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News from Warley 2014

Andy Y

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  • RMweb Gold

I must be getting even sadder as I've just noticed that the eyes on Andy's avatar go through the correct red - amber - double amber - green sequence.

Actually it's red, red with a sub illuminated, single yellow, double yellow, green  (amber is in traffic lights - not on the railway ;) ).


Now to a far more serious point and hopefully we won't be told off for being in the wrong thread -


Hello Clive,

I can't see many (any?) layouts on that other Warley thread either.


Apologise if I sound sad moaning about threads.......... :scratchhead:

Several reasons I think Peter - firstly yesterday it was very crowded around most layouts and the chances of getting a decent picture of the layout instead of a flailing elbow were pretty slim.  Secondly I find that spending time taking pics of layouts detracts from the enjoyment, interest and what have you of actually looking at them and watching how trains move etc so at busy shows I simply don't bother with even trying to take pictures.  At smaller shows with smaller crowds it is usually far easier to do both pics and enjoy the layout - but alas not in busy times at Warley.  So sorry - no pice from me.


But one thing i can do without is those people with iPads taking photos of layouts and holding them up in the line of view of other folk - that is downright rude in my opinion.

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  • RMweb Premium



But one thing i can do without is those people with iPads taking photos of layouts and holding them up in the line of view of other folk - that is downright rude in my opinion.

Agree about being rude.

Like a woman who was using flash on everything she took including right into peoples faces and she wasn't taking one picture, she was pushing her way in and taking loads. Dreadfully selfish person.

Didn't ask anyone if they minded either.


IMHO iPads and similar should be banned.

It's about the most inappropriate thing to use as a camera at exhibitions (in fact anywhere).

(again IMHO if you want to take photos get yourself a modern pocket camera - it will beat an iPad every time and is so much easier to handle/use/carry)



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Agree about being rude.

Like a woman who was using flash on everything she took including right into peoples faces and she wasn't taking one picture, she was pushing her way in and taking loads. Dreadfully selfish person.

Didn't ask anyone if they minded either.


Ah, you've met my wife then....


Only joking dear......

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  • RMweb Premium

A few Pictures






Blandford Forum:





(I like the bloke going into the privy/netty)


Big Mallett with just a bit of front overhang:




5" gauge Metropolitan Bo-Bo:





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The updated EP sample has some of the best bogie detail I've seen on any 4mm loco which captures the weight of the bogies very well with a degree of finesse to all those bolt-heads.




I snapped a couple of 05s and they do look particularly good with some of the best executed fine detail we've seen from the Danes but the interesting thing is that it potentially marks a move away from the 'one size fits all' approach to moulds with different slides for cab-end windows and radiator grilles.


I will be interested to see how this new approach shows up on the Met Bo-Bo model. The example on display appears to be mostly in 1950s spec (apart from an extra hose - to test the fit on the EP I imagine). I wonder if the destination boards will be removable or will have alternative labels. There are always some tiny detail differences between individual locos over their lifetimes and I wouldn't expect any manufacturer to cover everything but (if the more major details are acknowledged) I think this looks extremely encouraging.



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  • RMweb Gold

Just checking that you got you yellows and ambers correct Mike...... :sungum:


Anyway, back to Warley.


Did ANYONE take any layout pics? Maybe I should actually attend one year?


I see that the "normal" Warley thread now has some photos here:  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/85146-warley-at-the-nec-2014-22nd-and-23rd-november/page-8

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  • RMweb Gold

Kids are computer savvy and I wouldn't mind betting they tune into Hornby's website regularly. It might be forgotten that generally they disappear from 15 to 25 into a black hole of debauchery and fun where the mention of 'Hornby' would be greeted with "Thats for kids" or worse!  In response to someone earlier, yep, the LMS Horsebox is most welcome.

