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Default stances of negativity

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the main problem is that people are quick to judge. Everyone is guilty of this to some degree I guess, but there are those that take it a step further!
I also don't think its confined to the internet, nor to this hobby by any stretch of the imagination.

You've just gotta keep on going and ignore them, because the moment you challenge them, the less likely they are to shut up!

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Andy would be advised to take out the Products and Trade section, he would then eliminate the negativity from this web site in one stroke. In return a new Products section should be introduced under his own control.  Announce new forth coming models and show pictures of the model as it is about to be launched.  No 3D Cads or preproduction models to be shown and definitely no comments or nit picking by members allowed.


A negative corner (moaners corner) section can then be added.


A Doctor friend who is a GP has told me that he is experiencing a large increase of patients suffering from depression over the last 4 years. A sign of the times or have they been on this site.  Answer Kenton on a stamp.



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Having read my 'unread posts', I note a stark contrast between two of them. As it happens, by coincidence or design?, they are consecutive (153 & 154).

I also note a stark contrast in the levels of support for each - draw your own conclusion?

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Remember 20 years ago when, if we were not happy with a new model we modified it. There were even bits we could buy to modify the model.

Now the models have all that extra detail and people expect more.

All the extra detail costs money and also slows down development and production. I think we were probably happier 20 years ago.

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Interesting how we all interpret things slightly differently.  When I read the OP, I didn't see it as being a rail against criticism, or even negative comments per se, but more a dig about members whose default (and frequently permanent) stance is negative.  Personally I don't mind discussion and debate provided it's not personal and find that even the most extreme of views can still inform my own knowledge and opinions.


I have developed the habit of looking at the posters name before reading new content and there a few now who I just don't bother reading; some I skim and some I concentrate on.  I doubt there's much that, say, Kenton and I would agree on - but I always read his posts in full as they're reasoned, referenced and sincere; he's also able to laugh at himself and puncture his own balloon when necessary.


My default position is optimism, but I never fail to be surprised by the joy, kindness and fun I come across in daily life - virtual or real-life.  Sometimes life/work/people/models are c**p, but I'd rather spend my time enjoying what's good.

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Having read my 'unread posts', I note a stark contrast between two of them. As it happens, by coincidence or design?, they are consecutive (153 & 154).

I also note a stark contrast in the levels of support for each - draw your own conclusion?

I'd suggest: something like confirmation bias, i.e. preferential treatment to existing beliefs; perhaps similarity in age, demographics and personal experience. Particular groups may be more likely to click "like" - one wonders if that (or "I want a" in wishlists or a poll) have that much more value than "nothing in it for me" or "too expensive".


But I'll have my own bias, so... :meeting:

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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting how we all interpret things slightly differently.  When I read the OP, I didn't see it as being a rail against criticism, or even negative comments per se, but more a dig about members whose default (and frequently permanent) stance is negative.  Personally I don't mind discussion and debate provided it's not personal and find that even the most extreme of views can still inform my own knowledge and opinions.

I don't really see the difference (mind you I've not been in the areas that seem to have sparked all of this off). There are plenty of areas that I'm negative about by default, simply based on my experience of not liking most of what's come out of something (I'm talking entirely generally here). If experience has made someone sceptical then a negative default position is fair enough.

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...... oil and gas.... hostage at the Armnias In Amenas facility in Algeria....


Oh God. Algeria. Troubled country, that, but Algerians joke that they are so advanced that even their President is virtual. (Bouteflika hasn't been seen in public for so long that there are genuine doubts as to whether he's actually alive).


A lawyer of Algerian / Berber origin that I worked with until recently was so distressed at the state of his country that he left many years ago and became Belgian. Belgium holds the world record (in modern times) for existing without forming a government - 541 or 589 days, depending on which source you prefer - which sort of demonstrates that either:


- you don't necessarily need government if your country runs smoothly; or

- Belgium is a country that works despite its government, rather than because of it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Having read my 'unread posts', I note a stark contrast between two of them. As it happens, by coincidence or design?, they are consecutive (153 & 154).

I also note a stark contrast in the levels of support for each - draw your own conclusion?

Exactly so.  I expect many of us are less than happy about all sorts of things in the modern world compared with what we remember of the past.  But so what - that is us and our view of the world or the way it is changing and there's no need whatsoever to dump our angst on anybody else, especially on a hobby website.


Equally we can all hold opinions, or be aware of facts about various things which cause us to hold a 'negative' view but there are ways and means of expressing such views without getting nasty, without getting personal, and without sounding like the same old well worn record.  Perhaps it would pay us all to read our posts before we post them (even if I do miss my own typos  :scratchhead: ) and just not click on the 'Post' button until we have realised exactly not only what we have been saying but how we have been saying it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Perhaps it would pay us all to read our posts before we post them (even if I do miss my own typos  :scratchhead: ) and just not click on the 'Post' button until we have realised exactly not only what we have been saying but how we have been saying it.


