arrive in the foreseeable. :-)

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Just noticed the dynamis Ultima also announced. Anyone know what this is? Any mention at press day Andy?



As much as I know so far is it's a Dynamis + Pro Box in one unit with a USB link.......


Ah ! So it's a rebadged ESU Navigator, presumably in a different colour to the ESU version?




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Just noticed on Bachmann's site that they are to produce a low relief power station with cooling towers. That should be interesting as the average cooling towers are 250 - 350+ feet tall (Ratcliffe's are 365 feet tall). 4mm to the foot equals a metre high model of a 250 foot tower  :O. Should make for an interesting backscene. Dry ice machine anyone?  :jester:


Been wondering what to do with my dry ice machine, now that I am not doing my Sisters Of Mercy impressions...


Dapol will do it...... watch this space!


Please, no, not them.


Usually most people have already gone home by then.


I don't blame Bachmann taking a year off to play catch up, indeed I think many if us would be happy to see announcements closer to actual release, but if that's the plan, why not just say it ?


I could have cut the grass this morning and been more excited, if I order a Chinese tonight and find a Q6 announced in the fortune cookie I'll be pleasantly surprised but a bit confused as the marketing said the announcements were coming at the July party...not a random Tuesday night fry up.


It is rather unfortunate that the 25th anniversary came at a time of the severe supply and cost problems. Bachmann didn't do themselves any favours by causing anticipation of something spectacular.




Lets hope not.

It might get announced in 2015 but will we see it before 2020 I wonder?.



If Bachmann announce something on the same day Dapol do, Dapol would probably still be thinking about it five years after Bachmann bring it to market.


I speak from very bitter experience with regards to Dapol. It might have been a different thing if I got the chance to discuss the shop's project with Dapol Dave (as he was then known) but as it was discussed with someone else from the company, well, I was less than impressed with the lack of professionalism from Dapol (still very bitter but won't say anything else on it)


A couple of things are of interest to me from the Bachmann announcements, departmental stock and that's it and that is only to get what I missed out on previously. Class 90 would be too modern for me as a modeller but am sure Bachmann will do a good job of it, they nearly always do. I just hope they do something better with the handrails on their 08 shunter. As far as I'm concerned, the handrails are one of the very few weak points from Bachmann.


As for new models, the Great British Locomotives collection of clones has kinda taken over due to the supply problems

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