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Michael Delamar

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Status Updates posted by Michael Delamar

  1. Just got the news that I passed the train driver psychometric test.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ken.W


      Well done, congratulations

    3. CovDriver


      Drivers moan I couldn't possibly comment on that one.


    4. TheSignalEngineer
  2. Our washing machine sounds like a Deltic.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rembrow


      Is it passing Grantham at 100mph then. Should have the washing done on the return run

    3. sammyboy


      I work in a B&Q and our store's paint mixing machine sounds like a diesel locomotive - not sure of which class though!

    4. Horsetan


      Clayton, probably.

  3. My name is Harry Palmer

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      Does the US millionaire in the billion dollar brain remind you of anyone?

    3. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Let me just File that one with my Horse while I attend a Funeral for the Brain of a Spy in Little Beijing at Midnight.

    4. waggy


      My name is Jack Carter

  4. The 3000 plus brand new Jaguars ive been watching get scrapped are from the China dock explosion in Tianjin last year, even though they were a mile from the explosion they never went through customs and were written off there on paper, so had to travel back from China to be scrapped. Sad to watch.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BernardTPM


      I am going to feel really smug about recycling my plastic milk jugs knowing I am so much more caring about the world than anyone involved in that farrago. And if any politician tells me I'm not doing enough I can suggest where he might shove a Jaguar.

    3. uax6


      But your not doing your best. I put my glass milk bottles out for the milkman to re-use.....

    4. BernardTPM


      Sadly no milkman calls these days.

      Would you like a Jaguar?

  5. The Ipcress file.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is that like watercress?

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      If they'd been here I'd have been a hero..

      Well, they aren't and you're not.

    4. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      He doesnt have my sense of humour. Yes I will miss that sir.

  6. Watching loads of brand new Jaguars being scrapped.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Fell off the back of a ship...

    3. mark374


      OUCH that sounds like a nightmare seeing all of them being scrapped, i carnt bare to look


    4. Metr0Land


      Damned auto-correct - the msg should have said cars to be scraped of mud

  7. Get confident stupid.

    1. Mallard60022


      What happens if I am over confident already? Do I need medication?

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      No Herr Doktor von Quackenburghofmeister, this is a new condition called 'confident-stupid'. It affects some, not others. I suspect it has baffled medical science so far.

    3. Mallard60022
  8. Just had first ever eye test and got my first pair of glasses, feels wierd but so much better.

  9. Watching the BRM video Biggleswade.

    1. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Sandy is just so much better and just 3 miles away...

  10. My train driver today was the 2nd Sam.

    1. Londontram


      As long as it wasn't the son of Sam

    2. cb900f


      Are you still collecting the bits, compressor, exhaust etc ?

    3. Claude_Dreyfus


      Sam Smith were a highly-skilled engine driver...

  11. Shunted the real thing today more times than I would do a shunting layout at a show. Time for a beer.

    1. big jim

      big jim

      12 hour shunt turn for me tomorrow too

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      Shunting rakes so they are uniform, ie all door catches on one side. Takes a long time and makes very little difference really but got asked to do it.

    3. MartinWales


      A beer or two it sounds like!


  12. Ill always remember Andy Y phoning me and giving me some advice a long time ago when I was down. I cant remember what the advice was however.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Take the blue pill, or was it the red one?

    3. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      When chipping a loco, cut the purple wire - or was it the red - or the black?


      Come to think of it, I've forgotten myself in all the excitement - cut the lot - what can possibly go wrong?

    4. sharris


      It's the red wire, no! It's the green one, no! it's errr....

  13. Ill always remember Andy Y phoning me and giving em soem advice a long tiem ago when I was down. I cant remember what the advice was however.

  14. Ill always remember Andy Y phoning mem and giving em soem advice a long tiem ago when I was down. I cant remember what the advice was however.

  15. Sausage lawyers 4 U.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      I may not have said Vegetenarians are mad, but I bet at least some of them are, and just because I mentioned a mad Sausagarian, doesn't mean all Sausagarians are mad ;-)

    3. DonB


      And if the sausage skin fits.. wear it!

    4. adb968008


      Is Black Pudding considered a sausage ?

  16. Tippi Hedren.

    1. ian


      Got given the bird as I recall.

  17. One of my sound fitted locos ran into a dead section and now it runs but the sound has gone.

    1. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      remove it from the track for about an Hour, it has happened to me in the past, and this seemed to re set it, all the best.

    2. Michael Delamar
    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      Do a factory reset..or, better still email me a SPROG

  18. Finding a property to live in which also has a 25x10 space for the trainset is proving difficult.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      Think the man shed is gonna have to be built.

    3. skipepsi


      Find a house with a big garden and build an extension two storeys at least 14 ft wide railway room below master suite above.

    4. tetsudofan


      You can buy my house when I pop my clogs and you'll get the train room you want.....but you'll also get a garden railway thrown in.

  19. I thought the hardest part would be getting a mortgage, turns out its finding a house I like, getting frustrating now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      I passed a couple of these empty streets when I was on the bus going towards Hattons' old shop

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      don't rush ... get the one you want

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      Must have a double garage...

  20. They've changed Flickr again and its a PITA.

    1. Horsetan


      How is that different from normally?

  21. These chattering servos are gonna drive me mad.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Perhaps it would not be quite so bad if they were talking about something useful, such as the livery choices for new RTR releases.

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      Haha, i think ive found a solution to shut them up. A core around the wires.

  22. Fancy doing a lathe course.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PhilEakins


      Gosh - that's a turn up ...

    3. Kylestrome


      May the Swarf be with you.

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      Question or statement?

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