Maybe there should be a 'naughty step' in the form of a delay mechanism added to the forum software, where Andy can put anyone who's too quick off the mark with their posts such that they have a five minute hold applied to their posts before they actually show up in a thread, with the opportunity to edit them within the hold period? It could also be something users could apply to their own profiles if they realise they need it.

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Maybe there should be a 'naughty step' in the form of a delay mechanism added to the forum software

I believe that is available and has been used.


It does, however, have a big side effect. On a busy topic like for example this one or the one's that have the "negativity" vibes, pages of additional posts can go by and the topic becomes very disjointed. It is bad enough at the moment where a post can be made in response to a previous post but there turns out to be several intervening posts on a slightly different aspect. A good example was by response above too a request to reply on a postage stamp.


Just think of the total chaos if several members were being moderated in that way and contributing to a discussion.


Besides, I do not think the Mods or Andy would appreciate the additional work involved.

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  • RMweb Gold

Exactly so.  I expect many of us are less than happy about all sorts of things in the modern world compared with what we remember of the past.  But so what - that is us and our view of the world or the way it is changing and there's no need whatsoever to dump our angst on anybody else, especially on a hobby website.


Equally we can all hold opinions, or be aware of facts about various things which cause us to hold a 'negative' view but there are ways and means of expressing such views without getting nasty, without getting personal, and without sounding like the same old well worn record.  Perhaps it would pay us all to read our posts before we post them (even if I do miss my own typos  :scratchhead: ) and just not click on the 'Post' button until we have realised exactly not only what we have been saying but how we have been saying it.


Yes, but......there needs to be a preview button that allows you to see the text in as published form before you hit post. Other fora have it and I believe it is a vital tool to improving posts. Indeed you will find on some newspaper comments pages users regularly asking for this.


Anyone who has tried to proof-read their own typing or writing knows that it is nigh on impossible to proof read your own work. I believe there are brain related reasons for this but I can't remember the details. However changing the format/layout into into the end result is, in my experience, effective. I find it ideal on other fora for reducing my rage and waffle after a bout of keyboard bashing.


So I agree with Andy's sentiments, but I believe a Preview button could help reduce it. Which is more work for Andy!


As for negativity and increase in depression, this is well documented with respect to changes in our lives, and issues around control etc. But I'm not opening that can of worms!

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Maybe there should be a 'naughty step' in the form of a delay mechanism added to the forum software, where Andy can put anyone who's too quick off the mark with their posts such that they have a five minute hold applied to their posts before they actually show up in a thread, with the opportunity to edit them within the hold period? It could also be something users could apply to their own profiles if they realise they need it.

It would not work, Andy is human (I think he is) and not virtual so would not have the time to cope with this.  As I said before the main area of negativity occurs in the Manufacturers and Products section were there lurks a strange form of Railway Modeler who acts like a 10 year old 'One Direction' Groupies, fawning over the manufacturers when they do things the way they want and God help the manufacturer if he does anything that goes against their approval, these people used to appear at model railway shows in the days before the Internet and Forums in jackets covered in enamel badges, remember them, done everything and know nothing.


The average human does not read e-mails but scan then and then instantly responds without realising the facts, this causes no end of trouble in the work place let alone on Forums.


As my friends on the other side of the pond that are in the hobby say, It is a fun hobby and as long as you are enjoying your hobby then you are doing it right and everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it is the same as yours.


By the way Andy, great photos of the BCB in the MRJ the other month.



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  • RMweb Premium

Yes, but......there needs to be a preview button that allows you to see the text in as published form before you hit post. Other fora have it and I believe it is a vital tool to improving posts. Indeed you will find on some newspaper comments pages users regularly asking for this.


Anyone who has tried to proof-read their own typing or writing knows that it is nigh on impossible to proof read your own work. I believe there are brain related reasons for this but I can't remember the details. However changing the format/layout into into the end result is, in my experience, effective. I find it ideal on other fora for reducing my rage and waffle after a bout of keyboard bashing.


So I agree with Andy's sentiments, but I believe a Preview button could help reduce it. Which is more work for Andy!


As for negativity and increase in depression, this is well documented with respect to changes in our lives, and issues around control etc. But I'm not opening that can of worms!


There is a preview capability, but only in full edit mode ('Reply with attachments') on its own page, not using the quick reply mode ('Reply to this topic') at the bottom of the the topic page.

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  • RMweb Gold

Having just watched, in dismay I might add, PMQs on tv it is apparent that moaning/ sniping / denigrating others goes right to the top. What a shambles - how the mother of parliaments ever gets anything done is beyond me, concentrating as they do on simply belittling others of a different political persuasion.


It would appear that the malaise outlined in the OP is not unusual......

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, but......there needs to be a preview button that allows you to see the text in as published form before you hit post. Other fora have it and I believe it is a vital tool to improving posts. Indeed you will find on some newspaper comments pages users regularly asking for this.



Try putting it into italics ... ... sorry but it does make it look different.


I think it must also depend on how you post as what I see on my screen is more or less exactly as it appears once posted (and I still get trypos!)

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