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  2. Good morning everyone Another bright sunny start to the day here in England’s northwest corner. We didn’t stay up last night to see if we could see the aurora, there’s too much light pollution here. I’ll shortly be setting off to collect Ava, who is spending the day here with us. Our first task will be to finish making the cheesecake I started yesterday afternoon. After that, I suspect she’ll be doing a bit more sewing, as she’s a project that’s almost completed and sunshine means light is very good at the moment. So, whilst Ava is sewing, I might do a bit more card modelling. Back later. Brian
  3. Hi the joys of primer. I use Vallejo acrylics all the time. If you intend to use light clouds, use a light primer, and the opposite goes for dark colours. Have a look here https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/ https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/?s=primer Yes, there's more than one colour primer about. Do your homework first, it helps. https://acrylicosvallejo.com/en/hobby-color-charts/ Regards Jeff
  4. I love my batteries. 3 days and we haven't taken any power from the grid and the batteries were still at 70% capacity this morning. :-) Cheers Dave
  5. Ok, not just me then. Will drop a message on Monday. Thanks. Roy
  6. Not quite "Physician, heal thyself", but close! Mark
  7. Following your ballasting ‘adventure’ with interest as I am about to tackle a similar area on my layout. A bit late but I’ve encountered similar problems. My old pva seemed to go ‘off’ so I bought some new and it was fine. I used silver sand also and it was a right swine - it went blue as did the air in my shed and it took many attempts at weathering to get the colour anywhere near like I wanted it. Keep up the good work and please submit further progress pictures.
  8. ...ours is a fixed commercial anytime rate...our landlord isn't allowed to profit from energy costs by law. BeRTIe
  9. Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson
  10. It's April 28th 1962 and N7 69621 has been prepared for 'The Great Eastern Suburban Rail Tour'.
  11. Yeovil Pen Mill was curved - although in this case dock on the inner side - google below for a photograph. https://www.yeovilhistory.info/penmillstation.htm
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I expected to be fast asleep last night and miss the northern lights, but bladder control alerted me about four am. It wasn't as good as some saw it due to light pollution making it a bit hazy but you could see the mauve and green colours.
  13. Think I might of seen this myself, me and my mate had just covered The Bangor probably a Duff and a 40 passed on 4D59 while we walk along the prom towards Old Colwyn. All we could see was flames and the 40 at full Trash what a noise you could still hear it as it went though Mochdre….. No better noise….😏
  14. A point of view Knows not where he's going to Isn't he a bit like you and me? Nowhere man please listen You don't know what you're missing Nowhere man, the world is at your
  15. I’m sure there’s a good reason, but were you not tempted by a cassette to move them without any handling of the paint?
  16. Public chargers are a ripoff. May I ask why you're paying as high as 19p for home charging? Octopus Intelligent Go is 7.5p during the 6 hour overnight window. EDit: IIRC non-intelligent Go is still 9p for a 4 hour window if your charger isn't compatible with Intelligent Go.
  17. Thanks for the explaination Hugh. Personally however I think the Class 92s should be included, and would make a better cut-off, as they were the last locos ordered and built for BR. p.s. I've emailed you through some potential corrections for you to consider
  18. I’m not totally convinced by Cartertons frilly skirt, but it was cheap and does the job. All set up at the South Herts MRC exhibition and ready to go.
  19. I would use Peco medium radius turnouts, proper turnouts would be in the order of 1 in 7 or 8 B's, but I would use a 6B, due to space.
  20. That’s really fantastic. I still remain a big fan of Enderlin, however.
  21. I had a great day Thursday which may never be repeated? I imported 24kWh from solar and managed to use all of it without dropping any excess to the grid.
  22. Ignire the detail on the desktop thingy. It's not a smart meter. When I had one it couldn't cope with peak/off peak pricing etc. Just use it a s a general guide as to when you're pulling a lot of power from the grid and try to juggle things to avoid drawing too much.
  23. At present the Doncaster PSB takes over at Stoke Tunnel (south of Grantham) so that is the cut off north of Peterborough
  24. Another over the edge? https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2024-05-10/18th-century-clifftop-home-teetering-on-the-edge-is-torn-down
  25. It would seem an extraordinary coincidence that, almost half a century since TT-3 was abandoned as a consumer product, Peco would have suddenly decided to introduce a TT range to a British market with no British outline stock available just months before Hornby did and also brand it as TT:120. Producing TT track aimed at the European market would have made sense anytime* since the likes of Tillig updated the old eastern block products and Peco have produced 12mm gauge track for H0m ( also used by many British 3mm gauge modellers) for ages, so why 2023? I'd used the old East Gertman Berliner Bahn stuff for H0m for quite some time but it was always a bit crude. There's no comparison with modern TT and H0m from Tillig (I suspect using the same basic mech designs) *Peco also market their 00 Bullhead track in France as H0 "double champignon" and, given its prevalence on many railways there until comparatively recently, it seems to sell well. so the European market is important to them
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