They obviously haven't the stamina of earlier generations - it was 15 to 40 in my day. :superman:  :girldevil:



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When I was forced into retirement twelve years ago through ill health I thought I would finally be able to complete the layout I started building many years ago.   Sadly good intentions were pushed aside due to unforeseen circumstances and the model railway trade has answered the demands for improved models to standards that exceed those of many modellers.  Models that I would have needed to commission are now available over the counter and those purchased with good intent are sold-on to be replaced with their successors.   Why do I need 120 plus locomotives and multiple units for a rural cross-country line in Mid-Cornwall?   I guess like many I am chasing a dream ignoring the reality of the situation or, may be, is it retail therapy?


Warley has produced its crop of announcements.   Temptation is once again in the air.   The layout exists if only in my mind's eye and I know the track-plan like the back of my hand.   My existing loco fleet reflects the motive-power from 1957 to 1970 and identities of individual locomotives has been researched.   Soon the lease on the top of my Wife's wardrobe will expire and I need a larger room for my railway library....   I must be strong but that can wait for tomorrow, now where's Kernow's 'phone number!

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  • RMweb Gold

I understand you feel passionately about this, but I'm not sure why you've also chosen to attack those of us who happen to live where, already, there are no model shops. What are we meant to do in your world?



Please don't think of my post as an attack on anyone who are not fortunate enough to have a model shop in the local town or city. It is aimed at those who would have the rest of us suffer that same fate, through the application of 'progress' and/or 'technology' etc. If you live in a place where there aren't any such shops, then I am am sorry that you don't have that opportunity.


I am aware (through conversing with my friend, the owner) of the trials and tribulations of trying to make a living from running a 'local model shop', and it's simply that I feel that the benefits of such a facility go unrecognised by some folk on here, who seem to think that internet shopping is all you need these days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Kernow Models have summarised their Warley announcements here: http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/index.html?action=23

Are the GWR steam railmotors all the same?


61 and 63 are diagram O the others (including 93) are diagram R


Anybody know the difference, maybe it's just the centre doors?



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I knew, some time ago that Hornby had examined the Adams Radial on the Bluebell Railway,their intention to produce

a model of it was confirmed at Warley yesterday.

So when i Iearned of Oxfords intention to produce one also, I asked myself why?. A class of only 3 [ latterly] examples,

which only worked on one branch line, why choose such an obscure class of locomotives as their debut model ?.

My theory is that Oxford somehow knew of Hornby's intentions and they are out to show Hornby how its done!.

The new boy on the block is out to kick ass!. then we'll all say how wonderful Oxford are. I think i smell a little bit 

of gamesmanship here,one in the eye to the established manufacturers. And i'll bet the Oxford Radial will be deliberately,

a lot cheaper than Hornby's. We shall have to wait and see. I wish both of them well in their ventures, and may the best 

man win.

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I thought from what I saw the show did seem a tad smaller than previous years, but I could be mistaken.



No it was the same size as the last few shows in Hall 5.... and having had to walk up and down it for 4 days - it is a huge space....


In other news from Warley did anyone look at the smaller suppliers? RT had some nice items on sale, Mike Edge was busy with a new Sentinel kit, Branchlines had some new items as well.


Don't just get frothy about the bigger manufacturers - they are very important for the hobby but the smaller suppliers do an admirable job in helping people to move away from mainstream RTR if they want to try something else.



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. Had a inspiring talk with Mick Bryan of this parish regarding conversions of RTR to Network Rail, just had to stock up on some yellow paint before I left.  



Hi Godfrey.

Another convert............... At least somebody was listening to me. :sungum:


Good to chat.



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  • RMweb Gold

Wonder how representative RmWeb is of the hobby as a whole?


Probably not very.....

The problem with silent majorities is that you can't tell whether they are:


1. Content with things as they are.

2. Fatalistic about the way things are going,

3. Don't care enough about what's happening to say anything.

4. Just don't know what's happening.



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Why is it odd logic? Kernow is a retailer so why would they want to help their competitors by allowing them to sell their models? Do Hornby sell Bachmann models on their online shop?



Surely by making their own models Kernow as well as Hattons are crossing the great divide . Cake and eat it comes to mind and then there will a thread on the forums What has happenend to all the small model shops ?. Answer Gone because their is limited product to sell. Commissioning special liveries is one thing but starting multiple manufacturing schemes is another especially as a number with a company yet to produce anything.  

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